EPCOT needs help, and other recent onsite observations ( 9/8 thru 9/12)

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hi folks..

I returned home recently after my bi-annual pilgrimage to WDW and experienced many things i thought would be of interest to our readers. I was on property for a week and came away with a head full of thoughts, which i feel a need to share with those who care the most...WDW Magic members!

So here goes....

I will start with the Magic Kingdom proper. I was stunned to see monorails' LIME and CORAL in operation on the MK line! I have not seen these "colors" in ages and thought they were no longer being used. Then again, this is off-season so the usual colors were probably being given a rest after the Summer Season. For those readers who are monorail inclined, the first 4 days i was there i saw Lime, Coral, Green, Blue, Black, Red, Gold, and Silver running with Pink, Orange and Yellow appearing towards the end of my weeks' visit. I'm still stunned to have seen/rode Lime and Coral! ( Yes, i'm a freak....)

Okay, once arriving at the Park itself the most notable sight to behold was the Train Station under reconstruction/rehab. The whole half of the building was bagged in green fabric tarps and construction workers were beavering away fully during Park hours. It looks like they were doind some major repairs or some major improvements to the place from what i saw. On Monday i visited again to see what progress had been made and a wall was now up that enclosed the first half of the Main Street loop. It was put up to house building equiptment and supplies, plus lighting rigs for nightime work. You could plainly see everything when atop the balcony that is excessable from the train platform.

Since this wall was covering a good portion of the Parade route from the Expo Hall to City Hall, it made for a very interesting Parade that afternoon to say the least! All the uppers and leads were in the streets as this was the first time these huge floats would have to make a 90 degree turn to clear the sidewalk and make it to the exit point behind the Firehouse. It was very interesting and entertaining in a way to see this unfold as nobody really knew what was going to happen! Everything starts out okay, but by the time the Aladdin Globe foat reaches the end of Main Street proper and starts to enter the circle, it gets hung up on the corner sidewalk. Well you just had to hold your breath as all heck breaks loose from a mangement standpoint as they try to direct the float driver who is probably sweating right about now, to trying to get the huge thing of the curb and back onto the road! After a couple of minutes they succeed, and the Parade continues to exit on cue pretty much with no other major misshaps. It was amazing to see how well those drivers can handle those giant complicated floats...literally turning them on a dime in this situation. Hopefully that wall will not be up for too long as the Parade just is'nt the same when it is forced to take this "shortcut" to exit.

The other thing i wanted to note about the SADCT Parade was a few days before the wall went up i saw it from FrontierLand and noticed some major issues with the characters appearences. I won't go into too much detail as i am a firm beleiver in "preserving the Magic" but in a nutshell some of the Parade characters looked very poor appearence wise. One of the dwarves ( Doc) had a very dirty and worn hat on ( a bit shocking as i have never witnessed this in a Park) and this was very obvious. Also, there was a older Louie doing meet n' greets in the Park that afternoon and he was well worn which was surprising to see. I also witnessed poor dressing in some other parades ( Stars n' Cars at MGM is one) where it seems the characters were not properly "checked" before going "onstage". I have read before that DW has this reputation lately of not caring well for the characters, and i did'nt beleive it until now. Usually everything looks spotless and gleaming in the furry department but it was'nt the case in the parades which was surprising to me.

Characters now....it seems to me that for the week i was there only a small handfull of characters were about in the Park. Everytime i was there through the course of the week i saw the exact same characters in mostly the same spots. Now i know about meet n' greets and such, but i would think Disney would realize that some folks visit the Park more then one time during there stay and that seeing different characters would be much more magical. Variety is the spice of life they say..it i have to agree in this case. When i last visiting the World in 2002, I saw dozens and dozens of characters each day. They were mixed around very well. This time however it was the same ones everytime: Mick, Minnie, Pluto, Goofy ( and a rare appearence by Max which was cool), Geppeto, Baloo and Louie and Peter Pan. Chip and Dale also appeared on some of the days, as well as Prince John. I really find it odd that Prince John is out so much when most folks have no clue as to who he is. I'm not complaining, as i LOVE Robin Hood and PJ was the star of that movie for me. It's just odd he is everywhere it seems...i kept bumping ito him contantly in both MK and AK. Strange.

Other Main Street highlights this week were meeting the Main Street performers. The Mayor, Fire Chief, and several flapper gals were entertaining passerbyers as well as a group of brass musicians dressed and train workers. I always enjoyed the streetmosphere players and rarely get to see them in action so this was nice to witness. They would entertain mainly in the morning when the crowds would be coming into the park after opening. There was also a street show consisting of some performers dressed in period costumes that arrived either on the horse trolly or the double decker bus. They sang along to a soundtrack broadcast in the zone area they were in ( upper Main St. near the Castle end) and were quite good. These sorts of things always add a lot of nice atmosphere to the place...keep it up!

Now onto the attractions...

The big news for me is that after all of these years, i have FINALLY seen COP!! YES!! Finally!

I tend to visit WDW off-season, and for ages now COP was always closed whenever i would be down there it seemed. I have now finally seen this gem of gems in the Disney Crown and i have to say it is WONDERFUL!! I LOVE COP!!!! The theme song along has me hooked ( Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow)...i was humming this throughout my trip. COP looked great...everything was working fine from what i could see and i sat front row at all 5 showings i went to. COP must not close!! EVER!! This thing is one of the last great AA Attractions and is Walt's own baby. I am proud to say that i am a avid COP fan and will do what i can to save it from being gutted. I LOVE this show!!! Crowds were very light though.....Disney needs to better promote what COP is exactly and get people in there to witness this wonderful and entertaining show. Wow it was good.....i am interested in hearing about how it's been changed over the years. I mean, i don't think Jean Shepard was around to do the orignal voice over way back in 64' so can anybody clue me in as to what COP was like before? Thanks in advance!

More attractions now..Timekeeper was listed in the color MK brochere but was not open the entire time i was there that i know of. This is yet another show that i have yet to have seen as it is always down when i visit. Oh well.....maybe next time, but from all the rumors i hear, there may not be a next time. As already reported, the inside of the entrance to the theatre is now a character meet and greet with Stitch, Buzz, and the Incredibles.

And speaking of Stitch...i saw SGE for the first time and after 4 viewings with various age groups i have come to the conclusion that it's a okay attraction. Note i say "Okay"......AE was far superior, we already know this. The CM's i was talking to later that day outside of the attraction agree that it sucks when compared to what was before it. They hear almost daily from Guests that AE was awesome and that is missed dearly. I don't mind SGE...it's novel and can be fun for folks that have not experiences anything like it before ( i will always remember my first experience in AE..i loved the unpredictible feeling of not knowing what was really going to happen, and the scary elements. It rocked!!). I have to say though that i think having the Stitch character attacted to this type of attraction can be missleading to parents. I am not one, but i witnessed several cases where children became seriously freaked by the effects, loud noises, and other goings on. On bus rides back to the hotel, a would overhear parents commenting on there days experiences and most had negative things to say about SGE. I think they felt that since a "kid character" was involved in the show, it was going to be a "kiddie" type show. Well, i enjoyed it but agree that it is now ways near as awesome as AE was. The Stitch AA was very lifelike and very cool though...i'm a big AA animation fan and seeing Stitch "walk" around and spit was neat.

Okay, other attractions now.....Pirates was fabulous and in great shape....everything working well. For those who still have your light-up "Magical Moments" pins i have good news for you: Yes, they still work!! My pin went nuts in several attractions ( Small World and Epcot's River of Time being the most active) so there's confirmation they can still be activated. My advice though it to be sure to bring a extra set of batteries. My set fizzled out after only 4/5 rides and it was a shame i could'nt have used it longer! Be sure to bring a extra set! You can buy replacement batteries for them at any Radio Shack for about $6+ for a set. Use # 2032.

Moving on now to one of my all-time favorite attractions ..The Country Bear Jamboree. As usual, i saw this show multiple times during my stay and have to say that the Henry that opens the show needs a restoration badly. His animations were fine, and his face was in good condition, but his body fur...exspecially his arms....were very badly worn out. He needs a new body fur makeover badly! Trixie was also looking mighty shabby, and her clothing was droopy. Melvin Moose was also in need of some attention. Again, all animations were working fine ( except Melvin) and these two were just in need of a cosmetic makeover.

Fans of Peter Pan's Flight will be delighted to hear that the tin foil that lines the inside of the volcano in Neverland is still there ( LOL!). Of all the attractions in all of the MK, PPF always had the longest line and the longest wait time. FLIK cards were readily in use during my week there...most attractions were using them to gage the correct wait times. Almost all attractions had the wait times posted incorrectly, but that's okay as in all cases you had to wait far less time! Crowds in general were light....i waited little or no time for everything including the major draws. The only rides that needed a FP was Pooh ( of course...sigh) and Pan.

This was my first time seeing Small World since the rehab earlier this year and i have to say it looks absolutely INCREDIBLE!! WOW!! They did a fantastic job resurrecting this! I adore the new facade and the animated clock tower and hourly display is wonderful! The place looked stunning both inside and out...i was elated to see that even the water was clean! What i GREAT rehab! They should all be this well done! I am wondering though if they tinkered with the layout inside though...the first room ( Europe) seems different then what i remember. It seems that many of the displays on the far left wall ( Holland, Ireland, for example) are now much lower for easier viewing. I remember them being higher up and you really had to crane your neck to see them. It could just be me though..... A few figures were not working, but when i would visit on another day often things were corrected. The female Irish Dancer doll was removed however the week i was there, perhaps for a repair? Regardless, SW was awesome to say the least. I can't beleive how bright and fresh it looks. Amazing!! I saw stuff in there i have never seen before...a job well done!!

I stopped by Cosmic Ray's to see my old pal Sonny Eclipse perform which is always a Lunch highlight for me. He was looking and sounding great...i love this guy! For Sonny fans, he is still there and looking good!!

The Noodle Station was open so i was able to finally sample some of there offerings and loved it! I think this will be my new snack shack now...mmmm..noodle bowls......

Speaking of food...i had a great time with my Disney Dining Plan offer i recieved with my trip. I was able to dine all over the place for free since i traveled off-season and enjoyed it very much. I was able to eat at many places i normally would'nt have been able to due to budget constraints and sample some fine food creations which was very nice! I spent most of my dining time in EPCOT ( my "home") but did try out the Noodle Station and loved it! I will definately be back there in the future! For those considering getting a Dining Plan, just DO IT. You will not be dissapointed. It is true that you will NOT go hungry as i stuffed myself silly and still had two table meals and a snack left in the end that i did'nt use. I will more then likely get one the next time i visit as it does save you a heap of money in the end i think.

Cindereallbration was a utter flop for me. I went to see it with a open mind, although i had already read it was nothing too special. I watched it and was really surprised at how "empty" it was. There was nothing really to it...it just seemed a excuse to trot out the Princesses, which is the hot trend now. I found it lame to be honest. It would have been better with some added attraction to embellish the performances. The performers were fine...i'm not downing them. The show format is what i'm on about. It needs..."something".

The castle looked beautiful all done up in gold. They should keep it that way for a while..it really looks nice! The gold characters could be done away with after the 50th and just keep the gold trim. Very sharp looking and it was a nice touch when the sun came out and made the wired glitter sparkle. "Wishes" was shown one night i was there and since it was quite windy due to the hurricane spinning off the FL coast, Tinkerbell did not fly that night. The show otherwise was good...the best part being when the castle becomes Mickey's sorcerer's hat with special lighting effects. Very neat. I do hope someday they bring the current DL show to FL...i LOVE that version!!

Well that's all i can think of at the moment in regards to the MK. If there is something in particular you are wondering about, feel free to ask and it may jog my memory.

For now i will post this and begin another segment about EPCOT. I have much to say about this!

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
And now onto EPCOT...my favorite park, the place i like to call "home" when in the World.

First and foremost, what stuck me the most once on site was the apparent lack of care this park seems to have based on some examples i saw. I love this place, and like all things we care about we hate to see them uncared for and neglected in ways. Epcot is in desperate need of some serious work in the repainting/groundskeeping department.

The walkways need to be repainted badly. The place is really showing it's age and i was quite surprised to see this at a Disney Park. I hope this is not the sign of the times? Most cement walkways needed to be repainted very badly as the paint is now literally worn off by the thousands of feet that have tread on it. Many of the higher trees needed trimming too, mainly the square trees near Spaceship Earth. They needed to be trimmed at the top and were roughly shaped..not the firm, crisp shape they usually have. Perhaps i'm just nitpicking too much...but these examples seemed to leap out at me as being out of the ordinary for a Disney Park.

To cheer myself up i headed up to ride Spaceship Earth, one of my fave attractions and the one of the last great Omnimover ride-thru attractions. Crowds were very light most days i rode. I loved every second of my 6 rides, but i have to say that the tv monitors in the aacent tunnel really spoil the effect for me. I prefer the ascent in the dark, as per the original version. I find now that i have to raise my arm up to block the annoying light so i can enjoy what the Imagineers originally envisioned as the ascent atmosphere. Tv screens i find very annoying! The announcement during the climax at the top of the sphere is also annoying as it kind of ruins things theme-wise. Oh well....at least Rome still smells wonderful ( Mmm...WED cinders...) and the AA were all in good condition and looking fine. I was also delighted to see that the blanant AT&T ad that graced the end of the decent tunnel had finally been removed. Yay!! Having it gone actually enhances the ride experience i think, for me anyway. And speaking of enhancement...is it me or have they improved the sparkling light effects in the final descent tunnel? They seemed much brighter this time around and the colors more profound. It really looked nice! I adore SE and will be very sad when the time comes it is closed and it's future is uncertain. SE cannot be destroyed! This attraction is a incredible engineering marvel and it would be a grave mistake to gut it in the blind current want of yet another "thrill ride" attaction. Everytime i ride it, i think of all those Imagineers who slaved away on it's construction and output, presentation, and final installation. It is indeed a incredible accomplishment, and to this day leaves me awe-inspired. Please don't let his wonderful experience be trashed like Horizons,JII, and WOM were. Look at what "replaced" them.....don't let this happen to SE!

Moving on i skipped "Mission:Space" and the loathed "Test Track" ( sorry, World of Motion was far superior for me) to check out the old Odessey. I wish they would re-open this for Guest dining. It's a shame to see it sitting there literally aging away. I always thought it was a good location and the building has a neat look...classic EPCOT at it's finest. I hope something good is done with it soon. Cool Station was all covered up with walls and it looks like they have really gone to town on the de-construction of the location. The cafe next to it was closed as well....forget the name offhand...it was'nt down for rehab, just closed due to it being off-season no doubt.

Speaking of re-habs, Living Seas is just sitting there. Nothing has been done outside of the building as of yet, just the appearence of a Nemo character sculpture which is actually quite nice. It's ment for Guests to use as a backdrop for photos....and on one of the days i was there a character of sorts was there to greet Guests. Similar to the tree lady in AK, this was a silt type character that looked like a walking coral reef plant! Very different....

The Land has walls up again..this time around the center area in front of the pavilion as well as a small area to the left of the entrance. There were a lot of walls up in Epcot, many noting they were getting things ready for the upcoming Food and Wine Festival. I viewed the newly redone Land pavillion and have to say that i prefer the previous version much more. I don't care for the current theming..and man i do miss that fountain! At least the balloons are there, but the place has the charm of a local shopping mall and that's just depressing. Soarin' i enjoyed...my first ride was in the front row so i experienced everything very well. I loved the ending when you fly over DisneyLand at Christmastime! That was great! The smells were all working fine. except the sea scent ( i assume there is one, as i heard the air come on but no scent really). The orange scent brought back memories of that golden oldie "Horizons". How i miss it so.....

Next up was my usual pilgrmidge to "Journey.." and this time since nobody was around Guest wise i was able to spend some time examining the ceiling for traces of the original and beloved attraction. If you look above you just as you enter the main load area, you can see the circle shaped ceiling that once housed Dreamfinders Dream Machine among other things. There are also visable marks and seams where you can see here the original rotating scenes were slotted into. I'm sure the CM's were wondering what the heck i was looking at...i must have been a odd sight! It was very neat to see these traces of the past though, as the original JII is very close to my heart. It was very inspiring to me, and still is to this day. I think it's a terrible tragety that it was gutted in the desire for "improvement". Bah, bring back the classic!! I also ceiling-searched in the ImageWorks play area and found more evidence of the past. If you visit anytime soon, take a look! Imageworks is such a waste of space...i'm sorry, i have to say it. I will note though that there is a new attraction in there that may be of interest to "purists" and Original Ride freaks like me. In the Imageworks on your right as you first enter the area after unloading from the ride there is a electronic gimmick-game featuring a CG Figment that will play instuments with the wave of your arms. Nothing special here really....but what makes this stand out is it uses the original ride's music loop from the opening sequence! Yes! So that was nice to hear again....with no vocals! Very nice. Imageworks is still lame though.

Okay...now onto World Showcase! Here's something interesting that happend one morning i was there. At about 10:30 in the morning or so the Illuminations fire barge suddenly exploded into flame with a huge sound. It lasted about half a minute or so but it scared the fertilizer out of everyone myself included! I have heard about "burn off" but was'nt expecting to see this in the daytime. The following night Illuminations was delayed due to problems they were having with the barge, and eventually the show went on but without the fire! Now that was interesting to see..Illuminations running with NO fire in the proper segments! I felt bad for the first-timers who did'nt know about the fire normally being in the show....they totally missed out on the full experience. I'm a serious Illuminations fan ( love that music!!) and although it was odd seeing the show without the fire, it was neat to see this rare "alternative" version. Also during this show, one of the fountain badges was'nt working properly. After about a minute or two of it obviously not working during the "green" segment, it looked as though someone tapped in and turned it on manually. I guess you could say it was a total mess up...but hey, that's what's nice about seeing multiple showings!


New Member
I love the old school colors of the monorail as well!

I am so glad that you got to see COP and enjoyed it! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE COP and the song will get you hooked.

Thanks for the informative update.:)

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
World Showcase now...

"The River of Time" in Mexico was looking great...things looked better then when last a rode a few years back. It looks like everything has been cleaned or repainted, and the films used throughout the ride are fresh prints and are no longer looking faded and aged.

"Maelstrom" was in fine shape too....a short but enjoyable ride. New lighting has been added to the oil rig i think...i don't remember fiber-optic lighting on it before. The pasteries in Norway are as delicious as ever...this trip i sampled a fruit tart, cream horn, waffle, and sweet pretzel. Mmm...yum!

China had acrobats performing and the old 360' film "Wonders of China" is still good. Many folks say it needs to be updated but i don't think so. It's timeless like the land itself.

Morrocco had some great entertainment as well as Canada ( love those bands!) and the American Adventure is still wonderful to see. What a great show...the AA's are some of Disney's best ever. Incrediblely lifelike and true performances from thse figures really enhance this production. Let's hope this is around for many more years!

Oh i forgot to mention that "Figment's Place" was also closed most of the time i was there. A shame, as being a huge Figment Fan i was hoping to see his new place! Oh well....next time i guess!

I also visited MGM and Animal Kingdom, but not much to report on here. EE is still being put togther, and on the video played onboard Disney's Magical Express it says it's slated to open Spring 06'. You guys probably already knew this....but thought i would mention it just in case.

Oh, and those video programs shown while riding on the Magical Express are fun..but are a little, well, "goofy" ( no pun intended).
Hearing Stitch say "Welcome to Stitch Kingdom" made me wince, and i LIKE Stitch! Oh, and yes, the Stitch Kingdom speil is still on the monorail to the MK as well as the large Stitch stickers on some monrails on the nose and back. Glad to hear the "monorail man" though!
Heres a few pics from the main street rehab that I took today when I was there. Something that really suprised is that at lunch time the construction workers went on a lunch break, walked out of the doors, and just walked to wherever they eat at. I am suprised that Disney allowed them to do that. but anyways here s few. Most of the whole front hub was covered in construction walls, it was almost up to the flag stand.

It looks like they were working on some lighting in this pic. I can attest that the lighting on the outside works. I was at poly last night and I could see it from there.

Just a pic to show the walls, and the scaffolding

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thank you Mickey Man for posting the photos!

When i was there earlier this week, the construction workers were literally crawling all over the building. They were sweeping the roof as well and were making quite a bit of noise. I would think that a project this "noisy" and involved would be slated for nightime-only and not during park hours when Guests are there?


Active Member
Figments Friend said:
Thank you Mickey Man for posting the photos!

When i was there earlier this week, the construction workers were literally crawling all over the building. They were sweeping the roof as well and were making quite a bit of noise. I would think that a project this "noisy" and involved would be slated for nightime-only and not during park hours when Guests are there?

I imagine working in limited light would be difficullt to say the least. Besides, it's off-season. They don't seem to care as much for off season guests :lookaroun

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yes, good point! Now that i think more about it, i can see how difficult it would be to work on such a intricate building like the Train Station in the dimness of the night!

I forgot to mention that the fountains over at Imagination are also now under rehab. The famous "Leap Frog" and "Jellyfish" fountains are behind walls and the "Upside Down" fountain is not running but visable. From the Monorail you can see behind the walls, and it looks like the fountains are being cleaned and restored and hopefully not removed.

I also forgot to mention my thoughts on seeing "Pooh's Playful Spot" at the MK. My thoughts: wasted space. I do hope they follow through and eventually turn this area into a E-Ticket attraction. A "Little Mermaid" ride would be awesome!

Tron 2.0

I definitely wanted to add some comments about Figments Friend's trip. First of all, thanks for the report! I agree with a lot of your sentiments. I thought I might be able to shed some light on some of the issues discussed.

Figments Friend said:
Characters now....it seems to me that for the week i was there only a small handfull of characters were about in the Park. Everytime i was there through the course of the week i saw the exact same characters in mostly the same spots.
Welcome to the new(ish) way of doing things. You will generally see the same characters, in the same spots, during the same times every day. And while I agree it cuts down on variety, it makes life a lot easier for both guests and Cast Members who are no longer required to constantly be aware of where everyone is going to be.

I tend to visit WDW off-season, and for ages now COP was always closed whenever i would be down there it seemed. I have now finally seen this gem of gems in the Disney Crown and i have to say it is WONDERFUL!! I LOVE COP!!!!
I'm glad you enjoyed Carousel of Progress and I'm glad you finally were able to see it. I personally hate the attraction. Nostalgia factor aside, it is horribly dated and poorly maintained. And, believe me, Cast Members do a good job of trying to explain it to people, but it's really very difficult to describe. And once you do, people usually pass on it if it isn't raining or frightfully hot.

More attractions now..Timekeeper was listed in the color MK brochere but was not open the entire time i was there that i know of.
It was listed in your Times Guide as: "Temporarily Closed; Operates Seasonally." Last time it was opened was July 3rd and 4th. It's really not a very good attraction, but worth seeing if you haven't before. Of course, I really loathe Robin Williams. The French version was much better.

Moving on now to one of my all-time favorite attractions ..The Country Bear Jamboree.
The Country Bear Jamboree needs a major refurbishment so very, very badly. I really can't stress that enough. The audio is muffled to the point of being unrecognizable unless you're really familiar with it.

The Noodle Station was open so i was able to finally sample some of there offerings and loved it! I think this will be my new snack shack now...mmmm..noodle bowls......
I haven't ventured to the Noodle Station yet. I really forget that it's open when talking to guests. It also has incredibly odd hours right now (11 AM - 4 PM M, T, TH, F, SUN/ 11 AM - 9 PM WED, SAT... or something close to that) but hopefully it will expand if its successful.

Cindereallbration was a utter flop for me.
A Royal Disappointment, where Cinderella will be crowed every hour, seven days a week (weather permitting). By the end of its run, Cinderella will really be a Princess.


Tron 2.0

And I realize that all seemed very negative, which wasn't my intention.

Thanks again for the report! Glad to see that you had a good time!



Well-Known Member
Thanx for the observations. It's always intresting to read the current going-ons at the World. Oh, and Epcot is one of my favorite parks as well...looking foward to going (3 WEEKS!!)

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
More tidbits i just remembered....

I saw several folks at WDW this week that were dressed in what looked to be Disney Park Ambassadors. I came across them several times while strolling about the parks, in MK and EPCOT exclusively. In Mickey's Philharmagic one afternoon i came across two of them doing what looked to be a private tour for a small group of Guests. Peter Pan was with them the whole time, as if he was part of the tour group as well, and entertained the groups children on the floor while awaiting the doors to open for the show. Everyone then went in ( Peter too!) to watch the film which was neat. It's not everyday you get to watch Peter on the screen while he is sitting right in the audience with you! He was excellent at what he did for the kids too.....he was the real deal!

Another bit of news....there seemed to be a lot of Cast Training going on in the parks too. Maybe this is common at this time of year, but it really seemed noticable to me this trip.

Another adventure i forgot to mention....our bus broke down shortly after we left the MK after closing. We died a ways down the road that goes by the Contemporary, and the driver handled the tired crowd, anxious to get to there hotel, very well and in true lighthearted Disney fashion. We were'nt alone for long...the higher ups and security folks were there in an instant ( literally) which was great and we were off again in no time on another bus. The driver was making jokes about the friendly rivalry between the different transport drivers. He was going on about how it's the bus drivers who really deliver as when the thunderstorms blow in, it's the buses who bail them out....when the waters are too rough for the boat it's the buses who bail them out...and finally he commented on when his bus konks out, it's another bus that bails them out! Ha ha! Don't know what our Monorail driver friends would say about all this though...heh heh!

Another incident.....someone either passed out or was having health problems one afternoon last weekend at POTC. I don't know if it was the ride that effected this person, or just the intense heat of the afternoon but as i left the exit after riding i came upon the scence outside of the gift shop behind the POTC exit. They had the persons body cleverly hidden behind a hair braiding booth so as not to draw too much attention. I think there was even potted plants pulled over to obscere the scence somewhat. There was a woman on the ground though surrounded by several emergency medical personel and a streacher nearby which is what initially caught my attention. She was young...in her 20's maybe and i hoped everything worked out okay in the end. I did'nt stick around as it really was'nt my place to do so. Give the poor folks there privacy.

If i think of anything that springs to mind of interest, i will post it here. Sorry i do not have any photos to show....i can never succesfully post pix in any forum!

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Tron 2.0 said:
And I realize that all seemed very negative, which wasn't my intention.

Thanks again for the report! Glad to see that you had a good time!


Not at all...your comments were very informative! :)

I am glad to see you love TRON too! I'm a huge Tron fan myself ( the movie, not the games) and wore the Tron logo shirt i painted for a few days while at Epcot. Would'nt it have been cool if they had a Tron ride back then when Epcot first opened? Man, that would have been GREAT!

Yes, i had a great time which i always do. It's not just the attractions, it's the CM's who really make all the difference in the World. They were fabulous as always and always nice to talk to and relate with. Many of the best WDW experiences come from direct contact with CM's...so for all you CM's out there reading this THANK YOU for making the Magic!

Oh and regarding COP...i did'nt see it as outdated at all really. As a whole i thought it was wonderful fun. I can easily see though how hard it can be to try to describe it to Guests so i have sympathy for those who try.

Country Bears i agree needs a overhaul. The only place where i noticed poor sound repro was during the Sun Bonnets solo. It was very canned...and sounded like it was being broadcast from a can! Perhaps they need to upgrade the stage with some hidden Bose speakers or something. Those babies can do wonders when properly fitted in! Whatever they do, i hope they never close CB..that show rules!

Noodle Station is nice....i hope you get to go there soon and have a bowl!

Did i mention the incredibly friendly ducks at the MK and Epcot? They were everywhere, and i'm not talking about Donald and Daisy! :D


Account Suspended
Figments Friend said:
Not at all...your comments were very informative! :)

I am glad to see you love TRON too! I'm a huge Tron fan myself ( the movie, not the games) and wore the Tron logo shirt i painted for a few days while at Epcot. Would'nt it have been cool if they had a Tron ride back then when Epcot first opened? Man, that would have been GREAT!

Yes, i had a great time which i always do. It's not just the attractions, it's the CM's who really make all the difference in the World. They were fabulous as always and always nice to talk to and relate with. Many of the best WDW experiences come from direct contact with CM's...so for all you CM's out there reading this THANK YOU for making the Magic!

Oh and regarding COP...i did'nt see it as outdated at all really. As a whole i thought it was wonderful fun. I can easily see though how hard it can be to try to describe it to Guests so i have sympathy for those who try.

Country Bears i agree needs a overhaul. The only place where i noticed poor sound repro was during the Sun Bonnets solo. It was very canned...and sounded like it was being broadcast from a can! Perhaps they need to upgrade the stage with some hidden Bose speakers or something. Those babies can do wonders when properly fitted in! Whatever they do, i hope they never close CB..that show rules!

Noodle Station is nice....i hope you get to go there soon and have a bowl!

Did i mention the incredibly friendly ducks at the MK and Epcot? They were everywhere, and i'm not talking about Donald and Daisy! :D

Wow, great trip report. Based on your report, I may have never seen WDW before. The minutia!!! I'm an Air Traffic Controller and as occupational necessity I am very detail oriented. I have absolutely nothing on on you in the WDW detail department. I am not worthy! :wave:

One suggestion though, the violet or purple color you use for your posts are hard to read. It is not a good contrast. I found that while reading your post I had to blink and look away often before I could continue. Maybe it's just me. If so, my apologies.



Account Suspended
I really want to read and reply, because you did a lot of work, but I can't take reading your posts. Please use the default font and color in the future. Thanks.


Great update, but just had to make two comments...

Figments Friend said:
World Showcase now...

"The River of Time" in Mexico was looking great...things looked better then when last a rode a few years back. It looks like everything has been cleaned or repainted, and the films used throughout the ride are fresh prints and are no longer looking faded and aged.
Just had to say that I get a kick out of you calling it "The River of Time.' Now, I know that is what is its name in English, but still find it funny to see it called that.

Figments Friend said:
China had acrobats performing and the old 360' film "Wonders of China" is still good. Many folks say it needs to be updated but i don't think so. It's timeless like the land itself.
The film was updated in the past couple years. I think it was 2003 (but could be wrong) that it was updated.


Well-Known Member
Fantasic report and observations - thanks for taking the trouble to prepare it :)
May I request a black font next time (just to be a bit picky) lavendar in such quantity is a bit harsh on the eyes :dazzle:


New Member
COP **old** theme song

:wave: The old theme song for COP (back when it was sponsored by GE) was..........
Now is the time, now is the best time, now is the best time of our lives.

Life is a prize, live every minute, open the doors and watch how it glimmers...

Yesterday's memories may sparkle and gleam.

Tomorrow is still but a dream.

Right here and now. We've got it made.

The world's forward marching and you're in the parade!!


Active Member
Thank you for the update! I was very interested in reading your thoughts about EPCOT. When I went last month, I was so hyped since it was my very first trip to EPCOT. But with all the rehabs going on and the fact that it was raining that day, we didn't get the full experience. I was so disapointed.

Glad you had a great trip! Can't wait until mine in December.


Active Member
I'll have to agree that the landscaping in EPCOT looked worse than I've ever seen it (I was there on 9/9). I was just in EPCOT this past January, and don't remember it looking this bad.

I, too, love Spaceship Earth. The ride teaches timeless truths that will never, ever be outdated. The only thing that is weird is that the massive communication innovations of the 1970s, 80s and 90s are utterly missing from the ride. They should have left the kids bedroom from the early 80s in as a historical look at the early era of the PC.

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