I was thinking that too. I don't remember that pattern on there, but things have changed a bit since Tapestry of Nations. If that's not it, it could be the fact that it's raining during the parade. I thought they cancel it when it rains, or at least the RUN for cover when it does.
Wind is another issue. I use to get upset when I would see the cast members measuring the wind. It ususally mean it was too windy and cancelling the parade. I hated cancellations cause I'd have to stand in France (when they use to pass there) for 45 minutes with nothing to do. Tapestry made the job so much more fun . Do you know ther windiest spot in WSC? This is more of a question than trivia, I know of two places but not sure which one it is.
That is one of them. I'd always see someone with a wind meter there! I also saw them in Germany. I heard that Germany was the windiest spot. but I don't know if that's 100% true.