Epcot Center Map 1982


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so my grandma gave me 2 maps and 2 tickets from opening day they are kind of neat they have a wheel on the back of them just wondering if anyone eles out there had these maps I thought they where so neat how much detail they put into them!!


Well-Known Member
I have one of those maps. Here's some insight: The maps with the wheels are from the VERY early days of EPCOT, and the wheel only lasted through the first 3 printings of the Epcot map. (of coarse, later in resort history, all the theme parks got matching maps, like they have now.) The wheel maps were very expensive to produce and may have been the reason for them to be discontinued. A scan of the original 10/1/1982 map was printed on the 25th silver aniversary maps on 10/1/2007. That's about the extent of my knowledge on those particular maps, perhaps someone else can elaborate more.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for posting the link. That is really cool seeing the old wheel maps. It is also strange looking at the WDW property map and the only highlights are MK, Epcot, Poly, CR and FW. It is amazing how small the world once was.


Well-Known Member
now here is my question I have 2 of them does anyone think I should ebay one of them? or hold on to both?

Well, you can make a little money ebaying the map. But I would keep them both. It is not like you are going to make very much money - not enough to be worth the effort of selling.

BTW I have one of those wheel maps. It was reprinted inside the new 10/1/07 maps. :animwink:

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