Epcot and kids


Original Poster
Hi all!
I'm fairly new here and I haven't posted much. I like to read everyone else's thoughts though. I was just watching the behind the scenes shows that were on the travel channel this week and it got me thinking about what I thought about Epcot as a kid. I dreaded going there! It was my least favorite place to go. I hated walking through what I thought was a boring world showcase. I'm 22 now and it's become one of the things I most look forward to. I love the shopping and eating of course...:lol:
Anyway, I was just wondering if you think kids today feel the same way about Epcot? Do you think they think it's a boring park?
Let me know what you think!

Thanks! :wave:


Welcome to the boards!

My kids who are 11 and 14 love Epcot. They've been going since they were 5 and 3 and they have always enjoyed it. Granted it was a diferent experience for them then than now and we did the things that they would like when they were younger. As little kids they liked Living Sees and Honey, I shrunk the audience, Cranium Command, Maelstrom, the land, UoE, SE and they always liked seeing the entertainment in the world showcase.

Now they love TT and MS and they love the food and some of the shopping in WS. My 14 yo daughter especially. They always have to get Beaver Tails in Canada and pastry in France. They also like the movies. And they still like CC and Maelstrom and even SE. Mostly for the nostalgia, I think.

Have you been for the Food and Wine Festival? If you enjoy the food, you should check it out. It's great fun!


Well-Known Member
I am a huge fan of Epcot as you can tell by my user name. Here is my take on the topic...it's just like vegatables, some kids like 'em, some don't. I was 23 when I first went and stll love it. I don't have any childhood memories of Epcot because I was 22 when it opened. No childhood experiences with MK either, as I never got to go as a child. Younger kids will like MK the most of course, but I see kids all the time at Epcot who seem to really enjoy it, especially Future World, as the World Showcase does not seem to grab their attention as well.

If their first experience at WDW is of the MK, or even MGM, I think Epcot might be somewhat of a letdown. If they see it first, and take it all in, it will be an amazing place with lots of good memories. Just like vegatables, some kids will hate it, some will tolerate it, some will like it, and some will love it.

I love the place and it is my #1 choice in all of Florida.


New Member
Originally posted by DiPSU224

Anyway, I was just wondering if you think kids today feel the same way about Epcot? Do you think they think it's a boring park?
Let me know what you think!

Thanks! :wave:

Being that I'm a teenager, I feel that Epcot, especially Future World, is quite to the contrary. It's full of fun things to do. For those who want thrills, there's Test Track and Mission:SPACE. For those who like a pleasant walkaround, there's The Living Seas and Innoventions. For those who want a slow ride, there's Universe of Energy and Spaceship Earth. For those who want a walkaround with stuff to do, there's Wonders of Life and The Land. For those who want a little of everything, there's the Imagination pavillion, which has a ride, a 3-D show, an interactive playground, and a shop.


Well-Known Member
i freakin love epcot, by far my fav park. Im 24 so were pretty much the same age. I enjoy almost every part of the park. the norwegian girls especially :hammer:

Now im sure norwegian girls probably dont interest you as much as me, if they do call me :animwink: but there is so much to do at that park and such a wide variety of stuff you cant but help have a great time. then on top of the culture and hotties you have rides!! what a beautiful thing. im leaving for disney on feb. 4th and i will be spending a good part of the week there.


Original Poster
Originally posted by epcotisbest

If their first experience at WDW is of the MK, or even MGM, I think Epcot might be somewhat of a letdown.

I think that was why I didn't like Epcot as a child. Coming from the Magic Kingdom the previous day, I was still wanting the thrill rides and excitement. When I visited for the first time at 7 years old, Mission Space and Test Track were not there and it just seemed like a place that was more educational than most parks. I'm glad that kids that visit Epcot now can enjoy it just as much or more than the other 3 parks. :)

Thanks for the replies!


Active Member
Originally posted by Grumpy56
Welcome to the boards!

Now they love TT and MS and they love the food and some of the shopping in WS. My 14 yo daughter especially. They always have to get Beaver Tails in Canada and pastry in France.

We usually eat at the Rose and Crown---it's just a tradition with us, so I've never tried or even seen the Beaver Tails advertised. I I have to ask....What are they?


Originally posted by David
We usually eat at the Rose and Crown---it's just a tradition with us, so I've never tried or even seen the Beaver Tails advertised. I I have to ask....What are they?

They are delicious fried pastries (kind of like a Canadian churro but flat like a beavertail) served with various sauces. They are sold at a cart in front of Canada, and usually don't open until 3pm.


New Member
Have to agree with DiPSU224, if they are going for the first time ALWAYS do Epcot first. They will love it and the lack of tons of thrill rides won't hurt the experience.

Everytime I go with someone that has never been to WDW, I always go to Epcot the first day, and everyone loves it, and wants to visit again(usually for more of the food)and see if they missed anything.



New Member
I loved it as a kid when it opened and through to now. I miss the old rides but now, I can drink-it's kind of a tradeoff.BEERS AROUND THE WORLD!


Well-Known Member
EPCOT is NOT a park for the very young. If, however, you visit EPCOT first (as has already been said) there is nothing to compare it with and the Disney Characters at World Showcase has got to be a bonus to any youngster.


I hated it when I first went at 5. Then again in 2000 I was 11 and still didn't like it much but it's grown on me. I actually like going there. Now as for my sister whos 9 she finds it so boring. Especially when my mom and I shop at all the stores in the countries. Oh well I still think her head needs to be examined because she doesn't like to shop. lol


Well-Known Member
We love Epcot, since having kids we always come home saying "we didn't spend enought time at Epcot. Next trip we need to spend more." But each time we spend the majorty of our time where the young ones are happiest.

Our now almost 3 year old DD likes Epcot fine, (of course she likes MK better, but she never complains no mater where we go and is just happy to be at WDW, things might change around age 5 or so.)

Our last trip we had 2 sets of parents, 2 little ones (a few months younger then 3) and a 12 year old. Everyone loved Epcot, but once again we did not spend enought time there. We mostly hit the things the little kids liked, and a few extra.

Things little ones like, The Living Seas, the light upsidewalk at night, The pressed penny machines all around WS. The boat to play on at normway, the garden in Japan (with the big fishies) Mexico (the ride espcially) I think they would like Norway ride, but we didn't have time for it. They liked playing at the boat at norway. They were a bit scared of the fireworks, it was too close. There is some fun things in inovations young kids like too. The water fountion playground at the imagination pavillion. We did spilt up and the dads and 12 year old were able to do HISA, MS, and a few other things while moms shopped. We all had a really good meal at GG everyone enjoyed.

My 12 year old niece love Epcot, and I think was a little disapointed we didn't get to spend more time there (but she was good about it.) She loved getting Henna on her hand. There is a lot for preteens to explore in WS. I know my 7 year old Nephew would of been bad there, but then again we did't bring him with us for a reason. I think my 13 year old Newphew would have been fine, but would enjoy MGM and and MK better, but then again he is pretty easy going and has fun anywhere, so it depends on the kind of kid they are.

I 1st went when I was 13 years old, shortly after it opened and I LOVED it. I though WS was amazing and had never seen anyplace like it. It is very good for young girls imaginations.

If you spend enough time there to do everything the adults would like to at an nice slow pace, then yes kids will be bored. But if you comprimise it can be fun for all. If you need more time try getting some adult time (either by babysitters or spilting up.)

If we ever take an adult only trip I know we will spend most of us time at WS and Epcot.


New Member
Epcot is one of my favorite parks!!! When i was little however i still liked it ( i am now 12) Epcot has a place in each countrie that is called something like " kids Corner" and kids can go sit down at a little bench and start coloring a mask. Also all the countries attach something on the ear of the mask and you get it stamped at each countrie. Exp: China will write the kids name in Chinese on the back of the mask! That is something that holds parents down! but it is one of my favorite things to do there (it also gives you some time off your feet!)
just wanted to let you know :animwink:


New Member
I know we plan on spending a day and maybe a half day at Epcot when we go later in the year. I think there is something for young kids to do in the World Showcase...KidCot or something like that where there is an activity and such in each country for the little ones to do.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisneyPhD
They were a bit scared of the fireworks, it was too close.

This past December, one evening we watched the Illuminations near a family of 5 and the three very young children were so frightened they were holding their hands over their ears and crying. I'm sure they were not only scared, but very tired by 9:00PM. I felt sorry for the little ones, but they were fine afterwards when all the noise stopped, and mom and dad seemed very caring sheilding them from the cool breeze and reassuring them during the show.

I think that evey theme Park has it must see attractions as for epcot it is Mission Space (from what i have heard from friends it is so good!! I have not been on it yet!) Spaceship Earth, Horizen, Test Track Honey I shrunk that Kids.... But there is nothing there that I really love beside spacehsip earth! When you see spaceship earth you just get all excited .... I like epcot more because of that feeling!!! It doesn't come close to MK or MGM Studios!!! I am fourteen years old and thats basically my opinion! I really love WDW with all my heart and soul maybe it's because it is almost impossible to be depresssed there!! I am so thankful to have been there before so many people don't know what there are missing! That feeling of your family being together getting ready to tak on the thrill of the tower of terror! COME ON, nothing is better than that!
Future CM


I do agree with the go to EPCOT first thing but... As a 26 year old who went to the MK first at age 5 and then didn't go to EPCOT till I was 6 I have loved EPCOT best since I first crossed through turnstiles. On the way down on our first trip we were broke down and a police officer helping us told us EPCOT isn't for kids.

I think though it depends on the kid. I for one have always loved science, history, space, and culture. So EPCOT was a perfect fit.

I hate to admit it but I have never enjoyed the characters. I know I will be marked for life now because of it but there you go. It doesn't help that when I was like 8 Donald Duck pulled the strings of the Karate head band I was wearing too tight while I was getting my picture taken:lookaroun .

If your kids are more into fantasy and rides they are going to like MK best.

It just depends on the kid. Anyone else feel this way:confused:


Originally posted by TheDisneyQueen
But there is nothing there that I really love beside spacehsip earth! When you see spaceship earth you just get all excited .... I like epcot more because of that feeling!!! It doesn't come close to MK or MGM Studios!!!


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