Trip Report englanddg's Surf and Turf Experience


What's a Surf and Turf? Well, stick around, you are about to find out!

So, the trip has finally started! This first leg of the trip consists of a flight from Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson Airport to Reagan National Airport in Washington, DC. Here, I will meet up with the kid and her mom, and we'll crash for the night at the Ritz-Carlton Pentagon City, two stops on the Metro (DC's Subway System) from Reagan National.

But, I get ahead of myself. Let me introduce ourselves for those who don't know about me, and / or didn't follow along with the Pre-Trip report!

I'm englanddg. <waves hello>


And this is my 8 year old daughter, Kaylee (a.k.a. KK, "the Kid" or "Kiddo").


As you can see, we both like T. Rowe Price Piggies!

Oh, you want to know my age? Well, lets just say I'm old enough...<grin>

So, some history...well...we have been going annually to Disneyworld since 2010, and each trip has been different and more fun than the last.

2010 - First Trip as a Parent
This first year we stayed at Caribbean Beach Resort for 14 days. I had been many times before (my Grandparents lived near Ocala, and I had a Florida Residents Annual Pass), but that was my first trip taking the kid, and as a parent.

Here's a picture of what happens when you don't finish your Turkey Leg.



And, of course...before my Kid turned to the DARK SIDE (keep going, intrepid readers, the answer awaits!)


Oh, and here's one of my videos commemorating that trip:

Yes, that's right, I'm one of those people who likes to make funky you tube videos about my trips. Some people trip report, some people organize photos and make scrapbooks...I edit videos!

2011 - Kid, Mom and Uncle!
In 2011, I took the kid on a tour of DC for a few days. We did the Smithsonian, the tour of the Capital Building, and a bunch of other things. Then, we flew back to Atlanta for a few weeks, and then on to Orlando for another 14 days at Caribbean Beach Resort.

I had told her we were "meeting Mommy", which technically wasn't false. This trip was special because her Mom and then 10 year old Uncle joined us halfway through. But, the kid had no idea we were going to WDW, and even less idea that's where Mommy was going to meet us!

We surprised my daughter by meeting up secretly at the Castle right before Wishes. The kiddo had no clue, and freaked out. Of course, I got it on came out terrible! The lights had already shut off for the show, so you couldn't see anything.

This is her Uncle, though he will not be joining us this trip, just thought I'd give him a little shout out.


Here's a bonus picture of Darth Kiddo (her Mom is in the background). SEE, I TOLD YOU SHE TURNED TO THE DARK SIDE!


And, of course...I made a video for this trip!

2012 - Dancing around the Disney World
The kiddo stayed with me the whole summer last year, and we started it with a blast, going to see the Cirque de Soleis Immortal Tour in Atlanta.

Here she got her Michael Jackson of her most treasured posessions (I kid you not).


We stayed late and watched them strike the show, which, considering I used to do stagework, was fun to watch. That's what is going on behind her.

So, for that years trip to "The World", we decided to do something different. So, we did 3 days at Universal Studios, staying at the Royal Pacific. We also did 11 days at Disney, staying at Pop Century. It was also the first trip I told her in advance we were going (this year I did not, having learned my lesson!)

Oh, and that was also the first trip I wrote a complete trip report for, live, while I was there...which is what I will endeavor to do again this trip.

You can read it here.

Also, there is a reason that it was called the "Dancing" trip...because...well...we DANCED!

That trip was loads of fun. I tried to be good, I really did...but, well, if anyone has ever thought that the marketing on the Magical Express ride back to Orlando Airport didn't work, think again!

I decided this coming year, we'd change it up even more. We'd do a DISNEY CRUISE!

A few weeks later, I had us booked in a Veranda Room on the Disney Fantasy, sailing out in a year. I also booked a split stay at WDW, for various reasons which I will get into in a moment.

And so, friends...that brings us to today, read on. <continued next post!>
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Well-Known Member
So happy they found your luggage. That is one nightmare I've experienced and never want to repeat again. The upside down pics are fine too...I just turn my laptop upside down. :D Too funny with the airport matter...I could see my kids being the same way...saying it looks like it. Can't wait to see/read more! Oh...and sooooooooooo jealous of that balcony, that's the DREAM! The MK facing CR view room that is...vs. the ship...although that's a Dream too! :happy:


One Little Spark...
Original Poster
Day 2 - Sometimes Making Magic is Tragic (Part 2)

All right, rested and ready to go for the new day!

So, lets pick up with where we left off.

The kid apparently had not figured out where we were, and just like 2010 and 2011, she figured it out when she spotted the Magical Express buses out the window. No jumping for joy, or similar expressions. Rather, she just froze, looked out the window, and turned to me and said..."I wish we could go to Disneyworld again."

That's when I pulled out the Magicbands, and pointed the way! "Yay!", was her response, and she shuffled quickly, luggage in tow, towards the Magical Express entrance.

This is something they've re-organized again since our last trip. While the bus queues are largely the same, they have used temporary stanchions for all guests. It used to be where, if you already had your Magical Express tickets, you could skip the queue area and go straight to check in and on to the bus queue areas. Now, they do a preliminary "check" station where they either direct you on to the check in stations, or over to the Guest Service kiosks.

I suppose this is a good idea, considering that the old "free for all" check in station probably had to deal with redirecting many guests who couldn't find or didn't have their Magical Express documentation handy to the Guest Service line.

One thing that sort of threw me for a loop though...unlike previous trips where I've had separate "vouchers" that come in my welcome packet, this year my packet IS the voucher (it's the first page). Also, to complicate things (or make them simpler), our Magicbands actually are our Magical Express Vouchers. We were instructed to put our bands on, which I do have a minor gripe about. Not that we were instructed to do so, but we were not instructed to do so prior.

So, I had to dig through my bag, get out the bands, size the band for the kid (I ended up needing to peel off the exterior band for her, which wasn't terribly difficult, so yes, it is a neat design). None of this would have been a big deal, except that we were loaded with luggage, blocking the line, and had a few rather impatient families behind us eyeballing rather obviously that they were not pleased we were causing a clog in the flow of the line.

So, anonymous family, sorry about that! I wasn't told in advance to have the bands ready for use!

Anyhow, yes, you read right. They have integrated the bands into the Magical Express check in. This is something I haven't heard before on the forums, but I must say, it is AWESOME!

Check in at ME consisted of me tapping the band, and everything came up! They confirmed my name / number in party / hotel and was immediately directed to the right line. No digging out folders, shuffling through paperwork...just tap, answer a few quick questions, and go.

They were even able to pull up and access details about my reservation, and went so far as to note that I hadn't set my return flight details for my return Magical Express trip. This is something that has caused repeated confusion with Disney. See, while I am doing Magical Express for my departure and return from Orlando International, I am not using the departure Magical Express from Contemporary, nor am I using the arrival Magical Express for Port Orleans French Quarter...

Why? Because Disney Cruise Transit is picking me up and returning me from Port Canaveral in the middle of my stay! So, as is a MyMagic+ commentary, I think Disney should work the next phase to integrate the Disney Cruise systems more into the Disney World system for MyDisneyExperience. (I'd also like to see the bands make their way to the Cruise Ships, I think, but I'll get more into that later)...

While it's not the most common trip, I'm quite sure I'm not the only family who chooses to do Disney Cruise before and / or after their stay.

I explained that there was no return Magical Express because the Disney Cruise Transit would be taking us to the Fantasy the next day. They seemed a bit surprised (as if it's something they don't hear often). All this being said, I did appreciate this little detail, because if I HAD forgotten to set it up, it was nice to have them confirm. first real "use" of the bands was a win! Keep reading, you'll be hearing more about them, as they played a large part in our experience. Oh, as a side note, I noted that the Magicband readers are already installed at the Disney Store at Orlando International.

I asked about the and was told by the CM on duty that they are installed, but not operating yet. Just thought I'd pass that on to anyone else who has MagicBands...Disney is reaching out that far off the parks with the system. Much broader than I imagined...

Anyhow, we boarded the bus after a short wait. There were not a lot of people there. Only 6 or 7 families in the terminal as a whole, 3 of which were in our line. One of the families next to us was also doing Magicband testing, and were chatting positively about their experience so far. I agree! So far (even though limited) I am impressed by it.

Now...Magical Express. Over the years, my experience with this has been varied. Never truly bad, but many times just not something even worth mentioning outside of "I rode on the bus." Last year was like this, as I recall. I remember 2010's ME trip was extremely uncomfortable. That year the driver was just...overbearing...trying to hard to get the bus to "participate" in his poor jokes.

He even went so far as to chide the riders, in a rather unfunny way, when we didn't cheer along...well, there was a reason we were not. He was so bad that by the time I got to my hotel, I was already questioning if Disney had lost the magic (or if I had imagined it all those years before), and if I'd made a mistake.

2011 and 2012 weren't bad. Nothing special. However, this year...was different.

This year I was transported by a Magical Express driver extraordinaire! The best, hands down, I have ever experienced. His jokes hit the mark, and were unique. What really nailed them was his jovial delivery. The whole bus participated. He did Disney Trivia, with some generally difficult questions! I was the only one on the bus who knew what EPCOT stood for...but there were others I didn't know the answer for and others did. Awesome fun!

I also liked how he tied the trivia into his spiel as we passed different parks on our way to the Monorail resorts...

As an aside, the Magical Express for the Monorail Resorts (and many other resorts) is based on demand, so often the bus from the airport will make stops at other resorts. Today, our bus went from MCO to Polynesian, then Grand Floridian, third stop at Wilderness Lodge, and then Contemporary. So we had quite a while on the bus with this driver. He had little fun things to add throughout the trip. As we were leaving Polynesian, he pointed out a retention pond and mentioned that he had spotted an alligator in that pond.

For the rest of the ride, every body of water we passed, my kid was seeking out Gators! Kept her entertained and excited. Well played, Mears Driver, well played!

He also gave advice about sunburn, even on overcast days. Staying hydrated. And he pitched the resort mugs multiple times as a "good value", breaking down the cost of a few large sodas compared to the cost of the mug. The suggestive sale was done so smoothly within the scope of his total delivery that it didn't feel like a suggestive sale, even though it obviously was. This driver is just awesome. His name is Mark, and he was driving bus 3233. I hope I run into his bus again, as I found the whole ride quite pleasurable. Best Magical Express ride ever, and set a welcoming opening tone for the trip proper!

He is also the only ME driver I've EVER heard give his name, bus number and information on what to do if you think you may have left something on the bus by mistake.

After a rushed and rough day and a half of travels, this was a well needed reminder of how CMs (even though he technically is a contractor) make all the difference at Disney. His professionalism, enthusiasm and just general appeal certainly put a grin on my face. Thank you, Mark!

Time to check into the Contemporary! We were greeted just off the bus by an extremely nice Cast Member with an iPad in hand. He looked up our reservation based on our last name, and noted that we were Atrium Club level.

I'm not sure if this warranted anything special (frankly, I hope not), but from here he escorted us to the Atrium check-in, bypassing the normal check-in desk. He instructed us on how to use the "access key" RFID reader in the elevator. For those who have been on a Disney Cruise on the Fantasy (and probably the others, I assume) the RFID reader looks exactly the same as the ones on the Cruise Line doors (something I wouldn't find out until the following!)...

A side note, one of them broke in the far right elevator during my one day stay. It still worked, but the cover had either fallen or been smashed off. Not sure when it will be replaced (I was only there one day)...but, seeing things like that makes me sad. I hate it when guests (I doubt it was a CM) beat up on things Disney installs, regardless of reason. This accomplishes nothing, increases our costs, and in some cases forces Disney to not put neat things in because they are concerned about wear and tear experiences.

Odd rant, considering it was just a RFID reader, but...that's how I think when I see things like that. Maybe it's because I ran a CEC and watched people destroy our games for no good reason...

Our room was on the 12th floor, Atrium Club Level with a Magic Kingdom View. And, man...was this one night stay expensive. I got it with the Deluxe Dining Plan (which...even on ONE DAY, we didn't use all our credits! But, that was my fault, I forgot to get snacks...we used all the dining credits, but not all the snack credits, we had two left over)...

Going back to my last point, this was an EXPENSIVE room. For a few hundred more, I could have done a week at Pop WITH a Deluxe plan, and it was about half the price of my 2 weeks at CBR with Deluxe Plan and 10 days Park Hopper and Water Park and More tickets in 2010 (prices have gone up since then, so...)

But, it was something I've always wanted to do, and I thought it would be a unique way to spend the first night before the cruise...cost aside. Why? was where my Parents stayed with me in 1983, on my first trip to Disney. I don't remember much of that trip specifically, but I do remember the monorails, the Grand Canyon Concourse (though I didn't know the name of it until much later) and many, many fond memories of EPCOT (mostly Figment and Dreamfinder...)

So, since this is the largest (and longest) Disney trip we've ever done, and probably the last one of this caliber for a while, I decided to start it off with a bang.

So...Atrium Club Level with a Magic Kingdom View it was! I did compare it to a standard Magic Kingdom view, and it was only (I say only as if I didn't shiver at that) a few hundred more...but, I thought of it as an experience. Like taking a special tour or something, rather than focusing on the fact that it was way more for one night then I would ever wish to pay!

That being said, I noticed why many people (with too much money to spend, which isn't me) swear by it as soon as we arrived. The check in was meaningless, in fact, the service desk up there was generally worthless. I've had better customer service at a gas station. While they were very nice, they really didn't do anything for me, and often I felt invisible to them. However, I did notice the service staff (not the "face" of the level, but the "little people" there) seemed to be the best Disney could offer.

I'm about to get needlessly philosophical about Guest Service and Management, if you just want fun, rah rah, trip report fodder, skip ahead a few paragraphs! <grin> Moving on...

While I was checking in with the distracted woman at the desk was obviously more concerned about how some guy "Mark" (or "John"? I can't remember the name) was "coming up". I got the general impression this was a Disney Suit, from the way they were talking about it. Seeing as how we are doing MM+ testing, this doesn't surprise me, and more than once I ran across obvious Disney Suits, one group who quite politely almost ran us over while exiting the elevator with their own self-importance.

My mind immediately went back to CEC (Chuck E. Cheese, if you aren't familiar, I worked for them for 11 years, 6 in corporate Training / Operations) when we used to call each other when DM's (District Managers) or RVPs (Regional Vice Presidents), etc, were traveling from store to store doing inspections. I suspect some Disney "big wig" (with respect to their position) was coming for an inspection / visit...but, as a Guest, I don't care. Not my problem. And it shouldn't be something you communicate about to stroke your own ego or theirs.

You know the type...generally well groomed people in business suits who looked full of themselves, but probably have the IQs of a small turtle when it comes to business or guest service. The type who are good at pointing their lips upwards to forward their career and pointing their fingers down when it comes to those who actually support their career. It...just annoys me.

When you ignore me when you run into me face to face, and rather leave the service to "the little people" in the organization, rather than being just as warm as you say those "little people" should be, you should realize, that carries down the ladder.

A shining example was this morning (skipping ahead in time) when, while the kid and I were trying to get on the elevator, we ran into a group of Suits who didn't do much but nod at us to acknowledge our existence. I got the feeling I was not important to acknowledge me and hold the elevator door for me and my kid with a kind smile, then you should not be Disney material...but, I know you are exactly the sort of middle management they enjoy.

I know it sounds like I was offended, I wasn't. In fact, it really didn't bother me much at all, it just made me smile to myself and think..."Meh...corporate". It under my skin.

I'm sorry to get off point here, and I don't want to seem bitter, but it is this attitude exactly which turns me off about some aspects of Disney (or any large company) just reeks to me. It just gets under my skin. I didn't pay more because the Atrium Club makes me "special", or for the people who work there "special"...I paid more for the view. Period. I don't need my ego stroked, it's quite good at keeping itself happy on it's own.

Basically, such a public display (and their obvious distraction as to my check-in, needs and in some cases even existence) put a bad taste in my mouth. I've seen McDonald's cashiers more focused on serving me. Now, I'm not trying to sound snooty about this, it just bothered me.

Actually, having typed all that, and reading back through it, I think I can articulate what bothers me most about it. Somehow, it's OK that the person at the front desk, who is the "face" of the Atrium level, thinks it's OK to ignore a Guest because she is getting ready to "shine" for "Mark" or whomever in middle management who is important to her, and "Mark" or whomever didn't pay us much mind while getting off the elevator didn't feel it important to wish us a "magical day" or hold the elevator door for us or anything, because they are doing the same.

And yet, these people will tell Mousekeepers or the people who keep up the bar in the Atrium level that they BETTER make EVERY GUEST LEAVE HAPPY, and treat us like Kings and Queens, while not doing it themselves. The hypocrisy is what bothers me...

So, on to the unsung hero of the Atrium Club Level. The service staff. I don't mean the Mousekeepers alone, I mean the people who service the "lounge", or whatever the official term is, as well! Every experience I had with them was simply fantastic! Of course, the self important person at the front-desk will probably take credit for this (and, maybe they should), but based on my experience, it's not top down leadership at work.

I wish I'd gotten the guy who was working the lounge when we went for check in. I was waiting for the obviously self-important Cast Member behind the desk to process my "check-in" while pretending to be "important" with her co-worker, and this super-CM who was stocking the food offerings noticed my daughter was getting antsy (something I didn't even notice, as I was waiting for Mrs. Important to process my check-in).

He took initiative to quietly guide her to the goody counter! Which made her day! When I was done with my slightly annoying experience (I don't need my ego stroked by someone who has an overgrown ego themselves), I noted she was in awe about all the goodies available, and he was pointing out what was available.

So, kudos to him. I've spent enough time on this. Again, apologies for getting distracted. If anyone from Disney reads this, culture is set from the top should eyeball this. Doubt you'd get it though...but, it's still how I feel, and a frustration I've always felt with corporate structures. Probably why I don't do well there...

Anyhow, moving on (spent WAY too much time on that!) Back to the fun stuff.

The room...WOW! In fact, that's all the kid said for a while. "Wow!"..."Wow!"..."Wow! This room is simply fantastic!" (her words, not mine!).

Ok, that's enough for now, I'm going to post this, and continue in about a bit. After a nap and dinner, the kid is ready to check out her "Kids Club", so I'll be back after I check her in!

Also, I'll be adding pictures to this post later on tonight. Hopefully I'll get caught up tonight so I'm back on a day by's just that the past two days have been extremely eventful!

Laterz! She still has no idea what is coming...she's concerned! Again, I'll elaborate later. I really need to be off!
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Well-Known Member
Question, since we'll be there in a couple days, with DME you now go through a checkpoint before you get to the podium that takes you to your resort lane? That's new. Last time we went right to the podium.


One Little Spark...
Original Poster
Question, since we'll be there in a couple days, with DME you now go through a checkpoint before you get to the podium that takes you to your resort lane? That's new. Last time we went right to the podium.
Yes, basically, if you recall the old setup, where they had the kiosk off to the side and the entry line for those who needed to pick up or finalize their DME stuff...they combined it into a single "filter" line this year.

If you have your stuff ready, you won't see much difference...except you will need to move through that line to get to the actual check-in kiosks.


Well-Known Member
I had a job as a manager once that would, on rare occasions, force me to be in an area where customers were. I avoided eye contact and tried like hell to stay away from the customers because I had nothing to do with that end of the company and couldn't answer simple, basic questions that they'd assume everyone who worked there would know, like where an elevator was or how to get anywhere.

I came in a back door, went to the offices, worked there all day and left. I'd go a year without encountering customers in the customer areas. The first time I did, someone asked me where the entrance/exit was and I had no idea, lol. Not wanting to tell this woman to go get in line, I went over to a customer service area and asked someone, which ed off the woman who was currently being taken care of...and she mentioned that she should come before me. I hadn't interrupted, but all the same, she was ed. When I got back to the first woman, she mentioned that she found it difficult to believe I didn't know where the doors were.

This is why, on those rare occasions I had to be around customers, I avoided the hell out of them. I also refused to wear the name tag everyone in the company was supposed to wear, no matter what, lol. I wore it all the time unless I had to be around customers.

Maybe - maybe? - that's why they ignored you??? Maybe they were afraid you'd ask them something like, "Who is Mickey Mouse?", "How do I get to the pool?" or "Where is the front desk?" and they'd have no idea?

I never told anyone how to treat customers, though. :)

Liking the trip report! Eager to hear more cruise stuff!!
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One Little Spark...
Original Poster
I had a job as a manager once that would, on rare occasions, force me to be in an area where customers were. I avoided eye contact and tried like hell to stay away from the customers because I had nothing to do with that end of the company and couldn't answer simple, basic questions that they'd assume everyone who worked there would know, like where an elevator was or how to get anywhere.

I came in a back door, went to the offices, worked there all day and left. I'd go a year without encountering customers in the customer areas. The first time I did, someone asked me where the entrance/exit was and I had no idea, lol. Not wanting to tell this woman to go get in line, I went over to a customer service area and asked someone, which ed off the woman who was currently being taken care of...and she mentioned that she should come before me. I hadn't interrupted, but all the same, she was ed. When I got back to the first woman, she mentioned that she found it difficult to believe I didn't know where the doors were.

This is why, on those rare occasions I had to be around customers, I avoided the hell out of them. I also refused to wear the name tag everyone in the company was supposed to wear, no matter what, lol. I wore it all the time unless I had to be around customers.

Maybe - maybe? - that's why they ignored you??? Maybe they were afraid you'd ask them something like, "Who is Mickey Mouse?", "How do I get to the pool?" or "Where is the front desk?" and they'd have no idea?

I never told anyone how to treat customers, though. :)

Liking the trip report! Eager to hear more cruise stuff!!
Wonderful post. I'd respond...not my problem, as a Guest. (and yes, I am being overly critical)....

It's not as if the layout of the Contemporary changes all that much...if I, NOT being a Disney manager, can give advice to people, than certainly people who work for Disney can do better! I haven't gotten into the mess that Disney Research / DCL pickup at Contemporary was!


Well-Known Member
Wonderful post. I'd respond...not my problem, as a Guest. (and yes, I am being overly critical)....

It's not as if the layout of the Contemporary changes all that much...if I, NOT being a Disney manager, can give advice to people, than certainly people who work for Disney can do better! I haven't gotten into the mess that Disney Research / DCL pickup at Contemporary was!
LOL, it isn't your problem!

My thing was almost identical, though. If someone worked at the Contemporary, but entered through some back entrance and stayed in an office near that entrance, totally "behind the scenes"...and had never been in an area where guests would be...and was suddenly thrust into one of those areas and asked...

"Where is Chef Mickey's?" I don't know.

"Where is the gift shop?" I don't know.

"Where are the front doors?" I have no idea.

There is a difference, though, between someone who is trying like hell to avoid you and someone who is just too, as you said, "full of themselves" to bother with you. I doubt that I ever gave off that impression.

But on behalf of all management who appears clueless, I apologize!!! It isn't that we are totally without clue; we are just useless, insofar as helping you find Chef Mickey's or whatever. :)


One Little Spark...
Original Poster
Day 2 - Sometimes Making Magic is Tragic (Part 3)

Hello again, fellow travelers! Picking up where I left off, the room at Contemporary was "Wow".

The look was very...well...contemporary (yes, pun intended). So, lets start with the minibar / closet area. The room had two stand alone mini closets (his and hers, I assume) as well as a small counter in between where the coffee maker, able to brew two single cups at a time, the ice bucket, and 4 glasses are. Turn around, and you are facing the bathroom, hiding behind a sliding pocket door! The kid found this especially fun. "Look Dad, it slides, that is SO COOL!"

Inside the bathroom is a smaller room for the toilet with a similar sliding door (I like isolated toilets in hotels, nice touch). It is a low flow model (no surprise there) with lots of suction. It sounds like a small jet engine is spinning up when you flush it (which made the kid jump). To flush the toilet, you push a button on the top of the tank.

This led to some amusement, as the kiddo couldn't figure out how to flush the first time she used it, and when she called me in to help, I found her crawling around the tank looking for a lever!

With showers in a hotel, I have only a few requirements. Good pressure, good drainage, and good heat! The Contemporary met all three requirements, so no complaints there.

However, there was something in the restroom I despised (as did the kid, she complained of it of her own merit). The sinks! Sure, square sinks (see picture) look cool! However, think about what happens when you turn water on with any amount of force and it hits a flat surface a few inches away.

That's right. It splashes all over the place! Now, think about what happens when water collects on a relatively flat surface. Right again! It doesn't drain! These sinks don't drain worth a squat. Just brushing our teeth was an ordeal where we had to stop, and use our hands and a washcloth to quite literally "push" the water down the drain.

I'm sorry, form over function is never a good idea in my book. I could live without those silly sinks. Obviously put in by a designer, and approved by someone who never used them!

The main room had a rather neat glass / marble desk area, with plenty of plugs for charging items. Nice! The TV stand had the fridge beneith it, and a small shelf which we found handy for holding our desserts for our "Wishes" party (more later on that).

The only gripe I had about the TV...well, two gripes. One, Disney seems to always have signal issues at every hotel I've ever stayed at with the exceptions being the DisneyWorld channels (music channels, etc.), XD, and the Disney Channel. I am pretty sure they use DirectTV. Since I'm not really a TV watcher, this doesn't bother me at all, but it is just something I notices. The second gripe is that I wish the unit pulled out on an arm.

It is flat mounted in the TV stand. That's great if you are sitting in the first bed, but the second bed doesn't have the best view. Since the kiddo is the TV watcher of the two of us, and she wanted to sleep closer to the deck, it would have been nice to be able to rotate the TV. Again, it's a nitpicky gripe, I know...but it would be a nice touch.

The highlight of the room, of course, is the deck. 12 stories up, facing the Magic Kingdom and the Seven Seas Lagoon, you can't get a much better view than this.

Normally here is where we would claim our drawers (and closet space), unpack everything, set up a charging station, and otherwise basically get settled in the room for our stay. But, since this is just a one night deal...a place to squat before leaving for the cruise (which, is still a secret at this point for the kiddo)...we did nothing of the sort. Instead, we plopped the luggage down on the bed, I set my laptop up to charge, and we headed off to the Magic Kingdom!

I asked the kiddo which transportation option she would like to do. Mind you, I'd told her about the fitbit earlier (she was curious what that thing on my belt was).

Oh, the fitbit! I explained it to her, but I haven't explained what it is to you! Basically, it's a pedometer. It comes in a few different models. The one I bought is called the <????> and is their lowest model. The have a model that goes on your wrist, which I considered, but then realized that I really didn't want to spend nearly $90 on a pedometer. This one was $50, which is plenty 'spensive for me!

Why is it so expensive? Well, it's not really the unit itself, though, it is very well done, with a tap sensitive screen and a very comfortable fact, I put it on and basically forget that it is there. It's because the unit has bluetooth and USB connection (though a special USB "plug" that you put in your computer) that allows the unit to sync with the Fitbit app on your phone, or with your computer / their website.

The app/site is free (though they do have premium offerings, I think the free site is more than enough). It allows you to track your progress day by day, week by week, etc. It also has a "water consumption" utility to track how many glasses of water from your goal you have, a calorie counting "consumption" log with a searchable database of common foods (and of course, the ability to add your own), a weight tracker and much more.

I am impressed! If you are looking to track weight loss on a plan (or if you are like me and just find the metrics interesting), I'd recommend picking one up!

Ok, so, back on track. I offered the Kid a choice between the Monorail and walking. She said "Lets walk to the Magic Kingdom so we can get some exercise!" and then proceeded to poke my belly. Cheeky little thing! I'll get her back!

So, we walked. It was a pleasant walk, for those who haven't done it. Walking under the Monorail track reminded me of Disneyland in California...though, it's still not as low as the tracks are there (and it's "home" for me, so, sorry Disneyland, I still like the WDW Monorail better!). The IronManorail (wrapped for Iron Man 3) passed over us, as did Monorail Teal.

How do I remember this? The kid kept calling out their names...though, she kept calling them Metrorails. This mistake is probably due to the fact she lives near DC and takes the Metro there. Still, like her calling Atlanta "Atlantica" years ago, I found the term endearingly amusing, so I didn't bother to correct her.

We got to Magic Kingdom, and even though it was nearly noon, the gates were swarmed with people. Bag check went fine (nice guy manning it, by the way...nothing special happened, but he was just nice and wished us a magical day). Ok, so, we've now used Magicbands at the Magical Express (A+ experience), at the hotel as the room key / key to access the Atrium Club (A experience) it's time to try the buggers out as park tickets!

They are doing some sort of construction at the ticketing gates (I'm assuming installing more Magicband Readers), so walls were up. This split the ticketing gates in two. We went left. Sad to say, there were NO Magicband readers on this side! Only regular gates.

Now, I'd brought along our keys (yes, we were issued both bands and regular Key to the World cards...though the KTTW was yellow this year, instead of the blue I am used to...). We were told at check in that we should carry both, because some places weren't yet able to use the Magicbands. I found this was sage advice.

However, even though we could have entered using our KTTW keys, I really wanted to try the Magicbands out! So, we hiked over to the right side gates, and there they were. Magicband poles! They were processing guests who didn't have Magicbands as well, using the RFID in their KTTW cards, so I assume more guests are getting the RFID cards than just those testing Magicbands. However, what I did notice is the difference in lines.

The Magicband line seemed to be processing more guests (they could do 4 at a time), and was more spacious (less crowded) than the regular lines. As a result, while they appeared to have the same, if not more, throughput, they appeared shorter and more inviting than the normal lines, which were twice to three times as long. I will mention, it's not like I did a head count or stayed to observe for any long period to get a feel...this is just based on my general impression as we approached.

But, that's important to a Guest...general impression. So, I still think it's a valid observation, and one that a Guest who isn't a disnut will certainly notice!

So, Magicband as Park Ticket? A+ Experience! Magicbands are scoring high so far!
The only critical observations I had at this point are:

1) The band is actually more comfortable upside down, both the kid and I noted. This is due to the flat nature of the top of the band. However, if you wear it like this it is next to impossible to use in some cases without twisting your arm at an uncomfortable, Mouse Up it is!

2) The RFID sensor on the door was too close to the doorjamb. While it was mounted center over the and is aesthetically pleasing, I found it was sometimes difficult to get Mickey to match up "just right" with the sensor. New units with the sensor area off center would be nice. That being said, after a few uses I had it down pat, so it's not that big a deal.

Man, it's good to be back. I teared up a bit (yeah, big softy) as we walked through the Main Street station and back into the "world". I was reminded of passing through the Main Street Station in Disneyland a few months back, and the size difference is dramatic. I much prefer our station at WDW (don't worry, I won't be doing a whole lot of DLC to MK comparisons in this report, it just popped in my head is all!).

First stop, the kiosk on the right side of the station that sells autograph books, ears, and other items. She decided she didn't want a lanyard yet, though we'll still get one for our trip lanyards...we make a lanyard each year of special pins from our hotels, special / favorite rides, etc. These lanyards are our "trip souvenirs"...we never bring these back to the world, even though we bring back our trading pin sets each year.

We got an autograph book and a set of glittery Minnie Mouse ears attached to a hairband. She chattered excitedly about the upcoming early dinner with the Princesses in a few hours...I'm glad to see her excited about autographs again. Last year she didn't seem all that interested. So, first test of the Magicband to purchase something! Again, flawless! Though, I didn't think I remembered the pin I had set I guessed.

I guessed correctly! The CM snipped the tag off the ears and I went to put them on the kid, and she declined. "Why?" I asked. "Well, the hairband pulls my hair and it hurts a little!" <facepalms> To be fair, you must remember her hair is in braids right now, so it's understandable. I'm sure this wouldn't be an issue if her hair were down, but considering the curly, tangled mess it becomes when it's not in braids, I'll skip that, thank you very much! <grin>

Second stop...the Firehouse to pick up a set of Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom cards.

So, as usual, let me backtrack for a moment. This year, I have not planned the trip out like I did the year before. I'm leaving it very much up to the kiddo and her whims, with a few anchors for the day (special meals mostly). The super regimented nature of last years trip really took something out of it, at least for me, so it's a lesson learned.

The reason I mention that is...SotMK was her first choice! She remembered it from last year, and immediately wanted to "Go on a MISSION!". So, a Mission it was! Luck have it, we were assigned our first Mission as the Main Street USA missions. She grabbed the map and we headed off to East Center Street, where our mission to defeat Cruella De Vil started!

We played a few levels, and then the kid started to get hot. Plus, our reserved FastPass+ for Splash Mountain was coming up. I suggested we get a LeFou's Brew to chill off with, and go see the New Fantasyland. She's seen ads for the New Fantasyland on TV and online, and is very excited about it all. Especially getting to "go inside Belle's castle".

But, when we made it over there, she wasn't so thrilled. She had thought Belle was a ride, and when I had to inform her it was a restaurant, she wasn't so thrilled. "Belle is a cool princess, don't you think she needs a ride? She's better than the Little Mermaid, and she got a ride.", she frumped.

Well, at this point she wasn't interested in New Fantasyland anymore, and she wanted to ride a ride. So, doing a 180 and skipping Gaston's Tavern, I steered us towards Small World and I ran through the ride options on that side of the park. I figured I'd rather be in Frontierland or Adventureland since we had a fast approaching Splash Mountain FastPass+ reservation. When I mentioned Haunted Mansion, she perked up at the thought.

We swung by the Fastpass machines and snagged a Paper Fastpass for Little Mermaid, and then headed towards the Mansion. On the way I noted that Small World only had a 15 minute wait. "I don't really like Small World" was the kid's response. Really...that's new to me, I thought.

She saw the Tangled Tower and started running towards it. "Daddy, a new Rapunzel ride!" Nope...not a ride. Restrooms. Lets say she wasn't pleased. Two princesses she adored that didn't get new rides. I'm sure she feels offended on their behalf! <grin> She did have fun looking at it all though, and commented that she thought it looked "very nice".

I also thought it was very well done, and fits perfectly in that area. Much better, I hate to say, than a defunct Swiss alps looking abandoned Skyway building. It also helps alleviate the bottleneck that used to accrue between Liberty Square and Fantasyland, by not forcing the whole crowd through the tunnel under Columbia Harbor House.

She spied the Haunted Mansion in the background... "I want to go on that, it's not scary anymore, the ghosts are funny! Last year they switched our heads! Silly!" was her comment. Yes...Silly...we shall see how the Ghost Host feels about being...silly. <grin>

So, off to the queue (being sure to spy the ring!). 15 minute wait. Even though the interactive queue was open last year, I feel like they've changed things around again in the queue. I also have a peeve to report here. I understand people rushing by you if you are stopped in the middle of the queue (to play with an interactive item or something)...but when you are walking at a reasonable pace, and people rush around you pushing themselves and normally dragging their children by the hand as if they got a memo that said that the ride was going to disappear in the next five minutes if they didn't board...yeah...this bothered me.

We actually ran into this behavior several times throughout the day on different rides. Now, I know what some of you are thinking..."Tour groups". Well, I can report, it wasn't just tour groups, though they played their part mobbing the FP lines in a disorganized manner. I think of it more as "summer groups"! I never go this close to the summer season, normally we start on the second or third week of August.

It wasn't that the park was especially crowded, it was the behaviors of the crowd. People just seemed more rushed, pushier, and many had this look of panic as if the park was going to get up and walk away, so they had to rush around everywhere! If this is even close to what it's like in June / July, I'll pass. Thank you.

Anyhow, I gripe, but it really didn't bug me all that much. Nothing really does at Disney. Or rather, very few does. I just shrug it off, make a mental note for the trip report, and keep doing what the kid and I want to do at the pace we wish to do it at. A relaxed pace!

The Haunted Mansion was a nice sight to see. After reading the longforgotten blog, I've become quite a fan of the ride, and noticed a lot of details that I had previously glossed over on other rides. It really is an amazing ride, and while I prefer the queue at Disneyland, I still prefer the RIDE at WDW.

The kid, however, did not! She made it as far as the stretching room before burrowing her face into my belly. Well, that's better than previous years!

Ok, so to gripe the Stretching Room, the Ghost Host was speaking, and people were on their cell phones, chattering loudly, laughing, and just generally ignoring their surroundings. Also, I've never witnessed a CM there actually have to YELL (rather than just repeat) for people to move to the back. That CM looked ticked off, and not in a "happy haunted mansion" sort of way! Poor lady...

Well, I'll say this (and I don't know if I had anything to do with it, I'd like to think so)...these groups of people would not stop chattering, and I couldn't hear the Ghost Host very well at, a few minutes before the lightning flash, I started saying loudly to the kid "Look up" and pointing up.

"Keep looking!"...people around me started to look up as well, as if they were going to miss something...and before you knew it most of the room was staring at the ceiling (the flash hadn't happened yet)...

When it did...and they saw the dangling horror, the group of girls to my left who were the primary offenders screamed like Bloody Mary had just showed up in their pimple popping magnifying mirror to give them beauty tips.

They were silent after that. With a smug grin, we excited the ride, and from this point forward I have no complaints...about them or the ride.

Once settled in our Doombuggies, the kid gave it a fair shake to be a "big girl" about the ride (once again, her words). She made it as far as the door knocker hallway and the floating candelabra before she was gripping my arm, and later my hand, in fear.

But, like last year, she did spend most of the ride actually watching what was going on, and at the end we again had our heads switched, which she giggled about. "I think my head looks better on your body than your head looks on my body." she says. Um...ok, I'll take that as a compliment...I think...

Then, off to Splash Mountain for our FastPass+ reservation. On the way we stopped by the stocks and took pictures. The kiddo asked me what the stocks were for, and as we walked over to Splash I explained they were for people who didn't finish their Turkey Legs or thought that Nutella Waffles were nasty. Just kidding, I told her what it really was for, punishing criminals in the town square hundreds of years ago.

Walking along the wooden walkway to skip the crowds in Frontierland, we stopped so the kid could take a picture of the birds there. She has a thing about taking pictures of bird. This will become a recurring theme that you'll see come up again.

I also noticed that the smoking area is gone from there. I wonder why. Not that I care, I no longer require the use of it, but it was something I noticed as we walked by.

On to Splash and our first use of Magicbands as Fast Passes! We approached the Fastpass line, bands at the ready. We approached and the CM stopped us. "Sir, where are your fastpasses?" I raised my wrist, and he said, oh, wow. Great! We tapped and Mickey swirled and turned green. FP+ reservation #1 used!

Splash was looking great! The only piece I notices was that the groundhogs were not working in the cave scene, but otherwise it was great. I noticed the refurb the most in the scene where you see Brer Frog fishing, etc. All the small "brer" animetronics were working, and that area looks spectacular. I'm not sure why, but it's always been one of my favorite parts of the ride (the other being the area where you see the birdhouses and gardens before dropping off Slippery Falls). It was also very nice to see that the Chickens in the finale had gotten tender loving care. Previous years there had always been one or more that looked like they were in the middle of having a stroke or seizure. This year, they were dancing and zip a dee clucking away in unison. Very nice!

The kid wanted to play in the playspot (even though she's technically now too large and too old for it physically, mentally she enjoys it still...). But, her wish to go on Little Mermaid (who's FastPass window was coming to a close in 20 minutes) overrode her desire to play. "We can come back later" she said, with Cartman like authority. A slight detour to pick up FastPasses for Big Thunder Mountain, and we were hiking across the bridges. "I'm hot, can I have a frozen lemonade?" So, a short stop at the stand and we used our MagicBand (hers wouldn't work, but mine worked fine) to use our first snack credit of four for the stay. She opted for the frozen orange drink, and shared with me as we hiked it over to Little Mermaid.

We made it with 3 minutes to spare before our window closed. The ride, for us and other FastPassers was basically a walk on. One nice thing about the frozen Minute Maid drinks is that they have a lid, so I was able to carry it on the ride. The queue is fantastic, and really, outside of the heat, I wouldn't mind waiting in the longer standby line and taking in all the nifty details they put there. It is a million times better than the DLC version of the queue...but the ride is exactly the same. I enjoyed it more this time though, even though I wish they hadn't gone with such a plastic look for the characters. Then again, I can't really think of a better way to do it, so I'll keep my criticism to myself. The kid, however, who had not seen it at all loved it.

She gasped with joy as our shell went "under water" and loved the lighting effects. "Daddy, we are going under water! See, Daddy! Isn't this cool?" She also clapped with joy and had a huge grin on her face when we got to the "Under the Sea" scene. And she sung along. Her enjoyment of the ride made it all the better for me. So, while I have a few other gripes about it (like the constant re-use of the same characters (yes, I'm looking at you spinning starfish) in the ending scene, and the fact I wish that Scuttle had a few more lines, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

We finished the frozen Orange drink and headed off to catch our Big Thunder Mountain FP time. On the way she complained of being hot again. It wasn't the hottest day that I've experienced at the parks, but I agree, it was pretty scorchin'! So, we stopped by the eatery near the bridge over to Big Thunder and got snack #2 with our MagicBands. A Mickey Premium Ice Cream! I'm not how this happens, but every trip we seem to buy one from this vendor, and I have pictuers and video of her eating one of these while walking on the bridge from every trip. This year, obviously, was no exception.

She had devoured the whole thing by the time we got to the Big Thunder queue. We flashed our paper passes, and again, this was a virtual walk on. The kid wanted to sit in the front, so she asked the CM at the loading area if we could wait. The CM said "Are you sure? It's the slowest part of the train." "Oh? So where should I sit for the best ride?" exclaimed the kiddo? "In the middle". "Oh, can I wait and sit there then?" The CM chuckled and said "Sure, just give it a few minutes and I'll have you ready for the best seat on the train." Nice. So, of course, we watched several families get seated, and then were shuffled off to our "premium seat" in the middle. Now, I don't notice the difference, but the kid was elated that she was "sitting in the best seat on the train". I'll let her have her little joys. <grin>

The ride was great as always. This was the first time the kid actually felt comfortable putting her hands in the air for the whole ride. I think her longer (and larger) legs helped with that...We also chatted about how my watch broke on this ride a few years ago, and my kid said I should put my watch in my pocket so I don't break it again. Good advice, and it is exactly what I did.

From there, we still had time to burn before our early dinner at Cinderella's Royal Table. I was famished. I hadn't eaten anything all day outside of a few bites of the frozen orange drink and coffee that morning. But, we were close enough to visiting Cindy's that I held back. But, man did Peco's smell good, as did Golden Horseshoe (wow, it was open! I never see it open!) was all I could do not to stop and get a snack. But, I made it through!

We went back to Main Street to finish our "mission" from before. The clue was in the Main Street Station, and from there we were taken to the art gallery / movie theater. Now, I love this little theater (I liked it even better when it was actually a theater), but as a parent, I also hate this little theater. Why? Cartoons. They play...classic Disney cartoons. This is something my kid is addicted to. And, once she sees it, she will make any excuse to plop down and watch. From this point forward, it's like her bum was super-glued to the carpet. Prying her out of there is a chore, so, unless I'm in the mood to let her do it, I tend to avoid that place like the plague.

But, this time our mission required we enter enter we did. And, as expected she pulled the "Oooooh, cartooons!" card out and plopped on the floor. I took the time to browse the gallery to see if there was anything I was interested in purchasing. There wasn't...but it's still fun to look around. Eventually, and to my surprise, she approached me and asked if I was ready to go to the next clue. "Um, I was waiting on you." I said. "Oh, well I was waiting on YOU!" she replied. Yeah...right...<grin>

So, the next clue was on Center Street East, right outside the jewelry shop. This was the end of our Main Street quest, and luckily it forwarded us to Fantasyland. This was convenient, because we had about 20 minutes to go before our ADR at Cindy's Royal Table! We did two of the missions, and the time had come to eat.

So, I'm gonna leave it here for two reasons. One, because I have a major peeve coming up and I want to spend a bit of time on it and two because the kid and I are going to head out to grab some dinner and do some shopping.

Oh, tonight when the kid is in the Oceaneer Club, I'll go through the past few posts and add uploaded pictures to them.


<continued next post>
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One Little Spark...
Original Poster
I added some photos, but uploading to flickr just isn't cooperating right now, so I wasn't able to upload all.

The "insert photo" markers are to remind me that I have photos for those posts when I get to someplace with better connectivity.

So, if you see them, just keep that in mind. I will post to let you all know when I've uploaded them.

So, if you go back to the previous post, you'll see some of the Contemporary photos that I was able to get uploaded (internet seems to be better midship than in my stateroom, so I may try that tomorrow night...)


Well-Known Member
Making me so jealous seeing the pics in the Contemporary. I love that tiled area under the tv that lights up like a modern 'contemporary' faux hearth/fireplace. I was also having flickr issues earlier today. I had to shift it back into compatibility mode to make it work.


One Little Spark...
Original Poster
Day 2 - Sometimes Making Magic is Tragic (Part 4)

Ok, I promise there won't be any more parts to this first day. As I said before, there was just a lot that happened in this day, and it's gone on longer than I expected! I hope it's kept you entertained up until this point!

So, Cinderella's Royal Table. I left you with a peeve...a major peeve. One that I've noticed every year except for 2010 (and it probably happened then too, I just don't remember it because I wasn't looking for it)...

It's a multi-part peeve.

1) Bottleneck...bottleneck...bottleneck...

Ok, the space between the seating for Cindy's and the Bippity Boppity Boutique has turned into a major bottleneck. Between people waiting for the BBB and CRT, and those who weren't aware of them and didn't make reservations trying to muscle their way to the front to ask a Cast Member how they can participate, combined with strollers everywhere, the area, even in the lightest traffic, immediately turns into the LA Freeway of Disneyworld. A near complete standstill.

While I understand that they may not want to put up stanchions for queuing, I think it would be a good idea considering battling through that area is so difficult. Normally, I just avoid it and take one of the side paths to the back of the Castle, but this year we ended up going through it twice, and it reminded me WHY I avoid that area in the first place!

2) The queues themselves, as indicated by the previous gripe, are complete chaos. People checking in constantly mashed in with people who have no appointments trying to get in. While both are rather poorly marked (just simple signage, they are almost easy to miss), it seems to attract everyone's attention.

3) I can't speak to the check in process at BBB, as we haven't done it since 2011, but Cindy's Royal Table is a mess. The hostesses seem overwhelmed, and communication with the seating hostess is poor.

They still operate with paper slips, which I don't mind, but they rush through the instructions so quickly that you are left feeling lost and rushed as they push on to process the next family in line. Strollers clutter up the area, and they continuously announcing "please line up your strollers against the wall", which sort of kills the mood for me.

Oh, keep an eye out for these guys! They are hiding out in the area where you get a picture with Cindy!

Families show up en masse and because of the general clutter of the area, don't know where the line starts or ends. Therefore, there really isn't much of a line. The CMs just process through the crowd as best they can. Cutting is common, as new arrivals elbow themselves to the front desk.

To be fair, I really don't blame them. It's not as if the line is clearly marked or instructions are given. It's also very difficult for a new guest to tell the difference between the "line" for CRT and just the other general mob chaos in the area.

They try and do a "seating show" sort of thing, where they announce your names. While this is cute, it's rather silly. For example, we were granted access to the photo / meet and greet area for Cindy, and were the second family to take a picture with her. I've actually never seen her come out until this year, she's always already been out doing her thing.

However, even though out meet and greet was over, we were not allowed to go upstairs to be seated...because we didn't have the right slip of paper (we had the one they give you first). We had to wait another 4 - 5 minutes for our name to be called so we could exchange the receipt for another receipt that had our seating assignment on it.

It all just seemed a bit convoluted to me. Of course, they could have just been having a bad day. But, I've noticed similar issues on previous trips (CRT is probably the one restaurant we've eaten at the most over the years, since we normally go at least twice per trip.)

Well, all that kerfuffle over with, we were seated promptly, and this year we got our two top center window seat again. I consider this "our seat", as there are only 3 two tops in the whole restaurant (all three at windows). I love this table, and it made me smile to have it back. We didn't get it last year (sigh)...

The only thing that sortof stunk was that Prince Charmings Carousel is down for refurb, so the walls are up. I'm hoping it's functioning again later in our trip. But, if not, I'm glad to see it get some TLC.

The meal was excellent.

For the appetizer, I had the shrimp and grits (add description). It was VERY good. I don't remember it from the menu last year, so I'm guessing this is a new addition. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

The shrimp were cooked perfectly, as were the grits. The sauce had an interesting taste that brought the whole dish together. The only thing I didn't really get were the greens on the top. I would rather they added something with a little more crunch. But, it was still excellent, and I would certainly order it again. Hands down best appetizer I've ever had at CRT.

The kid had grapes and cheddar. Nothing special, and it's what she normally gets when it's an option. I got to nibble on a few cheddar blocks, but the grapes were clearly her domain (and gone in a flash...she loves grapes).

For entrees, I had the Beef Tenderloin. This is served with Garlic Scalloped Potatoes, Asparagus and Tomato Butter. It was a tough choice because I had the Pan-Seared Cod served with meyer Lemon Butter, Tomatoes, Quinoa and Basil drizzled with Minus 8 Vinegar last year, and it was VERY good.

I was also very interested in the Braised Pork Shank, slow cooked and served with Root Vegetables and a Viognier (that's a white wine) Demi-Glace. But, in the end, I decided on the steak.

I wish I could rave as highly as I did about the appetizer here. While the asparagus was very good (baked in olive oil with a light salt, crushed black pepper and chopped garlic...mmm...tasty!), and the escalloped potatoes were likewise excellent, with their creamy cheese sauce. The meat itself left much to be desired. First, I requested medium rare (the ONLY way to eat a steak!).

It wasn't. It came out Medium Well, at best, if not well done. It was difficult to cut, tough to chew, and poorly seasoned. I even added salt to cover the blandness of it. But, I toughed through. I worked in restaurants too long, I don't complain. I just tough through it and make a mental note not to order it again and/or not to eat there again.

The kid had trouble making up her mind between the filet and the chicken tenders. Our server overheard this, and offered to bring her a half sized portion of both! How cool!

Nothing special to say about her meal. The tenders were tenders. Her filet was better than mine (I stole a bite), but still wasn't great.

Then off to dessert (or as Cindy's Royal Table calls it...the Finales)! I had the Clock Strikes Twelve. This is a white and dark chocolate tribute to "the moment Cinderella lost her slipper". It was excellent! Crunchy dark chocolate covering a runny marshmallow like cream filling.

A small spice cake on the bottom combined with a raspberry sauce...combine all these items into a single bite and it is simply fantastic. I also enjoyed the white chocolate topper as wellas the sugar cookie "clock hand". I would certainly do this dessert again, and recommend it!

The kid had "build your own ice cream". I enjoy the vanilla ice cream, as did the kid. It was gone almost before I could snap a picture of it!

Of course, the food isn't the only reason to come here. The decore was wonderful, and the princesses were great. Snow White won my "best princess character" award last year, but this year it goes to Arial. She was awesome. In fact, I think it's the best Arial we've ever run across. She goofed around with the kid, and it was a joy to watch.

They've also removed Belle and added Jasmine. I assume this is because Belle now has her own special place to meet and greet! Jasmine was a good choice, and one of the kids favorite. Last year I ran into a family waiting in line at Sourin (I think it was there...not important)...the kid was determined to meet Mulan and Jasmine. Those are some hard characters (at least last year) to find...but, I knew where! Her mom was thrilled when I told her to check out China and Morocco! Disney good deed of last year done! <grin>

We finished our meal, and did the "wishing ceremony". As usual, I couldn't hear what the Fairy Godmother is saying. I wish they would turn the volume up just a little and turn it into more of a show. I wonder if they had diners who complained about it, and that's why it's so low key now. I also noted that they only gave out wands and swords to kids this year.

Every other year I've gotten a sword of my own. I guess I probably could have asked, and gotten one...but it's not that big a deal (I just give them away to the kid's uncle each year anyhow).

(honey, you need to wipe your mouth. I know you are excited about the Princesses...but...)

So, bellies full (and this was a very welcome thing for me, I was famished!), we wandered off to catch our next FP+ experience. Peter Pan.

This, my friends, was the first thing I chose when I did FP+. Why? Because the standby queue for this ride is nothing short of torture. It's hot, it's crowded, it's clausterphobic, it's boring. I don't mind the wait at Toy Story or even Sourin' so much, but Peter Pan, Expedition Everest (before you get into the themed area) and the whole of Big Thunder Mountain's queue (not sure since I haven't experienced the new interactive queue parts yet) are the worst waits in the whole of Disney, at least to me. With Peter Pan topping the list.

So, I was very happy to FP this one! While I hate the queue, I love the ride. It is my favorite (since Horizons is now gone and Figment isn't what it used to be). As we approached the FP line, a woman and two children cut ahead of us, cutting us off literally a foot from the FP poles and station. <shrug>

Ok, I'm fine with that. No biggie, she's in a hurry, I get it. No worries, I'll just OH MY GOSH! TWENTY people streamed in behind her out of nowhere. What looked like a group of people looking at maps was really a tour group waiting for the FP window to open up. They tussled and shoved each other rushing into the queue as if the ride was a limited time magic offering that they'd never see again.

The kid and I were left by the wayside, as was another family (who made a rather rude, but slightly understandable given their frustration, when I apologized for being shoved into them by the throngs that were attacking the poor CM at the FP station. "That's ok. At least you speak English." was their comment. Like I said...rude...but slightly understandable considering the situation.)

The ride was great. I think they replaced the trash bag clouds over London (which I always thought was a neat effect) with something new...but I'm not sure. I don't really scan this ride for things, as I like to sit back and just soak it all in. I love models, and this ride is chock full of them!

Then it was off through Frontierland to get to Adventureland for our next FP+ reservation. Pirates of the Caribbean! I got the ride the one in Disneyland California a few months back, and at the time I had mentally deemed it superior to WDW (not a unique judgement either, many others feel the same), so, I was interested to compare notes and see if I still felt this way.

Along the way we stumbled across the registration for the new Adventureland Pirates Adventure. This caught my kids eye. It's in a new building that is next to the eatery stand (which never seems to be open) that's in the connector between Splash Mountain / Frontierland / Adventureland. We signed up, using the kid's Magicband, and snagged a map for our first Treasure Hunt Adventure! The kid's band failed the first time, but the CM was quick to react, setting us up on a different terminal where it worked perfectly while she reset the terminal we tried to use.

The maps are really well done, with a nice storyline to go with it. If you do this, I recommend taking time to sit down and read through the map and enjoy all the little details in it. There are a few different adventures (I want to say 5, but I didn't count), so there is plenty of replay-ability to this attraction. I'm sure the kid and I will be doing it again when we go back next week.

This adventure consisted of a rogue Royal Sea Captain who is trying to blackmail Jack Sparrow to obtain a magical jewel. If Captain Sparrow doesn't help him obtain the jewel, he will attack the pirate fleet. The catch is...the jewel is cursed. I won't go into too much detail about the rest of the plot, as I don't want to give it all away for anyone else who may play. I'll just say it was interesting enough that I was curious at each stop along the way what twist would come next.

The best interactive part, hands down, was when we got to shoot off the cannon. Somehow, they designed it to use real gunpowder (it smelled like when you shoot off a capgun). Lots of smoke billows out, and even better, you get to shoot the cannon off more than once!

Quite satisfying, I must say!

We took a break from our "Adventure" to ride the ride before our FP+ time ran out. Here again the Magicbands performed well. I had caught on now as to how the pole gives feedback. When you hold the band to the pole, it will read your RFID chip and start swirling as it accesses your information.

If it finds a match for what you are trying to do (like showing up within your FP window) then it will turn green. If it doesn't, then it will turn red. At the same time, a screen loads information about your party for the CM to review. A few times the CM actually confirmed the name of our party.

We walked the queue, and it was empty. I got longing looks from the people in the rather long Standby line. I almost felt bad, sortof like last year when we had the Unlimited Express Pass at Universal. But, FP+ testing wouldn't change anything for these people, they could have gotten Fastpasses on their own, so I didn't feel too bad.

Again, it was a near walk on. As we approached the second FP checkpoint, we ran into another family in front of us who was doing FP+ and Magicband testing. They were having a rather heated discussion with the CM about their FP usage, and he kept having them try their bands over and over again, and each time the Mickey would glow red. Half the party appearantly had valid FPs and the other half didn't. They were arguing with him, and eventually he capitulated when we showed up, and let them all pass.

At first, I thought, wow, they must have either reserved the FP wrong in the system, or were trying to pull something, but my experience soon changed my mind as to who was at fault. The kid tapped her band on the left stanchion, and Mickey glowed green. The CM indicated that I should tap on the right hand stanchion, and I did, and Mickey again glowed green.

I started to enter the rest of the queue with the kid, thinking to myself how easy all this was and how nice it was to not have to keep up with paper passes when the CM semi-chased me down and called me back to the checkpoint.

"Sir, I need you to scan your band again." Um...ok. Sure. I did just that, and this time Mickey glowed red. "Ok, sir, try it one more time?" Mickey again glowed red. "Try the other pole." Ok. Again Mickey glowed red. The CM checked his screen and said "Sir, it seems you've already used your Fastpass for this attraction." I haven't. I initially was going to argue with him, but then it occurred to me...perhaps he's referring to when I first scanned my band and Mickey glowed green? So, I said just that. He checked his screen and looked at the time I redeemed the FP, and looked embarrassed. "Oh, yes sir, I see now. I'm seems you just used it a few minutes ago. Please, go through."

Ok...thanks. When I caught up to the other testing family, they were still a bit upset about it, and I explained my experience to them, and that it was user error. They chimed in that the same CM had them scan their bands multiple times as well. So, it seems to me, this was a training / user error, not a systematic one.

Forgivable, considering how new the system is (I still ran into many CMs throughout the day who hadn't seen any guests with a band yet, and they made comments about it when I used mine).

We compared notes about our experiences so far, and we both had enjoyed it. We both thought the website was terrible, especially for making Dining Reservations. We both had fallen back on calling those in. We both had issues linking dining reservations. And we both hated how many times we would make it all the way to the last screen, just to see Donald...

They, apparently, were also having charging issues on their bands. The kids, who shouldn't be allowed to charge, were able to. Yet, the father couldn't, but mommy could.

Odd. Guess there are still kinks to be worked out.

After Pirates we finished up our "Adventure" and headed over to Tomorrowland. The kid really wanted to do the Laugh Floor. Some people may not be fond of that place, but the kid and I both adore it. Every trip I consider making a shirt that says "That Guy" on it and wearing it just so I can get selected...but I don't.

They were still 15 minutes out from the next show, so we walked over to Speedway to check if the kid is tall enough to drive by herself (something she really wants to do), but she's still a bit shy (about 4 inches shy), so on the way back to Laugh Floor I snagged two paper Fast Passes for Buzz Lightyear.

The Laugh Floor was fun. Not the best showing I ever seen there, but still good. As you may have heard, they have integrated Monster's University into the show. A new Monster's University commercial has been added to the preshow video, as well as references to it during the show.

It's not over the top, and actually I think was done in a very low key way that fits well with the show. It builds onto the universe of Monsters, Inc, rather than diluting it. Well done, in my opinion. They could easily have gone "in your face" and gaudy with the inclusion of it, but they didn't. Kudos.

We had about a half hour until our FPs for Buzz Lightyear, and 45 minutes or so before our reserved FP+ at Space Mountain, so we stopped by the Lunching Pad and picked up two drinks and a Cream Cheese Pretzel. I used a snack credit for the Pretzel, but purchased the drinks.

I love the Cream Cheese Pretzel. It's sweet, but not overly so. The filling is, well, sweetened cream cheese. They coat it in what I think is corn flour. It's rather tasteless. I wish they would salt the pretzel with normal rock salt like other pretzels, as I think the salty / sweet would make a nice combination. But, that withstanding, it's one of my favorite snacks. I forget who turned me on to it...Freshee I think.

Time for Buzz! Nothing much to say here, except that the ride was fun as always. The kid ended up with 8,000 points and I had 295,000. We snapped a dancing video and a picture from behind the bars and left to burn some time before our Space Mountain FPs.

The kid played in the mist at the Coke Spot (something she enjoys thoroughly) and then we went over to the Dance Party, which was just starting up. She danced with Goofy / Pluto and Stitch. She really wanted to get Stitch's autograph (it's one of her favorite characters), but I had to explain that Stitch was putting on a show now, and wasn't signing autographs.

This bummed her out. She frumped for a bit...I promised her that we'd be able to get Stitch (mind you, she still doesn't know the plans). She was fine by the time we got onto Space Mountain, however. In the queue, we again had a group race past us (even though we were walking at a good pace)...that behavior was really starting to get on my nerves. Oh well...

We got on rather quickly, and thankfully there wasn't much of a wait "behind the wall". I hate that part of the queue. It's just so drab back there! Space Mountain was Space Mountain. Again, the kid requested the front seat. Something she does every time since I introduced her to the concept.

Last year the kid was finally old enough that I didn't have to worry over her neck with my hands stretched over the back of her seat, but I still can't help but to keep my hands off to the side of her head to prevent her from overextending something. I probably don't need to anymore...but I still do.

She screamed the whole ride, a joyous scream. She loved it. She wanted to play in the arcade at the end, but I pulled a parental veto, as we had to leave if we were going to make it back to Contemporary in time for the Electrical Parade, and more importantly...Wishes!

We snagged some powdered candy from Goofy's Candy Company and a bag of Popcorn (to snack on during Wishes) from the vendor on Main Street on our way out of the park. The kid also got a light up "magic wand" which she had been eyeballing.

She actually wanted the "light saber" version, but it doesn't close up, and I was worried it wouldn't fit in the bag. Here's where I made a mistake when talking to the vendor asking if it disassembled or closed up. I mentioned..."we are leaving tomorrow and I want to be sure it will fit in our bags."

The kid heard this, and this is where the "tragic" part of the title of the day comes from. Remember, she has no idea what is in store. She enjoyed the wand, but as we walked to the monorail to head back to Contemporary, I could tell she was upset about something. I asked her what was wrong, and she started mumbling. ""

I didn't understand her, so I asked her to lift her chin and say it clearly. She teared up a little and said, choking up mid sentence..."But, I don't want...<choke> leave tomorrow!"

Oh, I felt so bad that I couldn't explain everything right then! I just gave her a vague promise that we aren't leaving for good, and we'd be back (which I don't think she bought, frankly), but it did serve to tide her over until we made it back to the Atrium level and she saw the goodies for display. This was an unexpected pleasure for me. We hastily decided that we would have our own Wishes Dessert Party (same sort of little pastries).

They had a lot available there, but the winner of the night for both of us was a mint froth served with Oreos. We must have had at least 2 each! Pictures below.

We watched the Electrical Water Pageant, and it was neat to see it do it's show in front of each Monorail resort in turn. When our turn came, the kid freaked out and thought that the "dragon was coming ashore!". Of course, it wasn't...but she seemed to love the idea of scaring herself with this notion, so I let it be.

Then came Wishes. This view, I suppose, makes up for the missed California Grille view we were supposed to do last year. And, it was fantastic. While I knew intellectually that they fired off the big fireworks from pretty far behind the castle, seeing it in person from this view really drove home how far back the other launchers are, and how large some of the fireworks truly are.

Channel 105 on the TV piped in the Wishes commentary and music. We also found that we had a great view of Magic, Memories and You (though you couldn't make out many of the details of the Castle projection, it was still neat to see). The kid went to bed and I stayed up a bit longer and watched the second showing of MM&Y and the Electrical Parade. This second go round, as I noted earlier, I realized I could actually SEE the parade once it got to Frontierland, which was neat. You could hear the Baroque Hoedown music all the way out on the balcony. Just cool, that's all I can say.

So, here we are, finally at the end of day 2. I told you it was an eventful day! Internet on the boat has been hit or miss (though overall much better than I expected it would be), so I will be editing / updating these posts with pictures as I can. I may not do this until we get back to WDW, as here I have to pay for internet time. But, when I make changes / updates, I will be sure to note it in the thread so you know to look back at the post.

Thanks for following so far. Tomorrow, Day 3 - Here Comes the Surf!
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Well-Known Member
I forgot to post this after I read it, but I've been on the Laugh Floor three times. Two out of those three times, my dad was "That Guy." The first time we went with extended family, and he got chosen. The second time was by ourselves. The third time was with the same extended family, and my aunt said "Don't worry, I think you're safe this time" to my dad. Then a bit later, that light was shining on him again. :D It was so funny both times. And then he got the sticker saying "I was that guy!" He got some funny comments the rest of the day throughout the park.

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