Engagements at Disney?


Well-Known Member
Can't beat the line but did get engaged on the boardwalk myself in june 08!!!

Pretty nice quiet place late at night, so it was the best I came up with as I didn't want an audience!

Getting Married in March 2010 and returning for our honeymoon in April!
(Would liked to have got married in Disney but a bit too far and expensive from the UK!

Congratulations! :)


Well-Known Member
Back in Oct 08 I proposed to my wife in the MK during the end of the Wishes Firework show.

Toward the end when Jimminy Cricket starts saying "Its just like I told you. Wishes can come true if you believe in them with all your heart.

Vid of the Firework show. The part I am referring to starts around 9 minutes 30 seconds...

Then they start singing again "Wishes dream a dream"... I turned her toward me and asked if there was a wish she wanted to come true.
After that she was a little confused about what I was talking about. I then told her there was a very special wish I have been wishing to come true and wanted to know if she could help me make it come true. At the time they start singing "Just Believe, Just Believe" I dropped down to one knee and told her "My wish was for her to be my wife. Will you marry me?"


New Member

we got engaged on march 3rd at epcot character spot i gave the ring to a castmember and mickey was 1st character we came up and he ran got minnie and proposed to her then gave me my ring to propose to my girlfriend pictures tuned out awesome mickey and i on our knees in front of my gf and minnie!!!!


New Member
Disney Proposal

My fiance proposed to me at Cinderella's Royal Table with Cinderella, the Fairy Godmother, and the whole restaurant looking on. Complete with a glass slipper, what else could I do but cry and say YES!

We are celebrating our honeymoon there, too! May 16 to 23, 2010! Can't wait!


New Member

Well, just returned last night from our trip to Disney World. It was great. 2 weeks there, spending 7 days at disney and 4 days at universal.

Originally one of my co-workers were going down a week before we were and we were going to meet up down there. They were going to help me with my surprise. But, the day before they had to leave, two of their family members got sick and had to cancel. So, I had to change my plans for my proposal.

I decided to do it the first day we were in Disney. Since we were there right early and people were just slowly getting in, we head to the wishing well near Cinderella's castle. No one was there and it was quiet. I set up the camera and explained to him about the wishing well and to start the holiday right, I want him to make a wish and will record it for him to cherish and hope that it comes true.

The evil stepmother and stepsisters had just come around the corner when we arrived, and the sisters were suspicious of what we were doing there as they walked by. You could see them at the bottom of the hill peering back and trying to spy on us. I was pretending to use the camera to catch them in action spying on us. It was fun.

Once they were gone, I set up the camera to record. I then had him go up to the well and I pulled out a quarter I had placed in my pocket ready for this. The ring was in another pocket waiting. He had no idea I had done this and actually moved them right in front of his face and he didn't see it in the hotel room.. I can be so sneaky... lol. I told him to hold it in his hand tight and to close his eyes and think of a wish. And when I say go, to throw it into the well.

When he had turned around, I was on my knees with the ring box open. It was about here when I started to choke up and could hardly speak the words I needed to. You should of seen his expression on his face. It just dropped and so did his arms. It was an immediate YES! I asked, what was the wish you asked for. He didn't want to tell me as he didn't want to jinx the wish, but it was for us to be together forever... So it came true..

We got packed back up and headed down the hill where the evil ones were. The step mother approached us. "Did you waste your money and make a wish on that stupid well?" 'Yes, we did.' "Well, those silly wishes will never come true." ' Well, this one did.' The step sisters now saw the ring and they went wild. They were so upset and knew that they had missed something. Boy did they ever put on a show. When I get a chance, I will post the picture of all of us and you can see for yourself.

It had made the moment magical and well worth it.

Now that the holidays are over, we have to plan a wedding date and our next trip.... lol


New Member

That's a really sweet idea for a marriage proposal! I agree with the Club 33 Arrangement. It is expensive but totally worth it. Of course, I think night time would be a more romantic time of the day, and possibly right under the fireworks. The castle is cute, but too busy, so Club 33 would be the best. Good Luck.......:shrug:


Well-Known Member
I proposed to my wife in Cinderellas Royal Table. It was a few years ago and I couldn't afford the Disney Engagement Packages being offered. This was also in the good old days when you could reserve a table without going online and had a reasonable chance of getting in.
I told the CM on the reservation desk what I was going to do (when wife was in shop) and they took the ring and said they would present it when we had finished the main course.

When we had our meal, the waiter asked what we would like for desserts and I was given a secret nod and told to wait. All the waiters /waitresses sidled up to the table and my wife wondered what was going on. The stood around the table and produced a silver tray with a glass slipper, a rose in the slipper and the ring in the rose, all covered in rose petals. There was this rhyme about "time for a princess to become a queen" and I took the ring and asked her to marry me. To be honest, I was choking up a little myself at this point. She said yes and everyone in the room was on their feet clapping. We were given two glasses as a souvenier and the flowers.

It was something we shall never both forget. I wanted to video it all, but couldn't without arousing suspicion at the time. But I did get some nice pictures.

I had to write to Cinderella's and say "thank you" when I got home. It was fantastic.


New Member
Proposal 2011

:sohappy:I'm planning on proposing to my gf,since we were suppose to go to wdw in summer 09,but I'm leaving next year 2010 for deployment:(. So once I get back(hopefully round the summer 2011 ),me and her are gonna take a 7 day vacation to wdw. I have to many thoughts on how i can propose to her,but I'm trying to go round her birthday and propose that night during the fireworks.Cuz I figure since it'll be her birthday, she wont be expecting anything out of the regular. Then when we're watching the fireworks, i firgure i''ll just grab her around with you box in my hand and whisper in her ear,WILL YOU MARRY ME?!


Active Member
:sohappy:I'm planning on proposing to my gf,since we were suppose to go to wdw in summer 09,but I'm leaving next year 2010 for deployment:(. So once I get back(hopefully round the summer 2011 ),me and her are gonna take a 7 day vacation to wdw. I have to many thoughts on how i can propose to her,but I'm trying to go round her birthday and propose that night during the fireworks.Cuz I figure since it'll be her birthday, she wont be expecting anything out of the regular. Then when we're watching the fireworks, i firgure i''ll just grab her around with you box in my hand and whisper in her ear,WILL YOU MARRY ME?!

Thank you for your service and stay safe !


New Member
I proposed to my fiance last week at WDW which consisted of an elaborate plan with disney to cover it up. bear with me and il explain.

Well it started with my girlfriend winning a competition in the uk for a week at WDW.

I was aware that we would be receiving and itinerary informing us where and when we would need to be for all the press shoots we had to attend.

Knowing this i secretly contacted disney in the uk and let them know of my proposal intentions. I was very surprised when disney jumped at the chance to help me make it the perfect proposal. They originally offered me a "press call" at the polynesian with a photo shoot on the beach at which the truth would come out and i would propose.

This plan was then changed as the spot on the beach could not be book. Disney then informed me that they would book a "press call" at the grand Floridian and inform my fiance that she would be required to attend for photos. Little did she know that we would be quest diners at Citricos with all expenses paid by disney and then we would head out on a complementary cruise on the grand one yacht where we would have more pictures taken by a professional photographer leading up to the wishes fireworks. Once the fireworks started we were left alone by the Disney uk staff and photographer.

This was the point about 2 mins into the show where i turned my girlfriend around to face me and dropped to one knee. Luckily she said yes but i was more concerned of her excited movements that she was going to fall over board. Once her excitement had calmed down we were rejoined by the Disney UK staff and had another batch of photos taken of the moment with fireworks in the background.

I must say that im so glad i sent disney uk a simple e-mail as i would never of been able to afford or pull off something as fantastic as that.

A big thanks to all the staff in the Disney UK press office for there time and effort in making the moment just perfect.


Well-Known Member

That sounds amazing and you really made the most of a great opportunity. That whole trip will be something neither of you will ever forget!

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