I'm so glad to have run into this website because it's exactly what I was looking for! I too am getting ready to propose to my girlfrien and want some advice and ideas to bounce around. A little bit on my woman:
She loves Disney, we go at least 7 times a year she can't get enough of their movies and even though shes in her 30s she's like a little kid in a candy store and I love how full of life she is! She really is a princess. Her favorite characters are Tinkerbell, Cinderella and Mickey in that order. She's been with me through rough economical times and waited patiently almost 5 years to get her ring. She's knows we are made for each and other and she's dying for her ring already and it's time!!
I youtubed and browsed forums for some ideas and here's what I'm looking for:
We'd like something somewhat intimate but at the park, a huge crowd around us would be scary! I like the idea of proposing next to a Mickey character while they take pictures and he does his expressions. I wonder if it's possible to get a somewhat private area with him? Or take us somewhere off limits to public.
The wish and fireworks ideas are great but it's a little too crowded and I want to propose during day so it truly is a magical day for her! I don't know of any ideas with tinker bell or Cinderella but I definitely like concept of the proposal coming to life with animated character in background as they take our pictures. Do I need to bring a photographer or will Disney staff do it for us?
Thanks I'm open to ideas and suggestions!! Proposing in less then a month.
Exuse typos and missing words, iPhone!
I'm so glad to have run into this website because it's exactly what I was looking for! I too am getting ready to propose to my girlfrien and want some advice and ideas to bounce around. A little bit on my woman:
She loves Disney, we go at least 7 times a year she can't get enough of their movies and even though shes in her 30s she's like a little kid in a candy store and I love how full of life she is! She really is a princess. Her favorite characters are Tinkerbell, Cinderella and Mickey in that order. She's been with me through rough economical times and waited patiently almost 5 years to get her ring. She's knows we are made for each and other and she's dying for her ring already and it's time!!
I youtubed and browsed forums for some ideas and here's what I'm looking for:
We'd like something somewhat intimate but at the park, a huge crowd around us would be scary! I like the idea of proposing next to a Mickey character while they take pictures and he does his expressions. I wonder if it's possible to get a somewhat private area with him? Or take us somewhere off limits to public.
The wish and fireworks ideas are great but it's a little too crowded and I want to propose during day so it truly is a magical day for her! I don't know of any ideas with tinker bell or Cinderella but I definitely like concept of the proposal coming to life with animated character in background as they take our pictures. Do I need to bring a photographer or will Disney staff do it for us?
Thanks I'm open to ideas and suggestions!! Proposing in less then a month.
Exuse typos and missing words, iPhone!