Last year we went the last week of August before Labor Day weekend. It was amazing! I don’t expect a repeat of that ever again though because the delta variant was surging, masks still required indoors (which deterred people), and no international travel allowed yet. Couple that with kids going back to school for the first time in two years (in person, not remotely)…it was just the perfect recipe crowd wise. I’m not exaggerating when I say other than Rise, Slinky, Avatar and Dwarf Mine train, we literally went on every other ride in all the parks 6-10 times. And even those headliner rides were never over 30 minutes. Avatar was actually only 15 minutes once. Most rides were walk ons. They let us just stay on Thunder Mtn and go again, lol! We walked on Frozen, Everest and Tower of Terror three times in a row each. I don’t think it will be that way this time. Especially since international travelers (who always go the end of August since their kids start in Sept) had to replan their past trips and are finally getting to go now. I’m expecting a surge this year due to that. But I’m guessing even despite that, the increase won’t be too bad. It is hurricane season, crazy hot and American schools are back in session. Maybe you’ll see 15-30 waits on most rides? 45 minute-ish on the most popular ones (and if you go closer to close in the evening, the headliners will probably drop to 20-30 minutes) I think crowd wise, you can’t go wrong with the week before, or week after Labor Day weekend (I’ve been in September various dates throughout the month a handful of times as well) I think the two are so comparable it’s too hard to gauge which is lower crowd wise. Once they bring back free dining in September, crowds will pick up. Pick which date is just best for you and have a good time, you won’t regret either one. Just bring cooling towels or fans for your neck, along with a water bottle holder. The heat is worse than any crowd concerns, lol!