Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows what jobs are available if you have a masters in elementary education with certifications in literacy and special education and a bachelors degree in communications. Thanks for hte insight.
It seems very difficult to get directly into professional positions at Disney, because they tend to give priority to recruiting for those positions from within the company. A lot of people tend to find that they need to work for Disney in a non-professional position and then to move up.
Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows what jobs are available if you have a masters in elementary education with certifications in literacy and special education and a bachelors degree in communications. Thanks for hte insight.
She has a Masters in Elementary Ed. She has a Literacy Endorsement.She also is certified in E.S.O.L.
She is presently an E.S.O.L teacher and working on her Ph.D. Ed.
She toyed with the idea if I ever looked good enough for Disney in Mgt since I have 20 years Mgt experience with Coke and Target with a MBA,she would go to Disney too.
She did in fact notice that quite a few Disney Institute Instructors did have a backround in some kind of Education/Leadership with Degrees in Education.
I would,like Steve said,to go to Disneycareers.com and look.You can also try DisneyInstitute.com to see some ideas too.