EMH's are a joke!


Well-Known Member
Computer Magic said:
I think you hit the nail on the head with this post.

EMH night is good or bad depending on how crowded WDW is. I went in May and it seemed as other parks closed everyone showed up to EMH night. This made the park extremly crowded.

I think WDW should find a way to even out the crowds during EMH. 2 EMH night parks would do that.
woohoo im glad people havnt flamed me for my idea.


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
"if they tried" is exactly the problem. Lots of Guests don't get maps, and lots complain Epcot is a confusing layout.

You can't do something assuming the majority of Guests will do what is even remotely logical. You have to assume they wont do anything you tell them to and thus compensate - that's usually what works best.
well...in my opinion...if they are too stubborn to find a map or a helpful CM...they lose!


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AliciaLuvzDizne said:
well...in my opinion...if you are too stubborn to find a map or a helpful CM...you lose!

It'd be wonderful if it worked that way, but they go and complain and you know the rest..


Well-Known Member
We went in May and our experience with EMH was good. The only time we walked away from a ride was when we did Soarin'. But we had already done it twice that day so we weren't very upset.

As for the children staying out late. My DD is 8 and she wanted to stay. Since it wasn't harming her or any one else, why not. We only get to go once a year so we have to fit in the fun every available minute. I can't comment on taking a baby, but how do you know the baby didn't start crying because it didn't want to leave? He/she was having so much fun they were mad because they wanted to see Mickey again. And what exactly would you say to a parent with a screaming child? You don't think they know their kid is screaming. Parents know their kids and know when they are consolable and when they aren't.


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Original Poster
Testtrack321 said:
Again, looks like trouble.

As the poster has said, EMHs were some of the worst crowd control and logistics this side of Six Flags. Yes, 2 5 and 7 probably could do a better job than Disney at this one. The program obviously works the best when there are little to no crowds (loved it at AK), but falls flat on it's face with large crowds (Epcot).

The problem lies in the fact that Disney cannot a.) control the attendance level b.) distribute wristbands without confusing guests or creating bottle necks c.) make up their minds about how attractions run from night to night.

Case in point at Epcot, the Innoventions breezeways were used for distribution. While this sounds fine, until you get there you realize the problem. There were no distribution points in The Land (or near it, like at the closed Living Seas), no distribution points in World Showcase, where most people spend their nights, no distribution points using the closed WoL path, and no distribution points using the Odysse center. Mission: Space had a 40 minute line for SINGLES. For ANYONE who has been to M:S the past month knows that the ride empties out around 4pm with no lines. Singles at TT was 40 minutes. Soarin' roped the stand-by through the fast-pass que, and out the single rides line to keep people in. And this changed week by week, as there is only one EMH at night per park.

The parks even accepted the same amount of people in the turnstiles, yet only had limmited amount of attractions open. It was like having Epcot at capacity with only Future World partally open!

I got the park early and got on Soarin' numerous times, but anyone saying EMH is like, or even compareable to E-Ticket night really needs a reality check. The fact Disney vets like us got mad and left Epcot 1 hour in really tells you somethig about the program. We will never use the EMH program again at Epcot, or at MK where it was equally as bad. MGM was much better, but nowhere near as good as it could be.

As others have said, charge $12 to get in, stay late, ride the rides, etc. It'll work MUCH better.

I have only one thing to say: AMEN BRO!


Well-Known Member
DisneyFreak529 said:
I thnk instead of complainning you should be happy you get extra hours in the park!!
but what is the point of extra hours if you cant do anything except get pushed around by crowds? instead of putting this in perspective of wait times...let me put it in perspective of people. The line for soarin' went all the way up the stairs! it was not worth it at all to wait...in fact, the line was way shorter during the day with all of the non-resort guests. I was able to ride Soarin' 4 times last week, and none of those times were during EMH.


New Member
Note to self. Don't waste the extra money staying at a resort to get the EMH benefit during Busy seasons. Sounds like a nightmare. Defenitly spend the extra money if we can go during off peak times.


New Member
Guess what: I'm a college student, too. I went the week after classes got out, before my full time summer job. Most colleges get out in mid-May, go then if it's such a problem.

2 said:
strategizing? YOU WENT IN MAY!

I could have blind folded myself and pointed to a random place on the MK map and found an attraction with little or no line.

Yeah that's great that you guys have the liberty to go to WDW during the off-season, but some people (me) have this thing called college that we have to attend.

Look, if I could go in October or early December without flunking out of college I would do it! But summer is the only time I can go and for the billionth time I REALIZE IT'S A BUSY TIME!


New Member
It seems as if this discussion should be limited to EPCOT EMH nights, because I don't think I've read anyone else talk badly about an MK, MGM, or AK one.

EMH nights at AK will always work smoothly (at least until EE opens) because there isn't enough draw there, especially at night, for guests to pile on top of each other until 10, for no nighttime show, when MK usually is staying open till 11 non-EMH.

Magic Kingdom usually works smoothly because there are 20+ attractions still open for EMH, and still worth doing. The mountains are usually far less busy than in normal hours, and with such a wide variety of attractions (and yes, fastpasses for all of them, which is good) guests have no trouble finding something fun to do.

I've heard some horror stories at MGM, like ToT and RnRC obviously still being packed, and mobs of Fantasmic goers unloading into those areas at 10:30 doesn't help either.

However, I'm only hearing EPCOT being addressed on this thread. So, what exactly are we complaining about? We are right now in one of the busiest seasons, around a holiday where more Americans were traveling this year than ever before, did you think guests were just going to go home at official closing? EPCOT is confusing to navigate through during the day, nighttime is no different. And Soarin' will ALWAYS have a line during the summer, especially when it opened just 2 months ago.

EPCOT has three super headliners that will keep guests in the parks after official closing time, but nothing else really to ease the pressure off them. Of course it will be packed.

Yes, the distribution of wristbands is a problem, and Disney definetly has some kinks to work out, but if you really want your beloved E-ride nights, which spanned about 12 select days for only MK during the summer at an additional cost, take them. I'll be happy with a different park closing every night 3 hours later for no additional costs, even if that means there will be crowds.

I'm not necessarily saying that EMH are working perfectly right now, but no need to burn the system. If you weren't in the parks at midnight, you'd probably be back in your hotel room anyway, so you really have nothing to lose, everything to gain.


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Original Poster
angelfaerie52 said:
Guess what: I'm a college student, too. I went the week after classes got out, before my full time summer job. Most colleges get out in mid-May, go then if it's such a problem.

Well, if my college let out in mid-May I would be able to do so. But it does not. We usually don't get out until the first week of June. Eventhough our last week of 'offical' classes is in the last week of May our finals week is in the first week of June.

And I really don't think it would be wise for me to miss finals week to go on vacation. Just a thought.

Believe me, I would love to go during a slower time but it doesn't work that way for me and we ALWAYS go during the summer months.


New Member
dave2822 said:
It seems as if this discussion should be limited to EPCOT EMH nights, because I don't think I've read anyone else talk badly about an MK, MGM, or AK one.


Magic Kingdom usually works smoothly because there are 20+ attractions still open for EMH, and still worth doing. The mountains are usually far less busy than in normal hours, and with such a wide variety of attractions (and yes, fastpasses for all of them, which is good) guests have no trouble finding something fun to do.

Let me fan this fire for a little bit. We went the second week in June and only did the MK nighttime EMH and it was horrible. We had a 30 min wait for space Mt. at 1am. From 11-2, we were only able to do 4 rides, Pirates, HM, BTMR and Space Mt. Splash had a 50 min. wait at 12:30 so we blew it off. I greatly preferred the E-ride nights because we rarely had a wait and we always go the 2nd or 3rd week in June.

However, we did go back to MK the next morning and got there when it opened and had no more than a 5 min. wait on any ride until noon. We figured that all the people that stayed up late like us slept in.

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