EMH's are a joke!


New Member
Dizknee_Phreek said:
I'm glad you brought that up, as well! My dad and I stayed in MK until 2am, and the WHOLE bus ride back to Boardwalk there was a fussy baby (a BABY! Out at 2am!!). I'll admit, I get annoyed rather easily, but, to me, a noisy baby is one of the most annoying/grating sounds ever. Why would anyone keep a small child out that late?! That is just completely irresponsible, imo.

I am not going to offer my opinion on how late a child should be allowed out at a theme park, but jeez they are babies they fuss, that is what they do, deal with it. I mean that same baby might have woken up at 2 PM and started fussing, so when should that family be able to have fun? And by no means am I agreeing with keeping a baby out all night I am just commenting on the fussy baby comment.


New Member
2 said:
BUT HERE'S THE KICKER: all other attractions at EPCOT for EMH's HAD Fastpass!

Since evening EMH hours started the only attraction that offers Fastpasses, durring evening extra magic hours was Test Track, when Soarin opened, it became the second attraction to offer it.

So far, Soarin having Fastpass durring this time has been a disatser, they typically run out for day guest, between 1 and 3 every day. For EMH, the machines are turned back on at 9pm.

This week, on Thursday June 30th, they decided to see how Soarin wouyld do without them.

So anyone saying they got Fatspases at Soairin this week is wrong.

This is partialy due to the fast the the week before, people started getting in line around 7pm to get fastpasses for EMH.

There were guest, acctually waiotn in line for 2 hours to get fastpasses, at a time the Standby line was less than 1 hour.

At 9pm, when they machines came back on the line streched accross the building up the strairs by the boatride, and up the ramps to Circle of Life.

That is one reason they are no going to run EMH without fastpasses at Soarin, or at least for a few weeks


Well-Known Member
2 said:
I just got back from my trip yesterday and must say that the most disappointing aspect of my trip was how the Extra Magic Hours program is run!

First of all: WHY ON EARTH WOULD THEY DISTRIBUTE FASTPASSES FOR THE EXTRA MAGIC HOURS?:veryconfu I mean, it's bad enough that Soarin has a 75 min. line, and by distributing Fastpasses they only make it worse! Also, we did EMH's at EPCOT twice and the first time they were taking Fastpasses from early in the day but the second time we went they had the Fastpass line closed off and were just using it as part of the Stand By line. BUT HERE'S THE KICKER: all other attractions at EPCOT for EMH's HAD Fastpass! This just goes to show that the people who put together this program have NO CLUE what they are doing!

ALSO, why on earth would you have wristband distribution locations right in the middle of the Breezeways at EPCOT! TALK ABOUT A LOGISTICAL NIGHTMARE!

Personally, I would just recommend staying away from the parks that have EMH's at night on that day. Prior to going to EPCOT we were at MGM until around 8:00 and at 7:00 ToT was litterally a walk on!

My suggestion: GET RID OF EMH's and bring back E-Ride nights!

On a more comical note: I must admit that I went to Stich's Great Escape (Mistake) on last Thurday, and I must say that is the worst attraction on Disney property!
All I am going to say is that Disney in there 50 years of theme parks and crowd control have far more experience with "Logistics" than you ever will.


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Original Poster
BradleyJay said:
Since evening EMH hours started the only attraction that offers Fastpasses, durring evening extra magic hours was Test Track, when Soarin opened, it became the second attraction to offer it.

So far, Soarin having Fastpass durring this time has been a disatser, they typically run out for day guest, between 1 and 3 every day. For EMH, the machines are turned back on at 9pm.

This week, on Thursday June 30th, they decided to see how Soarin wouyld do without them.

So anyone saying they got Fatspases at Soairin this week is wrong.

This is partialy due to the fast the the week before, people started getting in line around 7pm to get fastpasses for EMH.

There were guest, acctually waiotn in line for 2 hours to get fastpasses, at a time the Standby line was less than 1 hour.

At 9pm, when they machines came back on the line streched accross the building up the strairs by the boatride, and up the ramps to Circle of Life.

That is one reason they are no going to run EMH without fastpasses at Soarin, or at least for a few weeks

Actually, I think you're wrong.

Soarin' did have Fastpasses for all of last week and I should know because I still have one that I was unable to use. It was only during EMH's that they shut down the FP kiosks.

I mean don't get me wrong here, Soarin is probably one of the best attractions on Disney property and I loved it. But, it's not worth a 2 and a half hour wait. And in reality the Stand By line wasn't even that long it was just there were way too many Fastpasses let out for that night! So, in turn, the Stand By line barely ever moved.

EDIT- Wrong again. Mission:SPACE also offers Fastpass during EMH's.

Also, eventhough the Stand By line on Soarin may say it's less than an hour it's usually not accurate. Case and point: When we went to Soarin last Tuesday the line was said to have been 60 min. Well, 150 min. later we got on the ride! The line times are almost never accurate because the CM's do not run the white cards through the line often enough.


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Original Poster
Enderikari said:
Ladies and Gentleman, it is more time in the park for FREE? What else do you want?

To tell you the truth I would gladly pay the $12 E-Ride Night fee if it meant having less of a crowd.

Here's my solution: Bring back E-Ride nights but have them at every park and charge resort guests $12 for the wristbands to stay for an extra 3 hours. This would cut back on the people who go to EMH's to just do a ride like Soarin and then leave. Also, Disney would make a hell of a lot more money by switching to this system. It's a win-win situation.


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Original Poster
Sounds good to me :sohappy:

THANK GOD! Finally, someone who actually understands what we lost by the discontinuation of E-Ride Nights!

Thank you Captain Hook!


Well-Known Member
2 said:
Also, eventhough the Stand By line on Soarin may say it's less than an hour it's usually not accurate. Case and point: When we went to Soarin last Tuesday the line was said to have been 60 min. Well, 150 min. later we got on the ride! The line times are almost never accurate because the CM's do not run the white cards through the line often enough.

Or the guest don't give them back to us :p


New Member
use fast pass

I disagree the EMH were great. 3 extra hours at Magic Kingdom and at Disney Studios was invaluable to our family. At studios, we hit all the major attractions several times and then at MK, my son and I hit all of the major rides 2, sometimes 3 times even with no fast passes. Just an off-night. I will say that whenever possible use a fast pass.


Active Member
we send the cards out like we are supposed to...it beeps really loud. Its usually the guests who see it as a free gift or just forget that keep the signs from changing. Dont blame CMs.


Well-Known Member
MayKingMajikHpn said:
I am not going to offer my opinion on how late a child should be allowed out at a theme park, but jeez they are babies they fuss, that is what they do, deal with it. I mean that same baby might have woken up at 2 PM and started fussing, so when should that family be able to have fun? And by no means am I agreeing with keeping a baby out all night I am just commenting on the fussy baby comment.
Yes, I know they're just babies and they fuss and all that. And I DO deal with it...that's why I didn't say anything to anybody but my dad about it. Well, until I posted it here, but anyway...I'm not even going to try to get into an explination of specifics or whatever because I don't know that couple's situation. All I was doing was commenting on the keeping the kids out late post, and I used that experience as it will probably go down in my history book as one of the most annoying bus rides I've had thus far. Like I said, I tend to get annoyed easily and babies crying/screaming (as this kid was doing, non-stop...with the parents seemingly not even trying to calm it) is just one of many things that makes me shudder. I never make a scene or say anything because I know it's a losing battle...but that doesn't mean it doesn't get on my nerves any less. That's as far as I'm going with this.


New Member
2 said:
Actually, I think you're wrong.

Soarin' did have Fastpasses for all of last week and I should know because I still have one that I was unable to use. It was only during EMH's that they shut down the FP kiosks.

The orignial post was talkiing about extra magic hours, which last thursday they did not have.

I was only commenting on EMH, not Normal daily operations, so I was not wrong.

Kinda sad, when you can't remember what you were talking about in your post that started this tread.


Well-Known Member
Disney makes more money from EEMh then from E-ride nights. Crazy I know... a few hundred people pay $12 a night, a few thousand pay nothing, how does this make sence? Shops like the Emporium or Mouse Gear sell more merchindice during these EEMH then they did during E-rides. Fast passes allow guest to enter shops while they are 'waiting in line' thus, more money again.


Well-Known Member
PuertoRekinSam said:
Disney makes more money from EEMh then from E-ride nights. Crazy I know... a few hundred people pay $12 a night, a few thousand pay nothing, how does this make sence? Shops like the Emporium or Mouse Gear sell more merchindice during these EEMH then they did during E-rides. Fast passes allow guest to enter shops while they are 'waiting in line' thus, more money again.
Not to mention food! I'm glad they started keeping some of the food joints open for EMH, unlike they did for E-Ride Nights.

Also, as I took it, everyone's allowed to stay in the parks during EMH, resort guest or no...but only resort guests with bracelets are allowed to go on attractions. If I'm correct in saying that, there's more money there as well, as the only thing non-resort guests (or resort guests w/o bracelets) can do is shop and eat.


Well-Known Member
Again, looks like trouble.

As the poster has said, EMHs were some of the worst crowd control and logistics this side of Six Flags. Yes, 2 5 and 7 probably could do a better job than Disney at this one. The program obviously works the best when there are little to no crowds (loved it at AK), but falls flat on it's face with large crowds (Epcot).

The problem lies in the fact that Disney cannot a.) control the attendance level b.) distribute wristbands without confusing guests or creating bottle necks c.) make up their minds about how attractions run from night to night.

Case in point at Epcot, the Innoventions breezeways were used for distribution. While this sounds fine, until you get there you realize the problem. There were no distribution points in The Land (or near it, like at the closed Living Seas), no distribution points in World Showcase, where most people spend their nights, no distribution points using the closed WoL path, and no distribution points using the Odysse center. Mission: Space had a 40 minute line for SINGLES. For ANYONE who has been to M:S the past month knows that the ride empties out around 4pm with no lines. Singles at TT was 40 minutes. Soarin' roped the stand-by through the fast-pass que, and out the single rides line to keep people in. And this changed week by week, as there is only one EMH at night per park.

The parks even accepted the same amount of people in the turnstiles, yet only had limmited amount of attractions open. It was like having Epcot at capacity with only Future World partally open!

I got the park early and got on Soarin' numerous times, but anyone saying EMH is like, or even compareable to E-Ticket night really needs a reality check. The fact Disney vets like us got mad and left Epcot 1 hour in really tells you somethig about the program. We will never use the EMH program again at Epcot, or at MK where it was equally as bad. MGM was much better, but nowhere near as good as it could be.

As others have said, charge $12 to get in, stay late, ride the rides, etc. It'll work MUCH better.


Well-Known Member
my 2 cents

I didnt read the whole thread because I cant stand to wade through the bickering. I am just going to say my peace about EMH and be gone...

I went in March. EMH was the best thing that ever happened to me. We walked on every ride more than once. No waits, no problems.

I was also just there last week (the same week as 2, 5, and 7) EMH was the WORST thing that ever happened to me. It seemed as if people held out on riding things such as Soarin' and Test Track just for EMH nights.
Now, I wonder something. What if they had more than just one park open for EMH during the summer months? Not ALL of the parks, but maybe 2...try to disperse the crowds a little and make it less of a nightmare. This might work out better to everyones advantage...and maybe the parks would make even more money with more shops and food stands open within the 2 open parks.


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AliciaLuvzDizne said:
Wonders of Life pavilion is still on the map, so people could definately find it if they tried.

"if they tried" is exactly the problem. Lots of Guests don't get maps, and lots complain Epcot is a confusing layout.

You can't do something assuming the majority of Guests will do what is even remotely logical. You have to assume they wont do anything you tell them to and thus compensate - that's usually what works best.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
AliciaLuvzDizne said:
my 2 cents

I didnt read the whole thread because I cant stand to wade through the bickering. I am just going to say my peace about EMH and be gone...

I went in March. EMH was the best thing that ever happened to me. We walked on every ride more than once. No waits, no problems.

I was also just there last week (the same week as 2, 5, and 7) EMH was the WORST thing that ever happened to me. It seemed as if people held out on riding things such as Soarin' and Test Track just for EMH nights.
Now, I wonder something. What if they had more than just one park open for EMH during the summer months? Not ALL of the parks, but maybe 2...try to disperse the crowds a little and make it less of a nightmare. This might work out better to everyones advantage...and maybe the parks would make even more money with more shops and food stands open within the 2 open parks.
I think you hit the nail on the head with this post.

EMH night is good or bad depending on how crowded WDW is. I went in May and it seemed as other parks closed everyone showed up to EMH night. This made the park extremly crowded.

I think WDW should find a way to even out the crowds during EMH. 2 EMH night parks would do that.

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