Electric Scooter


New Member
First of all sorry if this is the wrong place to be posting this.

I am going to WDW next year with my family and unfortunately my Mum doesn't keep good health and is not able to walk far therefore we want to get an electric scooter for her for our whole stay in Florida.

Does anyone know where we would be able to do this? I believe you can get them in the parks but we want it for the whole two weeks.

Thanks in advance for your help and sorry again if this is the wrong place.



New Member
Try Care Medical I have used them several times. Some of the other companys will send a scooter and if you have a problem you are stuck. Care has 24 hr number. I have not had a problem with one of theres but it is nice to know that if you need help you can get it.
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New Member
First of all sorry if this is the wrong place to be posting this.

I am going to WDW next year with my family and unfortunately my Mum doesn't keep good health and is not able to walk far therefore we want to get an electric scooter for her for our whole stay in Florida.

Does anyone know where we would be able to do this? I believe you can get them in the parks but we want it for the whole two weeks.

Thanks in advance for your help and sorry again if this is the wrong place.

The ones you rent in the park cannot be taken from park to park and the odds of getting one at a different park later in the day is nil to none. There is a place in Orlando called Walker that rents them and will deliver it right to the park for you. If you call the res center at 407-W-DISNEY they can give you the names and numbers of a couple of others also...
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Well-Known Member
The companies Disney Reservations would recommend are the following:

Medical Equipment-Care Medical

Medical Equipment-Scootaround Scooter Rental

Medical Equipment-Walker Mobility

All locations will deliver directly to your Walt Disney World Resort room.
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Well-Known Member
Hey I have used Walker Mobility for my clients a number of times and have always been happy with their service. Number is listed above as well as their website!!!! Have a great time and tell Mom I hope she enjoys herself!!! Belle
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