Well-Known Member
No, not remove all ties. But I DO think Disney should not be pasting their name all over things that do not reflect the wholesome image that the Disney name should imply. Again I refer to this example "The Walt Disney Company's ABC Presents the Victoria's Secret Lingerie Show" Had they left it simply as "ABC Presents the Victoria's Secret Lingerie Show." without plastering the Disney name all over it, I don't think I would care as much.imagineer99 said:...but ABC should not be forced to act under "Disney"-values. When ABC aired the fashion show, it just happened to appear on a Disney owned network. Disney didn't sponser DIRECTLY. If the show was shown right before "The Wonderful World of Disney," then I take issue.
After all, Miramax (owned by Disney) makes movies that are definitely not intended for the family audience. However, does that mean that Disney should remove all ties to them?
Its one thing to own a company and simply stay behind the scenes making decisions and collecting a profit. Its another thing to plaster your name on anything you think might get big ratings on TV. I'm just saying that they should show a little more discresion before throwing the Disney name around.