EE soft openings


New Member
right now and I am not sure but I know they told us that opening would be in April well that is the plan for now. So if you calculate backwards from that previews should be march and soft in the end of Feb.


Premium Member
I'd say it's a good bet that it will be open February 15th. CMs are being told that guest sneak "peaks" are starting early February. This Wednesday is technically "early February." :)

As has been posted here by others, official opening is April 7th.


New Member
Everest will definitely not be open Feb 1, as the "Everest Path" will be totally closed off to guests. They may be taking down the construction walls, as well as putting in post-holes for removable stantions to help with crowd control. Beyond that it's up-in-the-air.


Well-Known Member
I can see soft openings happen at that time. I overheard a manager at Everest on Saturday telling a person in line that Everest will probobly be open most of the day in a few weeks for soft openings. Hopefully it's true and not just another CM rumor. The guy looked like an authority figure though.

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