Education of a Holy Warrior


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
This is a scary piece and may not be for the faint of heart. This was in the New York Times last year. If you can make it through it is an excellent article.

* This is a pdf file so you will need to have acrobat reader to view.

* If you are unable to view and would like to read the article I have copied it to Word format and I'd be happy to e-mail it to you.

* Thank you Steve for adding the pdf format for attachments so that I may share this with the rest of the forum.



Well-Known Member
I downloaded it without a problem (thanks, Steve! :) ). Freak, it's 12 pages long--it'll take me a few minutes to get through it! ;)


Well-Known Member
This is truly alarming. After reading this article it's truly a wonder something as bad as recent events hasn't happened sooner...

Thank you for sharing this with us, DisneyFreak. It brings a better (but frightening) understanding as to where these people are coming from to my mind.


Well-Known Member
Wow.... very well-written. I like the mixing in of what was observed, the pointing to the incongruities between what was said verbally and what the body language and behavior betrayed...

I have 12 annotated pages here... :rolleyes: I teach English, I can't help it...

Some of my observations:

We are hearing that the numbers of these terrorists in our midst are in the tens....But the article would show differently--that there are hundreds of thousands who, if funded and given direction, would be honored to die for Islam and Osama bin Laden....

The need to for the military government of Pakistan to encourage the fight for Kashmir became clearer--it brings unity to the factions and supports the government--in some ways mirrored by our own willingness to put aside differences in the face of a common cause and enemy.... clearly they understand this kind of political gamesmanship.... I'm not sure if they are reading Machiavelli or "The Art of War"...

Professional jihadists need a war to survive.... the list of possible targets is long, and the radical view that it is just as important to attack these outside foes as struggle to find Allah within is telling...

I thought it was interesting that the mandrasa does not teach the students computers...but they maintain a web page. Obviously, the web page is not meant to attract students, but funding from those of means--those part of "wired" Western culture....

The mandrasa's view is that it is the Jews who are to blame echoes the words of Nazi Germany--a culture far removed yet strangely linked to these groups....

It was brought to my attention somewhere else that the targets in Israel are not temples or holy places but those places where American influence and capitalism are on display.... this fits with that explanation...

The mandrasa clearly thinks that military training--the use of weaponry--is the heart of terrorism. They are winning the hearts and minds--brainwashing these young boys--removing them from their families, cutting off knowledge of a larger world, limiting "education" to the rote memorization of a set of teachings.... No critical thinking skills are taught here--these young men would be ill-equipped to deal with the realities of life in a free, capitalist society. Notions of choice do not exist.

Telling that they are willing to proposition homosexual sex acts despite the punishment being death...

"Humanitarian" is defined here as providing food and shelter... As with these choices all over the world, people take what they feel is the best route overall--the sacrifice of a freer, individual-directed lifestyle in a camp where they would suffer far more hunger and poverty is a choice made by parents who see no other real alternatives... To change the way these mandrasas get power, the choices those who choose this must be redefined...

The two young boys are imitating what they have seen in their war games, whether they are instructed in how to use a gun or not...

They are incapable of reconciling how the Prophet and Osama can be contradictory--the human mind cannot continue a thought process that negates its very admit at this point that there are major flaws would be for the mind to admit it's reality never existed.... We see this on a smaller scale when we remove children from abusive situations where they cannot see the abuse...

I can't quite comprehend how if all things come from Allah, where do Jews come from? And Christians? And Hindus? Why could Allah make a nuclear weapon and not just make everyone a Muslim? This is not addressed in their teachings as described here...

The threat that all these young men would kill in the name of Osama bin Laden if he were merely captured and brought to justice in America points to the destruction of bin Laden as just the beginning of the violence ahead...

The nuclear weaponry as an object of hope and redemption is the work of those who have never seen the aftermath of Hiroshima... and a dangerous prospect for all our futures. For the military government to be so arrogantly certain it could not fall into the wrong hands assures me I won't sleep tonight...

The mandrasa, which does not train terrorists they say, shut its doors and sent the students to the front lines for the Taliban--that says more about their values than anything else...

There are clear contradictions between the General's views on how bin Laden's actions would make him a terrorist if he was involved in hijacking and views on how the hijacking of an Indian airliner is part of a jihad... Perhaps as a Westerner I won't ever see that distinction between jihad and terrorism, because to me the only difference is who sanctions the behavior....

Blaming a "breakaway faction" for the Indian airliner hijacking seems like a convenient way to not take responsibility for the actions of a group of people you have riled up and perhaps can no longer control...

Osama bin Ladin's removal of his own guards and replacement with Khalil's guards smacks of Stalin-esque paranoia...

The article does a great job of showing the priorities of all of these people: personal power, political power, the manipulation of public opinion all come before meeting basic needs of the followers.... superstition masquerades as medical care...

I like the thugs outside the religious holy place--adds real sanctity to the shrine inside...

The view of Muttawakil that some Afghans still like the Americans because the US helped in the war against the Soviets sounds like an admission that they have not mastered mind control--they cannot erase the past from the memory of the public... The whole thing is like a twisted version of 1984--it's the lack of technology that makes the fluidity of allies and enemies possible, although not complete....

Candy! Could there be any better proof of the youth here?

Mullah Muhammad teaches that which he does not understand to other children.... comprehension is never important--just rote memorization--programming....

Sorry... I take a lot of notes... I'll stop now. :)


Well-Known Member
You know, another thing that struck me as odd was how they learn the Koran in Arabic, a language they don't even speak. I at first, took this to mean that they had to learn the meaning through another language which made it even harder. Towards the end of the article, the reporter clarified that they memorize the series of words but don't even understand what they speak. The fact that Mullah Muhhamad was surprised to find out that the Koran comes in an English version and that the reporter which had read it, probably had a better understanding of it than him (since he actually understood the language that he was reading) is a scarry thought, especially since this child (for those who didn't read it, Mullah Muhhamad was 17 at the time of the article) is teaching it...

What's a real shame is that they are taking advantage of the poverty in the region to gain support. Based on their belief system, it would be impossible for the group to grow based on procreation since most of them don't even know women that aren't their mother or sister. The only way for them to continue is to *take* children at young ages with the promise of a better life to their parents or to 'convert' older people willing to give up control of their minds in return for food and a place to lay their heads. The simple fact that the highest leaders of the Taliban come from these schools where they learn nothing of world culture, history or any of the other important things a leader and representative of people should know, means we should be afraid because they are more or less without the ability to reason. He##, if these guys didn't have wars to wage, they'd probably all be dead by starvation and self neglect since they don't even have enough real education to be a productive member of society doing anything other than imposing their own warped and proxied wills on the people.


New Member
Originally posted by mightyduck
Wow.... very well-written. I like the mixing in of what was observed, the pointing to the incongruities between what was said verbally and what the body language and behavior betrayed...

I have 12 annotated pages here... :rolleyes: I teach English, I can't help it...

Some of my observations:

I love smart chicks!


New Member
Originally posted by Tink

Then you should be madly, deeply and truly in love with our Mighty Duck - you go girl!:p

Duckie is one smart cookie.......and I do love her....then again, I love Hot Fudge Sundaes too.


New Member
Originally posted by Tramp

Duckie is one smart cookie.......and I do love her....then again, I love Hot Fudge Sundaes too.

I'm not a big ice cream fan but I like cookies - does that count?:confused: ;) :)

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