Ebay merchandise


Original Poster
Does anyone know if the cast members shirts on ebay are legit. If so will Disney let me wear it to the parks. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know if the cast members shirts on ebay are legit. If so will Disney let me wear it to the parks. :shrug:

Which Cast Member shirts are you referring to? If you are talking about costume pieces for the attractions then no you would not be allowed to wear them in the park.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know if the cast members shirts on ebay are legit. If so will Disney let me wear it to the parks. :shrug:

I would say most are "legit" as you say, but they are the property of Disney and if you were to wear them in the park you could be in trouble. Just because a ex cast member decides to sell the costume he/she did feel like turning in when they left the company, it does not make it theirs to sell.

Also this is more of a general discussion topic, not news & rumors


Well-Known Member
Most of the time, the clothing items are legit.

Let's face it, CMs don't have the time, money, interest, or resources to make "counterfeit" clothing items that will sell at auction for virtually the same price as "regular" clothes from Kohls. There are more "valuable" items, such as favorite attractions or pieces that are still being used in the parks that will sell for more, but items online are often "retired" or have since been updated. Also adding to the legitimacy of the items: look for the unique bar codes that are sewn onto the garmets.

As for wearing the item into the park, the general answer that you are going to get on these boards is, "no way." But the practical answer is, "it depends." How "recognizable" is the item, and is it currently being used in the parks? There are plenty of shirts, for example, that - without the WDW name tag - appear quite generic. Others have attraction logos embroidered onto them, or are very unique in appearance. You can probably "get away with" wearing a generic-looking, retired item into the parks. But something that is currently in circulation or might confuse guests as to your (non)CM status would violate WDW's "no costume" policy (for adults). :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I would say most are "legit" as you say, but they are the property of Disney and if you were to wear them in the park you could be in trouble.

False. From Disney's perspective, the person who would be "in trouble" is the pesron who sold it, assuming that they did so in violation of some WDW policy, as there are some auction sources that do not violate their policy, so there's no way for a buyer to know whether the seller violated some internal policy of which the buyer couldn't possibly be privy to. If a CM saw/recognized/and felt motivated to pursue you for wearing an ex-clothing item, the questions would be more geared toward where (from whom) you acquired the item. The CM who misappropriated it would be "in trouble," but realistically, probably not worth the trouble of pursuing (and putting you, the innocent guest, through the trouble of assisting in the take-down).

Disney focuses more on these individuals before the sale is completed (surfing online auction sites, etc.), not so much after the fact, unless the individual is readily identifiable.


Tattooed Disney Geekster
Wouldn't wearing an cast members outfit to WDW when you are not actually a cast member count as being a bit on the creepy side?

Just saying....


New Member
Disney does dispose of some of their costumes through the company itself. The rule of thumb should be only buy from company's that specialize in selling items from the parks and resorts. As for being able to wear them into the parks, the general answer is no. Disney's dress code states nothing that could be mistaken for a costume should be worn.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Whether or not they're legitimate is debatable. However, you should NOT plan on wearing them to the park. You're asking for trouble by doing so.

The Mom

Premium Member
Wouldn't wearing an cast members outfit to WDW when you are not actually a cast member count as being a bit on the creepy side?

Just saying....

I agree. Why would someone who is not an employee go someplace where the employees are required to wear uniforms - or costumes, in this case - wearing one? That would be like walking into a hospital wearing scrubs, a lab coat, or any other uniform.

Just very strange, IMO.

Sosai X

New Member
The worst part is when people selling the costumes post a close-up of the Disney costuming bar code. I know that Disney has looked up those barcodes and made certain "adjustments" to its work force. :wave: I know the Company has also made an "adjustment" to several CM's who were using their cast discounts to purchase stuff at Mickey's of Glendale and Company D, then selling those items on eBay for a profit. The Mouse is all-knowing, all-seeing. It has drones everywhere online!

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