I bought my DVC after my divorce (also after 11 years, so I feel for you) so seperating that did not come into play, but I can tell you about other things.
If you and your ex are friendly, try mediation. That is where you can do a "give and take" type thing. We ended up selling our house and splitting the proceedes only because neither of us could afford the house on a single income, but there were a number of other things where it was "you take this and I'll take that".
Then when it's all done with the mediator, you take it to your lawyer to check everything over, and then you sign.
I know that I took my ex's name off of a variety of things (and she mine) pensions, car titles, etc. It's not that difficult. Mainly you need to fill out some sort of form, both sign it, and you send it to the proper place. Somtimes there is a nominal fee to do so, somtimes it was free. I suspect it's the same with the DVC. I did check with DVC when I bought it, and was told that when my kids turn 18, I just have to fill out a few forms to have them added as co-owners with me.