I honestly think it's not a huge deal. The color of a Norwegian Ridgeback is debatable and was not a key factor in any part of the story. I'm pretty sure most Harry Potter fans are going to accept whatever color Universal gives them for the former ice dragon as long as they refer to it as a Norwegian Ridgeback.
By the by, it's pretty cold in Norway most of the time, so I think a blue dragon from that region is a perfectly acceptable premise.
1) The Norwegian Ridgeback wasn't in the TriWizard Tournament.
2) The four dragons were: Horntail, Fireball, Green, and Short-Snout
3) You may have meant to say Horntail when you typed Ridgeback, and it is a big deal because the color isn't debatable. The Hungarian Horntail was prominently featured in the 1st Task portion of the Goblet of Fire movie.
It's the Horntail and Fireball.
Have both dragons been officially confirmed by anyone substantial? Fireball is the only one that seems to be consistent and I honestly think its just speculation based on the current color of the track.
Yes, but Universal in official documents including and not limited to the current guidemaps. It also won the poll on the Universal Orlando WWoHP website.
And now for news:
It appears that the tracks may have been sanded down which would indicate that paint is coming.
Furthermore, Behindthethrills.com is reporting that repainting has already begun with slightly different variations of the current color scheme (a darker, more purplish red and a bright blue) which sounds fishy to me. If they aren't going to drastically change the colors, there is no point.
By the way, Dueling Dragons only closed like a week ago. Nowhere near the January closing date suggested in a recent post.