Ducks being attacked in Magic Kingdom.


Well-Known Member
jessevee said:
Our Petition Title: "If you have a brain, eliminate the crane."

Will it work?:lol:

Probably not. But in the time this little thread has existed there were probably three dozen Cranes killed by alligators just in central Florida. You don't need a petition to get rid of Cranes. Just like the duck population, nature has also made arrangements to keep the Crane population under control. And don't ask an alligator to sign your petition. :cool:


Well-Known Member
I don't think we need to manipulate the natural world any more than we already do. Let's not forget that nature was in Central Florida a long time before Disney World--including the cranes. There is a reason ducks have upwards of ten ducklings at a time--most of them die before reaching adulthood. Cranes are predators and ducks are prey. If anything, seeing that would make me go order a turkey leg ;-)

I've seen worse though--a crane in Frontierland was attacking a sparrow, ripping its feathers off, and then it snapped the sparrow's head off and ate it. THAT was kinda turkey legs after that ;-) With all the environmental work Disney does, I doubt a "Down with the Cranes!" campaign would fly very pun intended. If you want disturbing, go to a poultry or meat farm and see how they kill the chickens and cows nowadays.

tink rules

New Member
hakunamatata said:
12 guague number sevens.

Along with getting rid of the cranky people at the parks.....:lookaroun

now back to the ducks...

1. put a net around the place... or

2. Explain that those are the Mighty Ducks and they didn't make the playoffs this year....

They didn't did they????


New Member
tink rules said:
Along with getting rid of the cranky people at the parks.....:lookaroun

now back to the ducks...

1. put a net around the place... or

2. Explain that those are the Mighty Ducks and they didn't make the playoffs this year....

They didn't did they????

Actually they did and they beat out my Flames :cry: .

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Skellington88 said:
uhh..not to sound dark or anything but this is a natural part of life.

Now if you saw a human maliciously abusing and attacking a duck then there would be a real problem. :mad:

Unless of course the duck was in an orange sauce, or crispy with pancakes

Mecha Figment

New Member
to answer your question about why the cranes are there... its because idiot people don't read the signs that say don't feed teh birds. You can blame that problem on them. and the french fries and the chips and the fast serve food there.


New Member
jessevee said:
Hey guys, I don't know if you have noticed lately the surge of the amount of ducks that walk around Magic Kingdom. I love them I always like seeing the baby ducks walk around with the mother ducks. Today I saw something very disturbing though. One of those big white birds (crane?) had a little baby duck in his mouth eating him. The little baby duck was still alive too and trying to get away. It wasn't so bad for me to see until several children started coming up and crying and asking their parents to do something. I felt so bad for them, I was upset I couldn't imagine how they felt. I went to go ask a couple of cast members for something to hit the ugly white thing with. They weren't much help to say the least. The white bird ended up flying away with the baby duck. I still can't get that image out of my mind of those kids crying. I was upset because they shouldn't allow that to be seen. Truly disturbing. I have seen birds in the parks eat fish from the water, but a baby duck was too far for me to see. Has anyone else ever seen this happen?

As was stated's called nature. This happens every day out in nature.

I'm not sure there as anything they could have done to the crane...aren't cranes on the endangered list? If not, they are migratory birds I believe and then would be protected under federal law. If the CM's had hit the crane with anything, they could have been prosecuted for breaking the law.


New Member
Wow this is one odd post, i just dont get it.

Things die, things get eaten and natures not that nice but hey deal with it, its reality! In other words s**t happens.

Why you asked a CM for something to hit the white bird with is so random, do you really think that was a good idea. I was once a CM and if you has aked me i would have laughed in your face. Disney carnt stop nature however nasty it is.

Any who never mind, done now.


New Member
It is just funny in a sense that hundreds of species of animals were killled just to construct WDW, just a weird thought. Think it was sad that that Crane ate a baby duck? Ever eat Veal? Not to mention what goes on in the butcheur farms is so much worse than anything that happens in Nature. I could show you videos of those placed that would make you hate humans.



Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
edwardtc said:

BB Guns work great on Canada Geese that hang out in the retention pond in my back yard too ;-)

Hey! We don't go around shooting BBs at Bald Eagles in our back yards! :lol: [Actually, I have no idea whether we do or not, I'm assuming we don't]

Why is it Canada and the U.S. both picked beautiful but annoying birds as their National symbols? :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
This thread is so strange....
do you really think a petition could keep cranes away?:lol:

maybe they should just raise the ticket prices for large white waterfowl to keep them away

or maybe only let ducks in on EMH?

or have security check your bags for cranes...


New Member
Nemo14 said:
This thread is so strange....
do you really think a petition could keep cranes away?:lol:

maybe they should just raise the ticket prices for large white waterfowl to keep them away

or maybe only let ducks in on EMH?

or have security check your bags for cranes...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nemo, I think you and I could be friends!!! (or long, lost sisters... :lookaroun :lol: )


Well-Known Member
Kadee said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nemo, I think you and I could be friends!!! (or long, lost sisters... :lookaroun :lol: )
funny, but I was thinking that when I read your post about leash babies. My daughter was never a problem as far as staying with us, holding onto the shopping cart, etc., and I used to think "Those other parents are so mean - puttting their kids on a leash! Then along came my son, and boy did I have a change of heart!


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
jessevee said:
Hey guys, I don't know if you have noticed lately the surge of the amount of ducks that walk around Magic Kingdom. I love them I always like seeing the baby ducks walk around with the mother ducks. Today I saw something very disturbing though. One of those big white birds (crane?) had a little baby duck in his mouth eating him. The little baby duck was still alive too and trying to get away. It wasn't so bad for me to see until several children started coming up and crying and asking their parents to do something. I felt so bad for them, I was upset I couldn't imagine how they felt. I went to go ask a couple of cast members for something to hit the ugly white thing with. They weren't much help to say the least. The white bird ended up flying away with the baby duck. I still can't get that image out of my mind of those kids crying. I was upset because they shouldn't allow that to be seen. Truly disturbing. I have seen birds in the parks eat fish from the water, but a baby duck was too far for me to see. Has anyone else ever seen this happen?


I'm so sorry that both you and the children had to see that. I'm thankfull that I have never had to see something like that in a place that feels so far away from the harsh realities of the real world. What a difficult way to be jolted back to reality. Personally, I am painfully aware that both animals and people die everyday and I go to WDW to try to forget about that. I feel you should be applauded for your compassion. :wave:

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Nemo14 said:
back on topic -

How about if they put up signs "Please do not eat the baby ducks"!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

As for the getting rid of the cranes thing, I wasn't saying killing the cranes till they're extinct, I was basically suggesting a way to remove them from Frontierland. Maybe relocate them to a bird sanctuary a few miles from WDW.


Well-Known Member
imagineer boy said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

As for the getting rid of the cranes thing, I wasn't saying killing the cranes till they're extinct, I was basically suggesting a way to remove them from Frontierland. Maybe relocate them to a bird sanctuary a few miles from WDW.
and they would stay there because.....?

perhaps if they threw in the free dining plan I suppose


New Member
MontyMon said:
Hey! We don't go around shooting BBs at Bald Eagles in our back yards! :lol: [Actually, I have no idea whether we do or not, I'm assuming we don't]

Why is it Canada and the U.S. both picked beautiful but annoying birds as their National symbols? :veryconfu

Well the turkey for the USA would not have been much better. Although Mr. Ben Franklin sure did not feel that way.:D

Nemo14 suggested a sign for them. I like that idea, But I do not think it would do any good in less it was in the uCRANEian language.:lol: :wave:



Well-Known Member
T-1MILLION said:
Well the turkey for the USA would not have been much better. Although Mr. Ben Franklin sure did not feel that way.:D

Nemo14 suggested a sign for them. I like that idea, But I do not think it would do any good in less it was in the uCRANEian language.:lol: :wave:

good one!

*rim shot*


Le Meh
Premium Member
T-1MILLION said:
Well the turkey for the USA would not have been much better. Although Mr. Ben Franklin sure did not feel that way.:D

Nemo14 suggested a sign for them. I like that idea, But I do not think it would do any good in less it was in the uCRANEian language.:lol: :wave:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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