Dreamfinder Forever Reopening today!


Active Member
Original Poster
Hey everyone! I just payed to have the site reopened today! It should be up and runing by the end of the night. For those of you who don't know or don't remember, the Dreamfinder Forver campaign is a campaign that you voted for its starting about 5 months ago. Our mission is to bring the Imagination pavilion at Epcot back to its original glory, by bringing back its original keeper, the Dreamfinder. When I started, I had plenty of support and hopefully it is still there. Unfortunately, when sprucing up the site, I went over the limit of monthly bandwidth, freezing the site for almost 3 and a half months. I payed for the site today to bring it back. During the site's downtime, I have worked with Grizz, D-Troops and Screamscape to bring think of ways to get our message out. Grizz and I think we have a plan. This is the time for all WDW fans and friends to unite and bring back an icon that enchanted us from our childhood and even now. The site has gone through a rehab, not changing its look, but updating it with new features, and more. Also, in the tradition of the grand re-opening of D-Troops, I am adding new features and updating daily. I have realized that I have a friend in WDW marketing who is going to try to get me into Disney and contact the people higher up in the system to get the message out. I am also working on getting newspapers, news channels and web news sites to get the message out there and bring our dearly missed friend back. Also, I have begun a mailing list for all of you who would like to recieve updates everytime something groundbreaking happens with the campaign. If you would like to be added, email me at zmanatr@cfl.rr.com . All emails are sent or sold to an y adware or spyware sites. They are just used for updates. The site may be frozen for a couple of hours but the address is still http://www.freewebs.com/zmanatr . I hope that all of you will help to bring the Dreamfinder back.
Remember, the words of many can change the minds of a few!


Signing out!


Active Member
Original Poster
Thanks so much! Oh, and for you mobile internet users, Dreamfinder Forever is now accesible through the PSP 2.0 Web Browser, nextel phones and many Windows-based Smartphones.


Account Suspended
Sorry, but if you can't get more than one response on a Disney fan board, your "petition" isn't going to go anywhere.


Active Member
Original Poster
Ouch, painful, but anways, I doubt that because I have had over 130 people visit the site in less than 2 hours, not bad on its reopening


New Member
If we can get back at least one original attraction, I'm all for it. EPCOT isn't EPCOT anymore. Cheesy funhouses like the current Journey Into Your Imagination are a slap in the face to the creative efforts put in by so many when EPCOT was created. If you're successful, could you begin a restore World of Motion, restore Horizons, and re-open Wonders of Life site, too?
At least Spaceship Earth is still running...


Account Suspended
jedimaster1227 said:
Ouch, painful, but anways, I doubt that because I have had over 130 people visit the site in less than 2 hours, not bad on its reopening

You are going to need at least a thousand times that if you want someone at Disney to even consider your petition. (150,000 signatures sounds about right). And even then, you aren't going to get what you want. Online petitions are completely worthless, because I can sign 50000 times as different names each time. (Among other reasons)


Waaaaay off topic.... but,

Wow, you know it's really surprising that someone with such negativitiy could take part in internet conversations on a website, which is almost fanatical in it's passion for a company founded by a man who said "If you can dream it, you can do it".

Why dash JediMasters dreams, Thrawn? Isn't there a nice party you could be pooping on right now?? And seriously 150,000 signatures?? From where did you pull this number from?? Sorry, let me guess, you've done the whole petition thing before, and your an old pro right. If your such an intellect, why not offer more plausible solutions to the problem instead of just taking a big steamer on it??

Yeah, it's easier to criticize a situation, than it is to help out.

My suggestion to the Jedimaster, if you (or others) don't think that an online petition is going to be effective, start a letter writing campaign, get as many people to write into you personally, have them state why they want the old Dreamfinder replaced and when you get your contact at Disney, start forwarding the letters on to them, every month. Or encourage people to write to that person directly. To send one letter is cheap, cheaper than a cup of coffee..


Account Suspended
sittle said:
Wow, you know it's really surprising that someone with such negativitiy could take part in internet conversations on a website, which is almost fanatical in it's passion for a company founded by a man who said "If you can dream it, you can do it".

Why dash JediMasters dreams, Thrawn? Isn't there a nice party you could be pooping on right now?? And seriously 150,000 signatures?? From where did you pull this number from?? Sorry, let me guess, you've done the whole petition thing before, and your an old pro right. If your such an intellect, why not offer more plausible solutions to the problem instead of just taking a big steamer on it??

Yeah, it's easier to criticize a situation, than it is to help out.

My suggestion to the Jedimaster, if you (or others) don't think that an online petition is going to be effective, start a letter writing campaign, get as many people to write into you personally, have them state why they want the old Dreamfinder replaced and when you get your contact at Disney, start forwarding the letters on to them, every month. Or encourage people to write to that person directly. To send one letter is cheap, cheaper than a cup of coffee..

Because he is wasting his time on something that is in no way a plausible reality. He has "payed" (paid) for a website that is, basically, completely wrong for what he wants. I can run through a list of things that would improve the site, but none of that is going to change the fact that the DreamFinder isn't coming back. The change he is asking Disney to make is akin to thinking Disney will pull Stitch's Great Escape out and put Alien Encounter back in.

Also, your excuse of "well, can't we just all get along because this is a Disney website" is far from reality as well. If everyone at TWDC agreed with everyone else, we'd have a bunch of parks with lots of expensive rides, and a very broke company that would likely go out of business in a few years. Imagineers would build whatever they want, whatever the budget, and regardless of whether or not it will increase revenue. You can't do that in a company.

A simple question: What business sense would it make for Disney to return the ride to its original configuration if the original configuration wasn't popular enough to keep it around the first time around? How can you justify spending money on that when it can be much better spent elsewhere?

Oh, and I just read on the site that he has the support of the actor who played DreamFinder. Of course he supports it. He wants the big Disney royalty check.


Active Member
Original Poster
If we can get back at least one original attraction, I'm all for it. EPCOT isn't EPCOT anymore. Cheesy funhouses like the current Journey Into Your Imagination are a slap in the face to the creative efforts put in by so many when EPCOT was created. If you're successful, could you begin a restore World of Motion, restore Horizons, and re-open Wonders of Life site, too?
At least Spaceship Earth is still running...

Its possible, but a little bit harder to do. JII is still a pavilion in itself. Horizons is gone and the space is filled. World of Motion is possible because the building is still there. WOL is a great possibility and you forgot UOE. I know that after the mission of Dreamfinder Forever is complete, in any form, then I will continue pushing for more and creating campaigns for other extinct or rides needing restored glory.

Wow, you know it's really surprising that someone with such negativitiy could take part in internet conversations on a website, which is almost fanatical in it's passion for a company founded by a man who said "If you can dream it, you can do it".

Why dash JediMasters dreams, Thrawn? Isn't there a nice party you could be pooping on right now?? And seriously 150,000 signatures?? From where did you pull this number from?? Sorry, let me guess, you've done the whole petition thing before, and your an old pro right. If your such an intellect, why not offer more plausible solutions to the problem instead of just taking a big steamer on it??

Yeah, it's easier to criticize a situation, than it is to help out.

My suggestion to the Jedimaster, if you (or others) don't think that an online petition is going to be effective, start a letter writing campaign, get as many people to write into you personally, have them state why they want the old Dreamfinder replaced and when you get your contact at Disney, start forwarding the letters on to them, every month. Or encourage people to write to that person directly. To send one letter is cheap, cheaper than a cup of coffee..

Thank you, you understand, but the sad news is we tried the letter writing campaign for months, no one seems to care unless the campaign is more straight forward and tough. I will continue the campaign in the form of a a letter writing campaign and a POSITIVE push explaining that "Dreamfinder was a great character who is dearly missed... We would like to see him back as soon as possible.

Thrawn, you need to shove it! Don't put any input on this thread if you are going to write negativaly. Give criticisms that could help but don't shoot an idea down. At least I took the time and effort to try while you site on the computer, hailed by many just because you are a senior on this site and you think youre better than everyone else. So do everyone a favor and leave!:mad:


Account Suspended
jedimaster1227 said:
Its possible, but a little bit harder to do. JII is still a pavilion in itself. Horizons is gone and the space is filled. World of Motion is possible because the building is still there. WOL is a great possibility and you forgot UOE. I know that after the mission of Dreamfinder Forever is complete, in any form, then I will continue pushing for more and creating campaigns for other extinct or rides needing restored glory.

Wow, you know it's really surprising that someone with such negativitiy could take part in internet conversations on a website, which is almost fanatical in it's passion for a company founded by a man who said "If you can dream it, you can do it".

Thank you, you understand, but the sad news is I tried the letter writing campaign for months, no one seems to care unless the campaign is more straight forward and tough. I will continue the campaign in the form of a a letter writing campaign and a POSITIVE push explaining that "Dreamfinder was a great character who is dearly missed... We would like to see him back as soon as possible.

Thrawn, you need to shove it! Don't put any input on this thread if you are going to write negativaly. Give criticisms that could help but don't shoot an idea down. At least I took the time and effort to try while you site on the computer, hailed by many just because you are a senior on this site and you think youre better than everyone else. So do everyone a favor and leave!:mad:

If you can't take negative criticism, you should just shut down your site now. What are you doing to do when you finally get that letter from TWDC that says "We currently have no plans to change JIYI?" The point of a message board is that you are going to be getting the opinions of different people. Some will agree with you, others will not. If you can't stand that, then don't post.

And you conviently didn't comment on either my offer to tell you how to improve the site, or why TWDC should spend money on this and not something new.

But, since obviously my offer of help wasn't wanted, I'm not going to read this thread anymore.


Yet again...

"Wow, you know it's really surprising that someone with such negativitiy could take part in internet conversations on a website, which is almost fanatical in it's passion for a company founded by a man who said "If you can dream it, you can do it""

Again it rings so true. It's fine be critical, but at least be constructive about it.

Thrawn: I do not believe that everyone should get along 'just because this is a Disney site'... I think people should view things, make their comments, make their suggestions, and state their arguments articulatley. Comments like: "Sorry, but if you can't get more than one response on a Disney fan board, your "petition" isn't going to go anywhere."; and: "You are going to need at least a thousand times that if you want someone at Disney to even consider your petition. (150,000 signatures sounds about right). And even then, you aren't going to get what you want. Online petitions are completely worthless, because I can sign 50000 times as different names each time. (Among other reasons)", don't give much insight. You sound and write like your an intelligent and learned person, but your brief statments give the impression that your a complete jerk, (I don't think that's true), instead of being so curt and arrogant, use your intelligence and smarts to help people benefit.

I think that the Jedimaster plan can have impact, look how much the ride has changed since it's second version. Was that just because imagineers went willy nilly with spending?? Nope, that was because fans of the original ride took time to voice their dismay in the update, leading us to the version of the ride we have now. More figment orientated.

The point is, "If you can dream it, you can do it"... Pursue your goals, Jedimaster, it may not be as dark as some would make it out to be. Maybe Thrawn could give you some useful tips. How about it Thrawn?


Active Member
Original Poster
Thrawn said:
Because he is wasting his time on something that is in no way a plausible reality. He has "payed" (paid) for a website that is, basically, completely wrong for what he wants. I can run through a list of things that would improve the site, but none of that is going to change the fact that the DreamFinder isn't coming back. The change he is asking Disney to make is akin to thinking Disney will pull Stitch's Great Escape out and put Alien Encounter back in.

Also, your excuse of "well, can't we just all get along because this is a Disney website" is far from reality as well. If everyone at TWDC agreed with everyone else, we'd have a bunch of parks with lots of expensive rides, and a very broke company that would likely go out of business in a few years. Imagineers would build whatever they want, whatever the budget, and regardless of whether or not it will increase revenue. You can't do that in a company.

A simple question: What business sense would it make for Disney to return the ride to its original configuration if the original configuration wasn't popular enough to keep it around the first time around? How can you justify spending money on that when it can be much better spent elsewhere?

Oh, and I just read on the site that he has the support of the actor who played DreamFinder. Of course he supports it. He wants the big Disney royalty check.

1. Who at TWDC do you talk to?
2. We are not asking for a restoration of the original configuration, just a revival of a character.
3. The original configuration was on of the most popular rides in the park next to SSE and Horizons.
4. The original Dreamfinder, who supports the site no longer works for Disney, so why would he say that without getting paid huh?


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Thrawn said:
Because he is wasting his time on something that is in no way a plausible reality. He has "payed" (paid) for a website that is, basically, completely wrong for what he wants. I can run through a list of things that would improve the site, but none of that is going to change the fact that the DreamFinder isn't coming back. The change he is asking Disney to make is akin to thinking Disney will pull Stitch's Great Escape out and put Alien Encounter back in....

Thrawn, that is the most fabulous idea. :wave:

I wonder why someone else hasn't already done this. :hammer: :rolleyes:

edit : create a web site with a petition to bring back AE


New Member
"Its possible, but a little bit harder to do. JII is still a pavilion in itself. Horizons is gone and the space is filled. World of Motion is possible because the building is still there. WOL is a great possibility and you forgot UOE. I know that after the mission of Dreamfinder Forever is complete, in any form, then I will continue pushing for more and creating campaigns for other extinct or rides needing restored glory."

Actually, I didn't forget Universe of Energy. I hope they never restore that one (except maybe the music). It was one of two cases where I felt the remodel was justified. The other is the current Living Seas rehab. Both were extremely dull and needed to be given an element of entertainment to add to the education.
But I'm still definitely behind you 100%!


Active Member
Original Poster
TLS has always needed a rehab since the Seacabs went down. UOE has never really been a well done attraction. It is not represented well and another type of themed pavilion would replace it well. JII has gone downhill since the lose of the Dreamfinder and the World Showcase should have kept the Millenium Village as a cultural pavilion that would hub all of the areas together in one united world.


Active Member
CThaddeus said:
If we can get back at least one original attraction, I'm all for it. EPCOT isn't EPCOT anymore. Cheesy funhouses like the current Journey Into Your Imagination are a slap in the face to the creative efforts put in by so many when EPCOT was created. If you're successful, could you begin a restore World of Motion, restore Horizons, and re-open Wonders of Life site, too?
At least Spaceship Earth is still running...

It really is stunning to see the differences in EPCOT today vs. when I first visited in 1983.

Compare that the MK, which is largely the same, with some changes and additions, but not nearly to the scale of EPCOT.

I would rather see Disney maintain the original vision for EPCOT, and update and add to the park rather than gut what was already there. Just because some of our dreams haven't come true yet doesn't mean they won't someday.

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