Down in the Dumps

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hi everyone. I'm kinda down in the dumps today.:( My neighbor next door raises puppies that have been abandoned by their mother and sends them to animal shelters when they're big enough. One was a golden retriever and the other was a laberador I think. They were just the tinyest little puppies, and very cute and adorable. I came over once in a while to play with them. Unfortunately, the golden retriever died of parvo. The #1 puppy killing desease. The other one is sick and in the animal hospital. I'm so sad that the little golden retriever died.:cry: I so sad.:cry: :cry:


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear such awful news. I understand what it's like to lose a pet. They're so much a part of the 'family' that it just hurts when they pass. Although the retriever may have passed, I'm sure he/she's still with you in spirit! Cherish the great memories that you have! I know I cherish mine.

Take care!


Well-Known Member
You know, I really didn't understand why people got so upset when their pets died. That was until my cat died a few months ago. It was horrible! Hope you feel better soon!! :)


Well-Known Member
i'm so sorry to hear that! i've certainly had my share of animal losses, that's for sure! probably the most painful was my dog, Mandy (yes, the same Mandy from my signature...see below) she was an Alaskan Malamute, around 17 years old. being 17 myself, i had never known life without her. i'm not gonna lie, it's still hard sometimes...for instance, she loved fried squash...we'd take it to her and she'd gobble it down in seconds, it was the oddest obsession i've ever seen an animal have! i think today was the first day mom fixed fried squash since Mandy died. we had a bit left over like we usually do, but this time no one to take the left-overs to.
but enough of that depressing stuff...i promise you it will get better, just give it some time. *hugs*


New Member
I'm so sorry to hear that the little Golden died of Parvo.. and the little Lab is sick.. I hope the little Lab gets better! I know how much it hurts to loose pets! I've had many pets that I have loved and loss, and the greiving doesn't hurt any less than when it's a person you love. My heart still hurts for our collie that died of cancer. He is our gaurdian angel! Hugs & comfort to you!!


New Member
I'm sorry to hear about your loss and also that the Lab is sick :( I also know how it feels to lose a pet. I had a Collie and he was my best friend. We were both the same age and I had had him for as long as I can remember. We pretty much grew up together. I know that putting together an album of all my favorite memories of him helped. Just remember the good times and maybe that will help you too!! :)

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