DON'T USE DISNEY TRANSIT!!....bring your own car?...


New Member
Do you agree?

This is our first time to WDW....We are traveling from Canada..... We'll either have to rent a car, or rely on the Monorail/bus/boat system......What have you found with the Disney Transit System (DTS)...If you are staying in a resort, do you use your own car to get around, or the DTS?

Comparing the Disney Transit System (DTS) to car travel times "door to door" in the Unofficial Guide To WDW 2006, it shows having a car can save you a lot of travel time.....For example: We are staying in the Polynesian for four nights, then moving to the Animal Kingdom Lodge.....Travel times to the parks per the guide book are:

Downtown car: 22 min, DTS: 51 min.
Typhoon car: 20 min, DTS: 55 min. car: 19 min, DTS: 40 min. car: 19 min, DTS: 30 min.
Blizzard car: 12 min, DTS: 40 min.

Over a full week that adds up to a lot of time difference!...Time we could be spending in the parks..... Of course to Magic Kingdom, the DTS is about the same as a car....

Would you recommend we rent a car and shave some time off?

Daryl & Connie.


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
I'll stick with my SUV... there's no amount of money in the world to get me to drive around that tiny ugly bubble. :zipit:
Good choice!

Say what you want about SUV's, but they are perfect for a family of 4 to vacation in. I could not imagine loading up a car with all of our luggage and still be comfortable to make the 9 hour drive to WDW.
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New Member
My comments on Disney Transit

I have to agree with the others. This past spring, my fiancee and I stayed at Caribbean Beach and rode nothing but the Disney Transit. The travel time was about equal to what it would have been had we driven and the wait time was minimal (with the exception of one day that we left Animal Kingdom early due to illness but that was an exception). The only bad part about the bus service is riding it after the parks close. Due to the large number of guests, the buses were packed. But that is a minor inconvienience compared to having to park your car and walk forever to the gates (as compared to a few minute walk from the bus drop off points).

When we go back there next year, it is definate Disney Express and Dining Plan all the way--two conveniences that were beyond wonderful.
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New Member
I have nothing against Disney Transport, we have used it many times, but lately we prefer to rent a car or mini van from the airport when we go. It is much easier for us to get our 9 month old and 3 yr old to and from the parks than having to wait for a bus in the hot sun, or stand on a bus because it is too crowded. In the middle of the day it's easier in my opinion to head back to the room for a nap and also much faster to get back to your room after the parks close. In addition we like to hit a couple of places off property for dinner as well as the Disney outlet stores. We go down 2-3 times a year so that we know our way around very well, so it is easy for us to use alternative routes to avoid traffic. I guess everyone's situation is different.:animwink:
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STR8FAN2005 said:
Good choice!

Say what you want about SUV's, but they are perfect for a family of 4 to vacation in. I could not imagine loading up a car with all of our luggage and still be comfortable to make the 9 hour drive to WDW.

Okay, as you wish, but I have a family of 4 and we fit fine in our Toyota Matrix. I just think all these big cars are unnecessary and it is depressing for me to look out my car window and watch half of the cars passing by be gas guzzlers. Personal opinion.:)
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ClemsonTigger said:
My strategy on that is from the MK, walk to Contemporary then get the DTD bus there. Epcot or MGM walk to the nearest boardwalk hotel then bus to DTD from there.

Thanks for the input. We may try that when we're there in November. In the past, we've jumped on the ferry to either WL or GF, since there was no wait, figuring if we just got to ANY resort quickly we could then get a bus to DTD, but the last time we did that to GF we had to wait at least 30-45 minutes for a DTD bus to come, and by the time it did there were MANY disgruntled people waiting.

I didn't know if there was any inside knowledge of the system - like DTD buses run more often from hotels closer to it, or anything like that, or if it's pretty much the same at every hotel?
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New Member
Personally, I find no need for a car in Disney. We use every available mode of Disney Transportation each trip just because we can. I'm sure we can get to our destinations faster using a rented car but I didn't go on vacation to drive around and try to find parking spaces.

There was a time when we used to get frustrated waiting for the various modes of Disney Transportation but we have gotten over it. While on vacation there are many more things to do than get frustrated over a late bus. It is quite funny to watch other people get really mad over a bus that's a few minutes late (try waiting for a vehicle operated by the MBTA).

Also, I find that driving around doesn't allow me to escape into the world of Disney as much as it possibly could.

We have discovered that renting a town car to get To/From the Airport is highly desirable over riding in a shuttle bus. There have been times when I've been on the shuttle bus for over an hour while we stop at each resort to drop off other guests. The town car gets us right to the resort and allows us to start our vacation much sooner.

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I know I'm going to be in the minority here, but I have had a few experiences that have made me swear off the disney buses. I do however enjoy using the monorail and boat transportation, they almost have kind of an attraction feel to them.

Bad Experience #1: While staying at the Dolphin my family and I decided me wanted to go to Downtown Disney one late afternoon. From past experience we enjoyed the boat ride from PO Riverside to DTD, so we wanted to take that. We figured out the since the buses do not go from resort to resort, we would go to MGM by boat (first stop), then to POR from MGM by bus. The boat ride to MGM was fine, but we arrived at the POR bus terminal just in time to watch the bus pull away. No big deal, I thought, we are not in any hurry. After a 30 (yes 30 no exaggeration) minute wait for the next bus to arrive, we boarded for POR along with almost 2 busloads of people trying to jam into 1. So for the short little ride to POR from MGM, we were jammed in the bus with people that had been in the parks all day sweaty and stinky, kids screaming and backpacks big enough to carry the kitchen sink being put in my lap on every right turn. ( Now I know this atmoshpere is really no different than a typical line or attraction in the parks, but it just kind of got under my skin when I thought we could have been there in 10 min total by car and were now in this wonderful bus almost 50 min into the trip.)

Bad Experience #2: Same trip trying to get to the Polynesian from DTD for the Electrical Water Pageant. We knew it started at the Poly at 9:00 so we were in line at the DTD Marketplace bus terminal for Poly at 7:45. Bus shows up at around 8:05, no problem. Bus stops at West Side sits there for around 15 minutes for apparently no reason, then a new bus driver shows up for the rest of the trip. After a 10 minute conversation between the two and then a guest who needed directions, we are off (8:30). The new driver then proceeded to drive so slow that other disney buses were passing us making the bus rock each time. Then of course we have to stop at the Contemporary for around ten minutes (now 8:55). We pull up at the Poly bus stop at exactly 9:02! We hurriedly make our way to the beach area just to see the tail end of the show with the flags. How disappointing!

Bad Experience #3: Same trip trying to get back to the Dolphin from the Poly. We had watched Wishes from the beach after the disappointment from the Water Pageant. After Wishes we go to the first available CM and ask what is the best way to get back to the Dolphin. The look on his face was priceless, kind of a cross between "are you kidding!" and "you guys are so screwed!". Then explained we would have to take the monorail to MK and then a bus to the Dolphin. Mind you Wishes just got over at MK. So we waited for a bit to wait out the crowds (lol, yea right) at MK until our 5 year old said she was tired. so we took the monorail and then got off at MK, then we saw the biggest mass of people we had ever seen jammed into the bus terminal. We actually did not have to wait that long this time (God help those in line at the All-Star terminal, I think some ppl are still there). Of course we had to stand and my daughter started falling asleep, so I ended up having to hold her asleep for the entire trip standing up in the bus (not fun). There is something to be said for getting to the car, putting the kids in the car seat and letting them fall asleep after a long day.

After these experiences and other ppls stories we have sworn off those wonderful buses and opt to drive ourselves. Please remember these are our experiences and my opinion, others really enjoy the buses and the freedom from driving they offer.
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Well-Known Member
utrythinkinof1 said:
Okay, as you wish, but I have a family of 4 and we fit fine in our Toyota Matrix. I just think all these big cars are unnecessary and it is depressing for me to look out my car window and watch half of the cars passing by be gas guzzlers. Personal opinion.:)
They are unneccesary...especially when they only have enough people to fill the things a couple of times a year, and most of the time it's a solo man or woman driving the land yachts around. It's a status symbol, I guess; but like you, I too find SUV's slightly depressing and pretty shocking (even just from the "You pay how much to fill your tank??" perspective). If I had my way it would be against the law to drive one's pretty sad when you see that, especially when they are yakking on the cell phone up to their ear at the same time, LOL. Just how important do some people need to make themselves feel? ;)

As to the original topic, I'm fully for using Disney Transport. If only because I hate parking, and the thought of having to navigate a sea of cars in a monster-sized parking lot makes me queasy. What a way to ruin the magic to have to do that, at least for me. I even avoid LOOKING at those huge parking lots while I'm there, all it says is "outside world" and I come to WDW to leave that behind for awhile.

Also, those wait times quoted by the UG are woefully out of bounds if you are talking about actual average waits. I believe if you read it carefully in the book they assume the max wait time in between busses. Even including those, they seem way out of jive from my personal experience. Unless you are going to do a lot of resort hopping, or leaving property, don't waste the money on a rental car. That's a couple of hundred bucks you could use to actually have fun with, instead of paying to have a car sit in a parking lot for most of the vacation, and then having to watch all those people slip onto comfortable busses while you trek out to your car trying to find it after 10 hours of walking around a themepark. I know which is the more "magical" choice for me. :)

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New Member
Chalk up one more for DTS. In the past we've always taken our own vehicle, but the ease and convenience of the system on our Feb trip was great. And whoever quoted a rental car at $140 was being extremely optimistic. Besides the rental fees, you have to include parking at the parks and gas (of which, FL has some of the highest prices in the country). The lowest Budget had was $207 for a family car for a week, and that was economy size. It only goes up if you do indeed need a minivan or SUV for your family (lets face it, a double stroller laughs in the face of of a small car trunk. At least ours does everytime we need to go somewhere). So add up approx. $260 for car rental and tax (the economy), parking for 7 days at $8 a day, and anywhere from $30-$60 in gas, you're paying almost $400 for the possibility, not guarantee of getting to or from the parks a few minutes earlier. That's a night or two in a deluxe resort, with better transportation times!!! Or the cab fare to the off site places you'd like to go.
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Well-Known Member
Your on vacation, so whatever is more convenient would probably be the way to go. I find that once I park at our resort, that's where the car stays. I love the convenience of the DTS (sure I grumble when I just miss a bus or boat but that is generally outweighed by the many times the wait is short or we meet the transportation just as it pulls up. The options are available so you make your choices and take your chances.
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Active Member
pinkrose said:
I couldn't agree more. We pretty much just leave the car parked while down there.

One time it was parked for so long in the same spot at WL under a tree that the ants decided they would like to reside in our new SUV(which is not a land yacht, BTW...I am only 5 feet tall) through the AC vent. We were leaving to go home and saw them. It was aggravating, but funny because we had been bragging about that great spot under a shade tree all week. Apparently, the ants thought it was great, too. Seriously, they got into it because the front of the vehicle was almost touching a high piece of ground so they pretty much became one for the week.:) I would still never drive while on property.
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AEfx said:
They are unneccesary...especially when they only have enough people to fill the things a couple of times a year, and most of the time it's a solo man or woman driving the land yachts around. It's a status symbol, I guess; but like you, I too find SUV's slightly depressing and pretty shocking (even just from the "You pay how much to fill your tank??" perspective). If I had my way it would be against the law to drive one's pretty sad when you see that, especially when they are yakking on the cell phone up to their ear at the same time, LOL. Just how important do some people need to make themselves feel? ;)


Couldn't agree more!
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Whaaaaat? Whoever published those DTS times were drunk. We use it on property when we go.We usually park at MK parking lot.Do MK, then park hop. Busses are quicker to us and they take you right to the entrance to everything.You don't have to ride the tram in the heat to your car,by the time your car A/C begins to cool your car down,your parking again. The bus on the other hand,A/c is always running.
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New Member
I personally think the transport buses are fun, even if they are crowded and at the end of a long day. I love to people watch, and I can tell what kind of day people have had by just looking at the expression on their faces. It's also kind of funny to listen to people gripe about the bus service, or see the amazing mom of three children actually hold all three children while they are sleeping!
Any situation is as good, or bad as you make it. I'm at Disney to have fun, and I'll have fun, even if I'm riding the bus!
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Active Member
The only time I would ever consider a rental car is if I were traveling with a few small children/toddlers. It would be a real hassle to drag strollers and diaper bags on and off crowded busses. At the end of a day if you have a screaming kid, the last thing I would want is to have to wait for a bus. If you plan on spending time visiting other parks off property it would probably be worth it since alternate transport could get expensive. Also if you are the type that wants to eat at different resorts or off property :confused: or want to "see Orlando" or go to outlet malls while on your trip :veryconfu then go for it. On the down side, as some others have mentioned it is confusing driving around property. The one time we drove down from Chicago, it took us a few times driving around in circles through the main gates to find the road/turn to get us to our resort. My husband who loves to drive did not find the confusing roads the least bit relaxing and we only used our car once that week to visit another park. Also the unofficial guide is not all that great. I do own a copy, and sometimes when read it I laugh because they focus so much on the negative that I cant imagine someone who is unfamiliar even wanting to go there. I have never in my 12+ times visiting the parks had any trouble with WDW transportation. I think I only had a long wait once on the way to the parks because we had just missed the bus going to the park we wanted to visit that day. But heck if you are flexable then go to whichever bus comes first. And when the parks close if you are not in a hurry, look around in the shops for a bit to let the crowds die down a little.
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Premium Member
Even though I hate Disney parking, their transportation is HORRIBLE. Before I took trips by myself and brought my own car, I had to rely on the buses to get from park to park. I used to wait 30-40 minutes at DAK for a bus to Epcot, while I saw the same bus with the same driver come back from MK in the same amount of time. I'd also have to wait quite a bit for a bus at a resort to get to a park or DTD (especially DTD). Now with a car I can make it to any place in 5-10 minutes listening to my own music and taking in some nice air conditioning.
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New Member
maharet97a said:
Chalk up one more for DTS. In the past we've always taken our own vehicle, but the ease and convenience of the system on our Feb trip was great. And whoever quoted a rental car at $140 was being extremely optimistic. Besides the rental fees, you have to include parking at the parks and gas (of which, FL has some of the highest prices in the country). The lowest Budget had was $207 for a family car for a week, and that was economy size. It only goes up if you do indeed need a minivan or SUV for your family (lets face it, a double stroller laughs in the face of of a small car trunk. At least ours does everytime we need to go somewhere). So add up approx. $260 for car rental and tax (the economy), parking for 7 days at $8 a day, and anywhere from $30-$60 in gas, you're paying almost $400 for the possibility, not guarantee of getting to or from the parks a few minutes earlier. That's a night or two in a deluxe resort, with better transportation times!!! Or the cab fare to the off site places you'd like to go.

Since they are staying on property this wouldn't be an issue as once you check-in parking at all the parks is included. You just show your parking pass from the resort and you don't even have to stop at the toll booth they just wave you through. I am not saying I would rent a car but we live in FL so we always drive and have a car at our disposal when we want it. If we had to rent a car or use DTS we would probably use DTS. But since we have our car we choose to use it as we feel it just easier for us. But that is our own personal opinion based on previous DTS bus experience. We love the monorail and boat transportation but the busses just leave a bad taste in our mouths and detract from the magic for us.
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New Member
AEfx said:
They are unneccesary...especially when they only have enough people to fill the things a couple of times a year, and most of the time it's a solo man or woman driving the land yachts around. It's a status symbol, I guess; but like you, I too find SUV's slightly depressing and pretty shocking (even just from the "You pay how much to fill your tank??" perspective).AEfx

Not a status symbol for me. I had to rent a car in December since we were only staying on property for a few days, we got the car our last day at Disney since we had to head out early to head South. I got what they call a mid-size SUV, because it was about $100 cheaper a day for it than a little compact car. Plus we knew we would be carrying a few people with us as the rest of our stay in FL went on. What we paid in gas was still less than if we got a small car. It was originally just my husband and I with the car, until we went for our conference an hour away from Disney. If I could have gotten a good deal on the car would have done it over the SUV/
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Well-Known Member
So, people talk on cell-phones to make themselves feel important? I suppose ya'll are also against people staying at the Grand Floridian as well because they could get by with staying a Pop Century. They're just staying there because it is a status symbol...Sure, we could all get by with loin cloths, walking from place to place, water, and food, but we humans (esp Americans) like our luxuries. I drive a pick-up I use the bed all of the time? No, but what happens those times that you do need it? If everyone drove compact cars, the world would have plenty of gas, but we couldn't function.
*end rant*
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