Don't care about...


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
TP2000 said:
Expanding outside of the parks just a bit, the Attractions I could never visit and be perfectly happy are;

That cheeseball NASCAR thing they do in the Magic Kingdom parking lot. I saw it on a vacation planning video and have heard a few people mention it, but it's something about pretending you are a real life white trash NASCAR driver. Give me a break! How about something where you get to pretend you are a garbageman for a day? Or a meter reader for the gas company? What a boring waste of vacation dollars. It also cheapens the panache and style of the "Resort" feel to the place.

The Wide World Of Sports complex. Again, it's boring and mundane and useless. I don't get it.

Disney Golf. Again, you spend all this money on vacation to go to a one of a kind place like WDW and you waste time playing golf? There are much better golf courses all over America, why waste your time at the mediocre ones in the heat and humidity of Orlando? I don't get it.

oh god, i forgot about the WWOS. i think id rather see a parking lot. lol

nascar thing, i think is cool, but to pricey, but then again, for legal reasons and insurance, they probably have to make it pricey.

im a golfer and unless i get a free game, im not dropping 100 bones on a round at disney. plus, the objest is to stay out of the sandtrap, but that sandtrap with the mickey head is too cool, id have to hit into it.

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
WDWScottieBoy said:

Chill out dude... Take a rest....

My list:

The speedway
Backlot Tour
RnR (Yes, RNR!!! Way too simple for a Disney coaster if you ask me)
ToonTown Fair. (The REAL ToonTown would be nice though)

Outside of WDW:
WDSP. Yes, all of it. It would save a lot of money. *Eisner, read this*
PP at DCA. Don't like the theme, nothing anti-Eisner to do with it. :lookaroun

I'd also like Peter Pan to have a higher capacity rate! That ride is a nightmare! :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
NemoRocks78 said:
I wouldn't mind if these attractions disappeared overnight:

Tomorrowland Indy Speedway
Space Mountain (yes, I did say Space Mountain)
Snow White's Scary Adventures
Tom Sawyer Island
Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular
All of Animal Kingdom (well, except for Dinosaur, the Tree of Life, and Kilimanjaro Safaris)
Universe of Energy
Mission: SPACE (let the bashing begin.....but seriously, I wouldn't mind if it goes, mainly because it's boring anymore to me)

Ok, I can agree with most of these but why Space Mtn and M:S? What did you find boring about M:S? Did you ride it too many times?

(I am not going to take the argument that thrill rides are not your thing or you got sick on it) :p


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
PhilharMagician said:
Isn't that the whole show? :wave:
No those stupid birds from Alladin (Iago - I hate Gilbert Godfried) and Lion King (Zazu) are the new parts with updated music like "Hot, Hot, Hot"

That part S.U.C.K.S.!!!


New Member
Yeah why Space Mountain? It's one of the best rides at WDW! I also don't see how you can find Mission Space boring.

I wouldn't mind if the entire Animal Kingdom dropped off the face of the earth. It's a shame I never get to ride Dinosaur, but I don't like going all the way over to Animal Kingdom for one ride. Last time I went there I spent exactly 30 mintues in the park. I would have spent less but Dino-Rama was new (and boy did I waste my time there).


phlydude said:
Ok, I can agree with most of these but why Space Mtn and M:S? What did you find boring about M:S? Did you ride it too many times?

(I am not going to take the argument that thrill rides are not your thing or you got sick on it) :p

Thrill rides are my thing, and I never get sick on it. I guess I've just been on it way too many times. To me, it's not something I'm going to wait an hour for anymore. It's a nice ride, but it's not fun after you've been on it over 20-30-something times. That's why I wouldn't mind seeing it replaced.

As for Space Mountain.....don't even get me started on that one. I would pay to watch that building come down before my very eyes. Unless we get a huge refurb like DL got, my opinion will not change (and DLP still has the best SM of them all! :) ).


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
TP2000 said:
Expanding outside of the parks just a bit, the Attractions I could never visit and be perfectly happy are;

That cheeseball NASCAR thing they do in the Magic Kingdom parking lot. I saw it on a vacation planning video and have heard a few people mention it, but it's something about pretending you are a real-life white-trash NASCAR driver. Give me a break! How about something where you get to pretend you are a garbageman for a day? Or a meter reader for the gas company? What a boring waste of vacation dollars. It also cheapens the panache and style of the "Resort" feel to the place.

The Wide World Of Sports complex. Again, it's boring and mundane and useless. I don't get it.

Disney Golf. Again, you spend all this money on vacation to go to a one of a kind place like WDW and you waste time playing golf? There are much better golf courses all over America, why waste your time at the mediocre ones in the heat and humidity of Orlando? I don't get it.

Hate to break it to you but that "white-trash NASCAR driver" makes more money in one race than you do in a year. In a year, they'll make more money than you will in your lifetime. NASCAR is the most popular sport in America (feel free to check for yourself). As for it cheapening the "resort feel" there are plenty of things that could do that but we are not comparing a beach front hotel in Grand Cayman to the Poly nor could we.

As far as the golf goes, YOU should feel lucky to be able to step on the same grass that the best players in the world play on 2-3 per year. It's not Pebble Beach, Augusta or Pine Hills but it's better than any course I can find open to the public in my area (and they are better than most of the country clubs in my area too - DuPont and Avondale might be a little better).

Don't knock things you don't like because you sound ignorant when you do.

BTW - this thread was intended to be about attractions in the parks. Thanks for posting though


Well-Known Member
phlydude said:
"Is there any attraction out there (Disney World only) that you don't care about?"

Um yeah, lots. Some that come to mind are Living Seas, Toontown and Star Tours.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
NemoRocks78 said:
As for Space Mountain.....don't even get me started on that one. I would pay to watch that building come down before my very eyes.

(read in your best general patton voice)

wow, i think that is just un-american. lol. it is like an icon of american entertainment. well, just build a 100/ scale model of it in your back yard and get some firecrackers from Crazy Bills and light it up ....................... because this is one man you would have to go through to touch that ride. lol


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I guess some people have just been there too much and get calloused the Disney experience that the rest of us crave.

Blowing up Space would be blasphemy!! :king:


Well-Known Member
Space montain is was and always will be an icon. as far as Thrill rides go, i could care less if disney adds another thrill ride ever. Give me HM over any coaster anyday of the week. Disney should always focus on doing new things like M:S that ride is the most amazing thing i have ever ridden in my life. Not because it was thrilling its because no one has ever done anything like that before and probably never will.

Long live Space mountain, huzzah!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
ok, ok, we have to quit talking about it............... just have to quit, my left arm is starting to go numb. oh the agany

oh wait, sorry, i was lying on it wrong. it was just asleep.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
oh the possiblities with a good response here, just to many manners. well, the sensor thing is an issue as well. lol

anywho, you'll never enjoy the site of SM coming down. sorry your dream will never come true.


New Member
phlydude said:
I have seen the threads where people have listed their favorite attractions and the threads where people have listed the least liked attractions. My question to you is:

"Is there any attraction out there (Disney World only) that you don't care about?"

I mean is there something that if it were to go away at the end of the day you wouldn't mind?

I'm hard pressed to think of one but I think I wouldn't care if Indy Raceway went away. #1 because the lines are uber long for a short ride and #2 because they belong in tomorrowland as much as a Model T does!! #3 they are so polluting (like every other 2 stroke engine) that the exhaust fumes give me headaches not to mention what they (in a very small way) are doing to the environment.

Thoughts? Comments? Concerns? Arguments?
The time is yours...

LOL! I have a couple... Snow e's scary adventures, the Indy Speedway, the tea cups, MGM all together (we do skip it sometimes, sorry to people who love it), and innoventions.


Well-Known Member
hmm...i'd have to say: Sounds Dangerous, The Land boat ride, the 360 film in Canada desperately needs to be updated :p Snow White's Scary Adventures, Astro Orbiter, Swiss Family Treehouse, and i think that's about all


New Member
I love space mountain...however, it really needs to be refurbished. It doesn't need to be made more thrilling, but some updated special effects, in-car sound systems, would be awesome. Nemo is right. When you see the Paris Space Mountain, you just have to wonder...

Plus, I really like sounds Dangerous. It is not a bad attraction by any means. The whole "hair cutting" effect is really cool.

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