Don't care about...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I have seen the threads where people have listed their favorite attractions and the threads where people have listed the least liked attractions. My question to you is:

"Is there any attraction out there (Disney World only) that you don't care about?"

I mean is there something that if it were to go away at the end of the day you wouldn't mind?

I'm hard pressed to think of one but I think I wouldn't care if Indy Raceway went away. #1 because the lines are uber long for a short ride and #2 because they belong in tomorrowland as much as a Model T does!! #3 they are so polluting (like every other 2 stroke engine) that the exhaust fumes give me headaches not to mention what they (in a very small way) are doing to the environment.

Thoughts? Comments? Concerns? Arguments?
The time is yours...

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
There are a few that I don't really pay attention to. One example... If Flights of Wonder in AK was to dissapear I probably wouldn't notice.


DisneyInsider said:
There are a few that I don't really pay attention to. One example... If Flights of Wonder in AK was to dissapear I probably wouldn't notice.

Me too, but then again if half of AK would dissapear I wouldn't notice. I do like the park but I just seem to forget about lots there.

Another attraction I coud care less about is the Drew Carey soundstage thing. I don't even knoe the name of it! I wish Doug was still there. :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
mandib said:
Me too, but then again if half of AK would dissapear I wouldn't notice. I do like the park but I just seem to forget about lots there.

Another attraction I coud care less about is the Drew Carey soundstage thing. I don't even knoe the name of it! I wish Doug was still there. :)
Sounds Dangerous w/ Drew Carey - I liked this. I have only done it once 5 years ago but it was still clever.


New Member
mandib said:
Another attraction I coud care less about is the Drew Carey soundstage thing. I don't even knoe the name of it! I wish Doug was still there. :)
I agree. That attraction is so bland, I forgot to it was even there.

Boo's Mom

New Member
i wouldn't care if dumbo and the other rides just like it disappeared. they are popping up everywhere and they are not fun. also, the honey I shrunk the audience thing too.


New Member
My things that could go away without me caring:

Magic Kindom: Tie - Tom Sawyer's Island/Indy Speedway. A lot of space that could be put to better use

Epcot - The Land Greenhouse ride through. Not very interested in watching growing plants. Hydro-plonic growing is not very futuristic.

Disney Studios - What they have is fine with me. It justs seems like they need more.

Animal Kingdom - The games area in Dinoland. It brings a cheap feeling of a fair to WDW. I can get that cheap feeling every year in Minnesota.

With all this said I will still go on some of these rides on my trip because I am a bit a a Disney nut. I can't wait to go in October :sohappy:

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
mandib said:
Me too, but then again if half of AK would dissapear I wouldn't notice. I do like the park but I just seem to forget about lots there.

Another attraction I coud care less about is the Drew Carey soundstage thing. I don't even knoe the name of it! I wish Doug was still there. :)

Sounds Dangerous didn't replace Doug. It replaced the other Sound Effects show that was there (the name escapes me at the moment). Doug was just shut down and the theater has been sitting empty ever since (another great waste of space).


Well-Known Member
I'm going to have to afree with jcarriv about the games at Dinoland, USA. I don't think AK is a bad park at all beacuse I love animals and the rides and shows there are excellent, but thats just IMHO. I feel that once you walk into Dinoland you get a sense of a REAL cheap carnival. Yes, Primevil Whirl is a nice little ride but seeing it surrounded by carnival type games that just scam you from your money, come on Disney we can all do better than that and find better use of that space.

General Grizz

New Member
To be honest, I'm impartial with the Speedway, Indiana Jones, Sounds Dangerous, and a few others - so long as they have decent and very up-to-standards replacements.

What I would *like* to see leave/redone is Enchnated Tiki Room UNM and (especially) Dino-Rama.


I wouldn't mind if these attractions disappeared overnight:

Tomorrowland Indy Speedway
Space Mountain (yes, I did say Space Mountain)
Snow White's Scary Adventures
Tom Sawyer Island
Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular
All of Animal Kingdom (well, except for Dinosaur, the Tree of Life, and Kilimanjaro Safaris)
Universe of Energy
Mission: SPACE (let the bashing begin.....but seriously, I wouldn't mind if it goes, mainly because it's boring anymore to me)


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
pardon me, but the AK ride that needs to fall into the hot molten' lava of the earths core and dissapear, is that "Dino-Rama". stinks!!!!

mgm for me is the drew carey sound stage thing. it was great years ago.

epcot.............. innovations....... i mean really, everytime i go to WDW (in which is about every 4-5 years) there is always the same boring stuff. the last 2-3 times it was been the virtual reality gig. we just kept on walking.

mk- toon town. ok, i know i dont have kids yet and i bet they really like it, but it just looks boring for kids. im probably wrong. oh and the speedway. i havent riden that thing in years. no need........... boring.


Well-Known Member
NemoRocks78 said:
I wouldn't mind if the Indy Speedway, Space Mountain (yes, I did say Space Mountain), Snow White's Scary Adventures, Tom Sawyer Island, all of Animal Kingdom (except for Dinosaur, Kilimanjaro Safaris, Festival of the Lion King, and the Tree of Life), the Universe of Energy, and Mission: SPACE (yes, I did say M:S as well, mainly because it is mainly boring anymore) just disappeared overnight. :)



Well-Known Member
Expanding outside of the parks just a bit, the Attractions I could never visit and be perfectly happy are;

That cheeseball NASCAR thing they do in the Magic Kingdom parking lot. I saw it on a vacation planning video and have heard a few people mention it, but it's something about pretending you are a real-life white-trash NASCAR driver. Give me a break! How about something where you get to pretend you are a garbageman for a day? Or a meter reader for the gas company? What a boring waste of vacation dollars. It also cheapens the panache and style of the "Resort" feel to the place.

The Wide World Of Sports complex. Again, it's boring and mundane and useless. I don't get it.

Disney Golf. Again, you spend all this money on vacation to go to a one of a kind place like WDW and you waste time playing golf? There are much better golf courses all over America, why waste your time at the mediocre ones in the heat and humidity of Orlando? I don't get it.

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