Does WDW Just Have Too Many Things?


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of folks complain for a lot of reasons, but in my experience the parks are generally in good shape. Are they perfect? No, but I've never been disappointed being there.

I find a lot of nostalgia for the "good old days" to be misplaced. I see some things that haven't been repaired or replaced for good reason [the yeti] but people insist on perfection because that's the way Walt would have wanted it. Well, I've seen pictures of the opening of DL and the landscaping was horrible, many attractions weren't completed and it was entirely unimpressive in my view. Walt went along with that because money was tight and he needed to open to start some revenue coming in to pay the bills. In the end, I judge based on my experience and have never found WDW to be lacking. :shrug:

Others are welcome to their opinions. :king:

Ding ding ding!!!


Active Member
One of the main reasons of having alot and always building more and more is so people come back year after year! They still have a TON of land! I don't understand why people would think there is too much?! Manhattan has too much! Disney World will never be that crazy!

I have to definately say no to you. :)


New Member
Didn't Walt himself say "if you can give them more than they can see, they will always come back".

With that being said I think Walt Disney Co is still achieving this. Avatar expansion seems a little knee jerk - IDK about how long term the Avatar brand will be compared to Star Wars.

I would like to see AK be equal to Epcot and Mk in the long term. I would also like to see the monorail system expaned to pick up AK traffic. I know this will never happen, but it would be awesome if it did.


New Member
:confused:This is not a complaint, just an observation, but what I've noticed the last couple of trips we've taken to WDW is the length of time it takes to complete renovation and maintenance projects. This was especially true on our last visit.

We stayed in the Orlando area for two months last winter (February/March). On our first visit to MK the first week of Feb, the exterior of the building housing Tony's Town Square Restaurant on Main Street had one of those drapes on it made to look like the building itself. It was a little disappointing because it was almost the first thing you saw walking into the park, so it spoiled the ambience a little. But it was easy to understand that they were redoing the building and upgrading the restaurant. However the project was still going on and the drape was still on the building when we left a full two months later.

The same was true for the Enchanted Tiki Birds attraction. It was closed for repair when we got there (there apparently was a fire in the roof or something) and it was still closed when we left. In fact, it didn't look like there was anything going on in the building at all.

Added to that, they were also upgrading the queue area by the Haunted Mansion. It seemed like quite a few repair/renovation projects going on all at once, especially since MK is in the middle of a substantial upgrade in Fantasyland. Perhaps they are trying to do too many major projects at the same time.


Well-Known Member
I guess I am included in that "nostalgia mob" Although I do think the new additions and refurbs are always welcomed. I think they are not the real reasons why the Disney fan base comes back time after time. It has been said over and over....its the magic. The small things that makes us all say....ahhhhh. The show....the ambivance the nuances that make it specail.

Those things seem to disapear at an alarming rate. I would be more then happy to give up an E ticket ride for a few years if they brought back unique merch...more actors doing street shows at HS. The once unique shops on Mainstreet. Special adde touches that make a delux resort deluxe. These are the things that will keep you comming back. I will stand by my feeling that a good E ticket attraction can be found anywhere. But there is only one WDW. Enhanceing the guest experience is where the magic happens.Let me ask a question....what if it came down to a choice between Wishes and somekind of major expansion or a new E ticket? Would you give up Illuminations for a new country in WS? or a new Horizons?

There are so many tiny little hidden gems that give us the Disney magic. I say preserve what is there. To not maintain the magic in the name of provideing something new all the time is a huge mistake IMHO.

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