Does going to WDW too often, take away some of the magic for kids?


New Member
Growing up, we went every summer until we were in Jr. High and every Christmas after that until about a year ago. EVERY YEAR we went and the magic NEVER wore off. Now that I am grown, I make sure my son gets to go as often as he can. We live several states away from WDW- sometimes we drive, sometimes we fly. His first trip was at 6 months old and was one of my favorite trips because the pictures we have of the princesses or Minnie and Mickey sitting on the ground holding him are some of the cutest! The one of Wendy holding him at CRT's breakfast is my favorite! He's been back at least once a year since. He has one trip in two weeks coming up for MNSSHP with my parents- their fall tradition EVERY year. Then I am taking him back down the day school gets out for Christmas for a week. Those will be trips 12 and 13 and he is only 9 this year. And still- he is in count down mode for months, saving every penny he gets, listening to the WDW park albums over and over- all he can talk about is what he is going to ride first and how good the corn dog nuggets at Casey's are and how mad he is that Main Street Bakery is a Starbucks now- or how he can't wait to eat corn dog nuggets and sit on a bench and watch the castle change colors at the end of MNSSHP. And I am the same way! I've been more times than I care to count and every trip is new and just a magical as the one before. The magic absolutely does not wear off!


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I don't think so. If anything, going often probably enhanced my memories of WDW from when I was little. I had more experiences and therefore remember more. It was never any less exciting to be going each time (still isn't) and it took me years to figure out some stuff. Oh, sure, I knew audio animatronics weren't real people, but there was still some stuff that was "magical" to me for years and years.


Active Member
Every trip is different especially when the child ( or children) are at different ages. As they are growing they become "eligible" for more rides therefore more experiences. I have been to Disney World many times and it doesn't get boring or overkill. As of Disneyland, I have never been but I have heard people say that it is not as fun, much smaller, and not worth the time or money, so I would not personally recommend you going but that is all your decision. I don't think that it would be overkill at all to go back 3 years in a row especially because of how much he will be growing older and wanting to explore new things.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Every trip is different especially when the child ( or children) are at different ages. As they are growing they become "eligible" for more rides therefore more experiences. I have been to Disney World many times and it doesn't get boring or overkill. As of Disneyland, I have never been but I have heard people say that it is not as fun, much smaller, and not worth the time or money, so I would not personally recommend you going but that is all your decision. I don't think that it would be overkill at all to go back 3 years in a row especially because of how much he will be growing older and wanting to explore new things.

Since you've never been to Disneyland, don't you think it wouldn't be wise of you to not recommend someone to go?


Well-Known Member
I think it does. Just like going too often takes away some of the magic for adults. This is why when you talk to locals, most of them are very proud to tell you that locals don't go to Disney World (which is obviously an over-generalization).

We have passes to our local amusement park and we go all the time. We enjoy going. But its not exciting to go. The novelty of a first visit is replaced with familiarity. It's comforting. We have nostalgia for that park.

The same thing happens if you go anywhere too much. Some people we grow bored whereas others (most of the people you are likely to find here) grew fond of the place to the point where even the shortcomings take on a certain charm.

The question becomes "how much is too much". We go about every other year on average. My oldest was not quite two the first time we took her to Disney World. My youngest was not quite one. We now have a 9 year old who has been to Disney 5 times and a 5 year old who has been 3 times. 3.5 if you count when we went while my wife was pregnant.

Has the magic been diminished for them? Not substantially. But they think nothing of going to Disney World. It's expected that we will go about every other year and that we will stay on property, eat at nice places, buy lots of souvenirs and take place in special experiences. Sure, they get excited about going. But it's not the kind of excitement a kid gets for that once-in-a-lifetime trip.

Is that something I worry about? No. Not at all. If the kids ever reach a point where they are sick of Disney World, we'll go somewhere else. Next year, we're taking a Disney cruise to mix things up. The year after that, who knows.

Right now, I feel like Disney is letting WDW grow stagnant. At the prices they charge, I don't feel compelled to go back until the kids are substantially older and/or something new opens. I think some time away will do us good. When we return, I hope we'll get some of the magic back thanks to our time away.

But for now, hey, if your kids are still in awe and wonder, have fun. Cross that bridge when you come to it.


Pfizered Fairy
Premium Member
In the Parks
Well going first time as and adult, and having been there about 10 times in past 15 hasn't lost an ounce of wonder to me, I can't seem to read enough and discover some new detail about it's history that makes me appreciate it all the more. My children have grown away from it a bit, but that's ok they still love it but have stronger interests elsewhere. So in terms of holding off to increase the magic? No way...if you can afford to go grab that magic while you's great family time. Someday I hope to
take grandkids there....but have no problem getting geeked up going by self or with DH. :)


Well-Known Member
When the DSs were younger and summer camps ended and it was two weeks until school started, we went in '98, '01 and '02. They were 8 and 3, 11 and 6, 12 and 7. They loved it ... it was like the last hoorah before school started. We had gone several times before, and 3 years in a row after at Christmastime ('07, '08 and '09). if DH hadn't been "early retired in 2003, there probably would have been many more trips between '01 and '07. Next year, when they will be 20 and 25, it will probably be the last time as a family :cry:.


Well-Known Member
My wife is really worried about this. We have gone quite frequently in the 3.5yts we've been together. She doesn't want to go newly as much when we have kids, bc she thinks it will take away the magic of disney. We are thinking if doing the vacation club and the soul reason of maybe going every year is kinda keeping her from wanting to. We know we can other places than disney. But we do know we'll still go every couple years, and can stay at nicer hotels. Plus she's really against bringing kids before around 4 bc she says they're too young to enjoy it.


New Member
About to do my 4th time with my DD and there is no loss of Magic. :p We skipped a year in 2013 and we are about to blow our Disney lids. Disney is our week to escape from everything and live in a world of magic and adventure. I would love to go multiple times a year, but I think that it would ruin it. IMO 1 time a year is perfect for us. Well on second thought....maybe 2 times a year (note to self, ask boss for raise :greedy:). We love Disney and we love the memories there. If your kids are excited about going, then keep going. You'll know if it's lost the magic for your family.


Well-Known Member
There is so much to do that it will not get old. If you do the same things over and over and over.... yes, it will get old. However, mix in new stuff all the time and it is fun.


Well-Known Member
I've been to disney 4 times this year, and leaving in 4 days to go again. Honestly I love it more and more each time. We also try not to do everything in one trip, so that there is always something new to explore. Even if we have seen it in trips before.


New Member
If anything, I think any "loss of magic" would come from the kids growing up rather than the frequency of visits.

We now live about 2.5 hours away and go I'd say once every 6 weeks on average for a 2 or 3-day weekend at a time. My little toddler loves it every time and is always asking to go back. If she ever gets tired of it, then we'll just not renew our annual passes and start doing something else that she enjoys. For now, though, we will enjoy her enjoyment of WDW whilst the "magic" is still there for her. :)

P.S. I still enjoy going as well...probably every bit as much as my daughter. Heck, I even went by myself a few weeks ago whilst my wife and daughter were visiting family in NY. I'm still amazed by something new each time (i.e., my solo trip was the first time I saw the Voices of Liberty in Epcot, and they were incredible!!).


Well-Known Member
My nephew will be 5 in June and has been 4x and is going this year. So once a year. He loves it! We live in Maryland, so it's quite the trip when we go. I think it we lived closer and we went more than once or twice a year, it'd wear off a bit, yes. I haven't been in 10 years, so it'll be pretty magical for me.

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