New Member
Growing up, we went every summer until we were in Jr. High and every Christmas after that until about a year ago. EVERY YEAR we went and the magic NEVER wore off. Now that I am grown, I make sure my son gets to go as often as he can. We live several states away from WDW- sometimes we drive, sometimes we fly. His first trip was at 6 months old and was one of my favorite trips because the pictures we have of the princesses or Minnie and Mickey sitting on the ground holding him are some of the cutest! The one of Wendy holding him at CRT's breakfast is my favorite! He's been back at least once a year since. He has one trip in two weeks coming up for MNSSHP with my parents- their fall tradition EVERY year. Then I am taking him back down the day school gets out for Christmas for a week. Those will be trips 12 and 13 and he is only 9 this year. And still- he is in count down mode for months, saving every penny he gets, listening to the WDW park albums over and over- all he can talk about is what he is going to ride first and how good the corn dog nuggets at Casey's are and how mad he is that Main Street Bakery is a Starbucks now- or how he can't wait to eat corn dog nuggets and sit on a bench and watch the castle change colors at the end of MNSSHP. And I am the same way! I've been more times than I care to count and every trip is new and just a magical as the one before. The magic absolutely does not wear off!