Does Disney own three circles?


New Member
Original Poster
Just wondering if you do something with three circles on it does it infringe on Disney as a copyright? Really need the help
It depends. I'm guessing you mean a circle with two circles at roughly 11 o'clock and 1 o'clock placement making a "mikey head". If so and you use it in a commercial fashion (advertising, store sign, etc.) not related to Disney, then yes you are infringing on a trademark. For a personal/private use, not to be seen by a mass audience, then it is probably ok altough it could still be an infringment technically. I had a class on this years ago and it is fuzzy. Hope this is of some help. As a disclaimer you should talk to an attorney if this answer is really important. I am not one!


New Member
Perhaps more detail is needed from the thread starter. What colors are the circles, do they look just like the Mickey symbol or just similar? What is the usage of the circles? More details please, or a picture of what you are asking about.


New Member
Looking at that, I'd just have to say, "Hello, Disney lawyers!" You're definitely mesappropriating trademark there. Sorry.


New Member
I believe I must agree... that is extremly close to a Mickey Mouse Watch Face... I think you would have a difficult case to win if courts were involved. However, you bring up an interesting question that deserves a true expert answer I feel.

After all your picture is not truly circles. I think the Glove hands really make the difference here.

What is the purpose of this picture? Is it just coincedence that it looks like a Mickey symbol or is that the intent? I am quite curious to get a professional opinion and advice on this question.
Looking at the picture I agree. This is a trademark violation if you are indeed trying to sell something with this. And I don't think it matters if the circles are solid or not. Disney probably trademarked all variations of the "mouse head" symbol. Sorry, but you are out of luck unless you want to use this for purely personal reasons.


Well-Known Member
I am not a lawyer either, but I used to work for a major consumer goods corporation, and I went to management training. One of the speakers was from the legal department. She said (more-or-less) that trademark misappropriation existed when the average consumer could reasonably misinterpret the packaging/design/etc. as that of the original trademark holder. I believe your design would fall within that definition.

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