Travel anywhere, and your risk of illness goes up due to: crowded airports, recycled airplane air, change in climate, lack of sleep, disrupted eating patterns, exposure to microbes that are not yet flooding your hometown, strange drinking water, public pools, unique food, putting your hands on doorknobs or metal handles (i.e., busses) where others were generous with their microbes and bodily fluids, public restrooms, etc . . .
Travel can be tough on the body, and that is why so many seasoned travelers talk about taking it easy on vacation. Find time for a nap. Don't push too hard. For disney guests, stay on site if you can, and take a break during the day. Take a mutli-vitamin everyday.
But this may be most important: Drink plenty of water to (1) flush the system; (2) prevent dehydration; and (3) to keep your sinuses and other moist surfaces from allowing microbes to take hold. For us, drinking plenty of safe liquids is key; it really helps you endure the bodily stresses from travel.
We have been to the world 5 times in 6 years, and we nearly always go back to the hotel for a break during the day, and we are constantly taking in beverages and water. Personally, I drink plenty of iced and watered down juice and soda. None of us have become sick, other than the sniffles. Maybe we're just lucky, or maybe we're doing something right. By the way, in 1985 I became a bit dehydrated in Rome, Italy. I stayed sick for a week with other symptoms even after I rehydrated.
Good luck, and may the Schweppes be with you.