Does anyone feel the same way???


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Hi, guys!
I have a problem. A terrible problem. The last time I was at WDW was in Oct., last year. I miss WDW sooooooooooo much!!! I just don't know what to do!!!I am so far away from the USA... From WDW... It is so hard for people in my country to go to WDW, and I never know if I will go there again, if the dollar is going to be worth 3.00 in my currency, and my costs will triple, and I will not be able to pay for the trip... Each day, I miss WDW even more, and love WDW even more! I cannot stop thinking about it, watching videotapes, and praying to be able to go there in July! Since my friends don't understand my love for WDW, I decided to share my fellings with you, guys! Please, help me... I need some support... :( :( :( :( :(

Kisses form Brazil! :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:


Active Member
Hey, don't feel that you are alone. I am just one state above Florida, and I miss WDW as bad as you. However, we don't have the trouble of the currency exchange that you do that presents more problems.
It really is amazing how much WDW becomes a part of you. I know every day, I sign on even while I am at work and check our what others are thinking, writing, and sharing about that magical place.
So I can offer you support, as far as that goes. The distance and currency problem are a little out of my league, but the feelings for the place we can all share with you. Not much help, I realize, but hang in there and maybe you will be back sooner than you think now.


I know how you feel. I first went when I was 16 and it took 6 years for me to start earning enough to go back.
I too have the problem of varying exchange rates affecting prices but I suppose my situation is not as bad as yours.
Keep trying and keep reading these boards

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I miss Florida in general and WDW in particular. I like the fact that you can get up in the morning and the sky is not just 10ft above youre head. I miss the food, the atmosphere and the fact I can wear shorts and still get into a resturant.But most off all I love that it is something I can share with my family.
I dont miss work, the traffic, the state of my garden or that the bank may wish to discuss how much ive spent on the trip.:)

X Zoe X

New Member
I agree with my dad ( happy snapper) Don't worry about feeling the way you do. lots of people are feeling exactly the same! I live much further away than you, well at least I think I do. Its expensive for my mum and Dad as well. I miss the sun and all the cool rides. The nice food :( Turn that frown upside down! :D

General Grizz

New Member
I feel sometimes that when I leave Walt Disney World at night, there will be no more joy left for the world is going to end...

Even if I go a half day to MK, I always want to go on more things...just to be at WDW...

You ALWAYS want to come DAY! That's why I might get APs...get over there every other weekend...

Ah, I miss WDW, too! I just went in February for President's Day and the Summer is not soon enough!!! :cry:


Well-Known Member
I miss WDW the minute I leave, and I dream about going back there one second later. I do know how you feel, although I'll have to admit that I don't face the currency exchange rate you do. But - you WILL go back!

This might sound really dumb, but this works for me - I have a loose change jar, and every day I put all the loose change I've accumulated during the day in there. I let it accumulate for months before I even THINK abut counting it. When I finally do tally it up, I've got enough to get me started planning that next trip! Again, it might sound stupid, but it does do the job for me.


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Thank you guys!!!!
I really appreciate your support! I feel glad there is this forum, so that I can get in touch with people like you guys, that share this feeling for this magical place, people that can understand me the way I am. It is hard for people here to understand these "disney feelings", as many people don't even know WDW, and have never heard of the things we find there, and they go like that: "What do they have there at WDW that you make such a fuss about it? It is just an amusement park, I can't understand it is that is so special about Disney..." So sometimes I feel blue... But you are right, guys! Take that frown and turn it upside down!!! I will start saving right away! And thank for saying that I WILL GO BACK THERE!!! I needed to hear that!
Thank you very much!
Kisses from Rio de Janeiro!
:kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:


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Originally posted by SteveUK
I know how you feel. I first went when I was 16 and it took 6 years for me to start earning enough to go back.
I too have the problem of varying exchange rates affecting prices but I suppose my situation is not as bad as yours.
Keep trying and keep reading these boards

You are right. I think your situation is better. The pound is worth more than a dollar, isn't it? At least here it is. Well, things are getting better here, we pay 2.35 reais for 1 dollar now. Last year I got sunk in debts because of my trip in Oct. Because of the terrorist attacks, and the financial crisis in Argentina we were paying 3 reais for 1 dollar, and many people gave up going to the USA... But I didn't, and I don't regret that! I had a great time, and couldn't miss the opportunity of seeing Walt Disney - A Man's Dream at MGM and watching Share a Dream Come True at MK. It is worth millions!!!

Kisses from Brazil! :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:


New Member
WDW IS T.H.E. Magical Place!

We spend our vacations at WDW every year, have gone 2, 3 even 4 times in a single year as we love it so.

While your friends and neighbors may make the point that it is 'just an amusement park', they couldn't be further off the point than if they were on the MOON!

WDW is not just an amusement park, a theme park, a resort, it is a MAGICAL experience. One that leaves you feeling so good about yourself, so happy to have come, and making you want to come back.

It gives you a point of how you would like to live your life, and in my case, colors my customer service ethic (no, I'm not in retail or travel) and improves my contributions to my company.

I've been to both US Disney destinations ( WDW and DL), and while the original Magic Kingdom is a great place, it just is not the experience that WDW is!

We'll keep you stocked with Disney memories!

The tingles you feel as you see the Earful tower when you drive from the airport to WDW

The smell of popcorn and chocolate chip cookies when you get on Main St. USA.

The sound of steam whistles from the ferries and the steam trains

The monorail message

" Please stand clear of the doors " Por favor ...............

The Disney chorus signing 'when you wish upon a star....'



New Member
Original Poster
Re: WDW IS T.H.E. Magical Place!

Originally posted by yensid354

We'll keep you stocked with Disney memories!

The tingles you feel as you see the Earful tower when you drive from the airport to WDW

The smell of popcorn and chocolate chip cookies when you get on Main St. USA.

The sound of steam whistles from the ferries and the steam trains

The monorail message

" Please stand clear of the doors " Por favor ...............

The Disney chorus signing 'when you wish upon a star....'


Thank you sooooo much for the disney memories! They make me cry every time I think of them, they are soooooo good! They make me feel happier! This is what WDW is about!

Cinderella Castle at night

The small lights on main street

Sunset behind Spaceship Earth

Smell of hot fudge when you pass by Main Street Ice Cream Parlour

Oh, how I love this!
Thank you soooooo much!
Kisses from Brazil!

:sohappy: :sohappy: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:


New Member
Support Group

My name is SIG, and I love Disney! It was a happy day the day I stumbled across this website! You are not alone. I call it my support group! I have to print stuff off for my sis (my disney buddy), she doesn't have computer access, then we get together for coffee and I re-read all of it with her. We can't believe so many feel exactly as we do! Wait till I show her this thread!

19 more sleeps until 14 days of MAGIC, until the sisters are let loose, watch out, here we come!


Well-Known Member
Amen, Tati. Our situation really is difficult. I guess Maria faces the same problems we do, even though Mexico is closer. But you gotta have faith. I've been bugging my friends for the last 3 years, trying to convince everybody to start saving so we can go. I guess it finally worked, since we're our January 2003 trip seems certain.

But NJChris is right, the best way would be moving to Florida. I always considered that, and I'm checking into my line of work, specially now that my girlfriend's finally working on her English skills.

Hey, the mas said himself "if you can dream, you can do it!" :animwink:


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Original Poster
I am thinking about international program, maybe it will help me calm down a little. What do you think, guys?

Rodrigo Maybe you could give some information about international program in Brazil, so that I could know exactly what it is like, and what I have to do.

Hey, guys!
My aunt is at WDW, and she called me this morning. She went to EPCOT yesterday, and she said it was crowded! The wait time for test track was 2 hours!!! No fastpass!!! There are lots of new things at Innoventions, and some rehab at World Showcase. And guess who she found at EPCOT??? Donald Duck and.... Daisy Duck!!!!! They were giving autographs together at EPCOT, and she took a picture with them. I hope it comes out well, so that I can post it here to show you.

Kisses from Brazil!!!
:kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:


Active Member
I definitely feel the same way. i was last there in february of 2001. This past summer i decided i was going in october of this year, and i've been counting down ever since. it's crazy, but i would give anything to be there right now and not have to wait. i can't get it out of my head. that's when i started visiting all these disney sites becasue i knew i was going there. All these sited just makes me miss it more and want to be there more. I dont' have the out of country problem, though. I can drive there in a day from Louisiana, but I don't know what i would do if i didn't have the option to pretty much go whenever i wanted. only 182 days left. i'm not sure if i can wait that long.

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