The way to do it is buy SSR, OKW or Animal Kingdom on the resale market. They cost significantly less that way, and they are each great resorts in their own right.
Then, plan your trips in advance. BOOK your desired times at your home resort in the 7 to 11 month window. You might split it into two blocks, just to make it easier to replace.
By booking at your home resort you are guaranteed the dates you want. But you are going to TRY to replace it. If you don't replace it, you can merge the blocks later, into one block, IF they are the exact same type of unit and same VIEW.
If it is long, 5 days or more, you might want to book two (or more) separate blocks of 2 to 4 days each at your home resort. This is because it is often easier to fill a waitlist request for 2 or 3 days than for 7 days. You will need to fill two or more waitlist requests. You can only make TWO wait list requests at the same time, so you might want to just divide up into two blocks. However, it does have the disadvantage that IF your waitlist comes through on only 1 of the 2 blocks, then you will need to change resorts half way through your visit.
As soon as the 7 month window opens, on the very day, put in a waitlist request (or two. This will give you excellent priority for filling off the waitlist request, over the next 7 months. If you have split your initial reservation into two blocks) and specify that each waitlist request will REPLACE one of your blocks at your home resort, for the same dates.
If the waitlist request is for THE SAME number of points or MORE points than your home resort, you can specify the 7 day termination window for the waitlist request. (7 days before the travel date.) If it is for a reservation that has LESS points, you might want to specify that you will terminate the waitlist request 30 days before travel, since you don't want to get stuck with any leftover HOLDING POINTS.
If you do this early enough, and you choose rooms that are not RARE and at a resort where there are adequate numbers of rooms, you will almost certainly get your waitlist requests, and be able to stay where you want. Many many people will change their vacation plans and drop their reservations over a 7 month period. So if you are at the top of the waitlist, by listing right at 7 months, you should get it. Again, as long as it is at a resort where there are adequate numbers of rooms in your preferred category. Some resorts have 40 to 100 or more rooms in each category. Other resorts might only have a dozen. If there are at least several dozen rooms in your category at your preferred resort, it is almost certain that several people will cancel at some point, and you will get it.
The key is planning early, and doing it right.