Do your kids notice if there's "more than 1" Cinderella? etc??


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Original Poster
We were talking the other night about the character meetings vs character dining, and it came up if our daughter (4) would happen to meet a Princess at the meal, then later see her in the park would she notice that she looked different? Mind you our daughter is 4 and she still thinks all the princesses are REAL princesses therefore there should not be multiple Cinderellas or Belles in her mind. lol How do you handle this or what did you tell your kids? We have a reservation at CRT and I'm thinking we may still have to stand in line at the theater to see Sleeping Beauty if she isn't at the castle, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea since Cindy is also at the theater. We could end up with a very upset/angry little girl. I don't want to accidentally spoil the magic for her.


New Member
As a kid I never noticed and when I did my parents told me they changed. However I did notice when there was another mickey... But I wasn't heartbroken.


Well-Known Member
My older one (6) is starting to notice. We were looking back at pictures from the last two trips and she's started to notice differences in the face characters and starting talking about how she thinks there may be people inside Mickey & Minnie (i.e. maybe it's just a costume). I told her she may be right, but it's fun to believe that it's the real Cinderella or the real Mickey and that it's how I like to look at characters when we go, etc. She's not 100%, but she says she's now pretty certain it's just real people playing the characters. We had to be very careful in this too, b/c we don't want her spoiling it for her younger sister so we told her that she is free to form her own decisions but to also let her sister figure it all out on her own in her own time as well.

It made me sad, but she is growing up- and at least she still believes in Santa. Makes me feel a bit better reading this thread as well...I'll spare you the details, but it's comforting to see others whose children fully embrace all of the magic. :)


Active Member
The last time I went with my nieces (turned 4 & 7 o that trip) they didn't seem to notice. I did help out Sleeping Beauty when we dined at CRT though. We met her the day before at Epcot (she is in France, btw), so the girls already had her autograph. When SB came to the table at CRT I said loud enough for SB to hear, "Oh my goodness girls, can you believe we are getting to see Sleeping Beauty two days in a row?!" The characters are very good at picking up on things like this if you give them a little help. I don't remember exactly what SB said, but she was just perfect. A fine example of why I love Disney so much!!!


Well-Known Member
I think it depends on the child. My 6-year-old son, who is ridiculously observant and quite the skeptic, noticed the difference between princesses after a single viewing of the planning video and a travel channel WDW program! (He soberly informed me that although he hoped I wouldn't be disappointed, he had "discovered" that those princesses are "actually just girls in costumes.") He promised not to tell his 4-year-old sister, who is a far more trusting and imaginative little soul, and who I suspect will continue to believe in the realness of the characters for several years, regardless of what anyone tells her, and either won't notice or will readily dismiss any small differences the characters might have.


Well-Known Member
i never noticed til i was older and well found the truth out. what bothered me is a child who blurted it out at a meet and greet. thankfully the princess said she was the one and only. i felt bad for the kids who looked at their parents like what the heck. i will tell my future children when they ask the truth when they are a bit older and say do not ruin it for others. remember when you believed. i hope it will be enough.


Well-Known Member
I think my kids notice, but they don't say anything. They see a princess and move in... :p


Well-Known Member
Pluto had to go get some snacks and water one day! My gf first timer asked the cm/friend "no seriously they are just switching right" friend was quick to respond by saying he is hot and needs a drink of water! I laughed and kicked her to shut up...

She was amazed how they don't break character. And that's why I love Disney so much because evetthing has a story behind it and everyone plays a part perfectly


Well-Known Member
You should be fine. You as the parent could feed to the princesses where you had seen them before. A lot of parents will say oh Belle nice meeting you again having dinner with you in EPCOT was so magical last night we had to meet you again or Joining you for dinner at the castle was fantastic and our little princess wanted to say hello again before they ever get to speaking with your child. That will let them know you have already seen them.

Disney tries their hardest to make sure the face characters at least look somewhat similar so that smaller children are less likely to figure it out. As most parents have said here they don't usually find out while on vacation they figure it out later when they are going through the scrap book. I always like to put the pictures in order of day and not all next to each other so the little kids in my family are less likely to remember the picture from the front of the album with a princess when they get to the 2nd viewing pictures in the back.


Active Member
I was actually wondering if the characters have "zones" throughout the park, so that two of the same character don't ever cross paths... Anybody know?


One Little Spark...
I was actually wondering if the characters have "zones" throughout the park, so that two of the same character don't ever cross paths... Anybody know?

I don't know about zones (this will be interesting how they are going to handle the Princess Meet and Greet and Cindy's Royal Table, seeing as they are so close to each other). I do know that princesses bounce between the parks though. We've run into the same princess at Cindy's and Akershus at two different meals on the same trip before.

Dad 2 M & M

Well-Known Member
On a trip when my princesses were both under 6, we met Cindy three different times (CRT, 1900 Park, and Main Street. The 1900 version was noticeably younger than the other two. If I remember correctly, the princesses in the parks usually look much more similar than the ones in the resorts.

**Edit**....and yes, they noticed. If it bothers your 4-yr old, try telling her that if they use too much pixie dust, sometimes it makes them look different.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Same thing as when kids see two Santas on oposite sides of the street at the same time......

"Darling, they are clones".

Problem solved.


Well-Known Member
As I was sorting thru pictures in preparation for my DD's 7th birthday collage, I came across a princess whom I remember as being very "in character" and very "interactive" with my DD's. Then, I came across another photo of a different princess whom I remember as being very "in character and interactive" as well. They were probably the best ones I've ever encountered in all my years of going to WDW! But, what struck me as odd, and subsequently led to a side-by-side comparison: the same girl was in two different photos, playing two different princesses, 1 year apart! My girls haven't made that connection yet, nor will I voluntarily show them the pictures at the same time. I would like to keep that sense of innocence and enthusiasm for as along as possible; which is why my DH and I only let our DD's meet each "face character" once during an entire trip (not to say that the oldest doesn't already realize, "Hey, I remember Aurora looking a little different from last year!")!

Then, I thought of this thread, and wonder if any of you have come across this, not just 3 Cinderella's in one vacation, but the same individual playing different characters? I am sure it's not uncommon, and that all the training and prepping these particular individuals must go thru leads to continual employment...but, I always kind of thought the people who play face-characters as seasonal, not permanent, employees...they must really love their job! (my cheeks hurt at the thought of all the smiling they do;))

I just thought this was are my pics:
A: Cinderella in late Oct. 2011

DSC_2089 by journ116, on Flickr

B: Rapunzel in early Nov. 2012

DSC_0020 by journ116, on Flickr

C: Cinderella

DSC_2091 by journ116, on Flickr

D: Rapunzel

DSC_0012 by journ116, on Flickr

E: obvious by now

DSC_2090 by journ116, on Flickr

F: as well

DSC_0018 by journ116, on Flickr

That's all! I hope at least one person found this amusing:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I must EDIT part of my comment:
which is why my DH and I only let our DD's meet each "face character" once during an entire trip (not to say that the oldest doesn't already realize, "Hey, I remember Aurora looking a little different from last year!")!

I was perusing even more photos from our recent trip and we slipped...we let our DD's meet 2 Cinderella's and 2 Aurora's...eek!! The humanity:oops:!

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