Do your Disney trips stress you out?


Well-Known Member
Not the trip itself, but the planning and paying for it aspect? I've been going through this for the past couple of years. Now please don't misunderstand me, I am VERY lucky to be able even to take a vacation. Many people don't have that luxury. So I'm not looking for pity here. I think this is more a psychological thing with me. I've been lucky enough to take my family on some wonderful Disney/Universal trips over the past few years. However, things just keep getting pricier and pricier. My income, though no complaints at all, has not increased, but like everyone else, is facing ever increasing prices for gas, food, etc. On the one hand, I know I'll be disappointed in myself if I cut one whole part of the vacation out or cut certain things out, but on the other hand, having to come up with all the money (I refuse to charge vacations) is stressing me out big time, and making me feel guilty about spending so much.

Anyone else ever go through something similar?


New Member
I'm never stressed during the planning phases (I probably plan way too much!), but always live with anxiety for the bulk of the vacation. I'm always so concerned that after all of the planning, something will go will get sick, bad weather etc. I spend all of my time worrying about everybody else having the "best time ever". Every vacation I sort of become a little like Clark Griswold and build up this ultimate trip fantasy in my head. My last trip I spent the first 4 days actually feeling "sick" was nothing but anxiety.
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Well-Known Member
I too refuse to charge my vacation. Vacation should de-stress, not add stress because you're now stuck with yet another bill to pay.

That being said, the financial planning has become more and more stressful. We live comfortably, but I agree the price of food, gas, and other living expenses has gone up so that it has started to effect our discretionary spending. My 10-14 day WDW vacations are gone I've realized. We're more 7-9 days now, and I refuse to go without Free Dining, which also limits when we can visit. I know a lot of people are against Free Dining and say you can get a better deal, but for me I have found it to be cheaper, and I like that short of my souvenirs and tips, my vacation is paid in full before we go.

I tend to buy one or two Disney GCs a month when I can afford to while I'm grocery shopping. I do this if we're planning a definite trip or not. This way, our souvenir money and extras are paid for before we leave as well, and if I've amassed a ton of them, I use them to finish paying off our trip!
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We need time for things to happen.
Being just a tad -retentive, I personally thrive from the planning and organizing stages of any trip. Sick thrill, I know, but I've got to be me.

I'm kinda with you here...I actually get pretty excited about the planning and finding the best possible deal I can aspect of my vacations.

I will admit given the point that prices are going up and my pay isn't - that recently the thought of "will I be able to do this in the future" has occasionally crept into the corners of my consciousness - However I can't let it bother me to the point where I would stress over it. Just can't do it.

It's the whole ----letting go of what I don't have control over --thing people talk about all the time right??
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Well-Known Member
I'm kinda with you here...I actually get pretty excited about the planning and finding the best possible deal I can aspect of my vacations.

I will admit given the point that prices are going up and my pay isn't - that recently the thought of "will I be able to do this in the future" has occasionally crept into the corners of my consciousness - However I can't let it bother me to the point where I would stress over it. Just can't do it.

It's the whole ----letting go of what I don't have control over --thing people talk about all the time right??

Ayup. I rarely consider the limits of the future, as I can only enjoy the blessings of the day. I always figure that I will will be able to enjoy tomorrow's events regardless of their content or details.
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My partner thought I was nuts and needed a labotomy , when i was planing a 5 day trip with children and inlaws to DLRP. However after our holiday went without a hitch, and we did everything we wanted to do, he is not questioning me planning for October 2013.

In a way it is a worry, but i'm flexible to go with the flow, and account for closures bad weather etc. I suppose money is a bit of a worry as we are staying offsite, and have'nt a clue what to budget for.
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Well-Known Member
I got stressed out when thinking about our alternatives - if we fly on Thursday, no wait, we should fly on Friday but then we'd miss a.m. EMHs at DHS, but that would screw up how many days off work we take, but that means we fly back on Saturday ... (that crap) - I just walked away for a few days, came back to it, and it all seemed to make sense then. That's pretty much it for my stress. Now, it's just waiting for any room-only discounts or a promo package.
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A Long Time DVC Member
I enjoy the planning and we try to have everything paid for before we arrive at Walt Disney World. We use DVC so room cost is already paid. We have a full kitchen in our suite so we eat about two meals a day in the room with food we bring along. We have a large dinner party ever time we go, but this is always prepaid and booked ahead of time. To keep the cost down on the grand kids wanting stuff they see at gift shops, we bring Disney toys that we buy at discount stores and give them something new each day. We budget for meals and gifts ahead of time. This does cause a lot of planning but I enjoy that, but due to all the planning we just have fun when we are there.
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Well-Known Member
Like the OP, I won't go into debt in order to take a trip. So, I don't even plan a trip unless I know I can afford it. And if I know I can afford it, then...No, no stress on that account.

I save worry and stress for things like major illnesses and death. :)
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