Do you think they will ever extend the Monorail?


Active Member
Rayray said:
The monorail roundhouse only holds and services 12 trains. I think that's all he is saying. IF, the monorial was expanded, then a new roundhouse unit would probably be built closer to the central of the resort.

The TTC would be duplicated and the copy would be placed on Western Way.


Active Member
i don't think that expanding the monorail system across the WDW property would be a good idea overall. Yes....i'd love to see it happen somewhere in the back of my mind, but i don't see it to be feasable. There are too many things that would have to be changed and planned out. For one...i think that the TTC would have to be enlarged as well as the monorail station located in EPCOT and the Magic Kingdom. More tracks would have to be built and so forth.



Active Member
Chape19714 said:
Besides, $1 million a mile doesn't cover staff, power costs (although Disney preoduces it, they would need much more)

Sorry but Disney is NOT and has never been in the business of energy producing.


Well-Known Member
still going strong I see...

I see this thread has degenerated into snotty repartee as monorail threads and 5th gate threads seem to do. The point about electric generating plants causing more polution is very misguided, while it is of course true that power plants generate polution their polution is much more tightly regulated and when something in the polution control goes disfunctional it is caught and corrected very quickly. The polution stats quoted earlier are quite old I believe, from before Tampa Electric Power massively cleaned up their act, the difference has been so significant that it has even made news on Discovery. The 2 sentence synopsis was the TEPco was one of the worst poluters in the country, they alone could skew environmental numbers, and faught each and every attempt to get them to clean up their act. New management came in, decided to end the fight with the feds, spent a fortune on updating their environmental gear (even at old plants that were grandfathered), and much to no ones surprise they are now not only not heavy polluters, they are generating product more cost effectively. Monorails should be elevated so that they are not at grade and there for cannot crash into cars/trucks/busses, and of equal importance cannot be delayed by cars/trucks/busses. If you notice, the cities that have the best mass transit systems (i.e. New York, Chicago, Montreal, London) all have very large percentages that are either above grade (monorail or El-trains) or below grade (subways) and with good reason. The "no profit" argument is really a bit fallacious, using that logic then the only tings they should build are more gift shops and places to eat. No one pays to go to Test Track, Mission Space, etc. An even harder sell would be the meet and greets, no one pays for those, you have to constantly employ people for them, and still no profit. The Monorail, besides being a viable part of the transportation system, is also an attraction.


Well-Known Member

I've said this before, and I'll say it again. To me, the best option is NOT an expansion of te Monorail system. THe best option is something similar to SkyTran. This would allow almost infinite expansion options and could easily connect to everything Disney. It's not designed for hauling stuff, but for a family of 4, it would work great. It would need to be modified to deal with handicap accesability and stuff like that. But it's fast and "futuristic"... much like the monorail was when it was introduced.


Well-Known Member
I've said this before, and I'll say it again. To me, the best option is NOT an expansion of te Monorail system. THe best option is something similar to SkyTran. This would allow almost infinite expansion options and could easily connect to everything Disney. It's not designed for hauling stuff, but for a family of 4, it would work great. It would need to be modified to deal with handicap accesability and stuff like that. But it's fast and "futuristic"... much like the monorail was when it was introduced.
With some modification...It could work...I'm still skeptical though. There would have to be a TON of switch rails. And I don't want to see the lines to get one of those after the Fireworks, unless there are literally thousands of cars waiting to go.


Well-Known Member
Chape19714 said:
There would have to be a TON of switch rails. And I don't want to see the lines to get one of those after the Fireworks, unless there are literally thousands of cars waiting to go.

As for the switches, they would require less space and be far less "visable" than a monorail system all over the park.

As for the Fireworks problem, well that would have to be ironed out with Research and statistics. I'm not that smart. i am sure Disney could find an efficiant system.


New Member
These are all great reasons for no expansion, but the only two reasonable excuses are tremendous amounts of money (billion or so) and the tremendous amount of labor for pylon driving. (Though I don't think that would stop Walt.:rolleyes: )

I would like to see a partial expansion so that we can get some of these buses out of the way. Light rail isn't a good option. I believe in John Hench's Designing Disney, the author discusses how Disney transportation was an attraction in itself. He of course was refering to the monorail.

Also, I would love to see WDI investigations into monorail improvement. Maglev would be great.


New Member
autumndawn1006 said:
Three words- personal jet packs!
I prefer the catapult system. You and your family get into an air filled plastic bubble. You are then loaded into a catapult and launched across WDW property to your destination where you are caught by a huge net. Even if the bubble misses the net, you'll be fine because the bubble will safely bounce and absorb the shock of your landing. :wave:


New Member
Woody-great idea, but your avatar inspired me further.

A cable system so everyone can experience Tinker Bell's flight.

Lines are strung from every hotel room to the parks and you get a grappling hook upon check in.

As a bonus feature it could tie in to Tarzan with some cool sound effects.


Well-Known Member
Woody13 said:
I prefer the catapult system. You and your family get into an air filled plastic bubble. You are then loaded into a catapult and launched across WDW property to your destination where you are caught by a huge net. Even if the bubble misses the net, you'll be fine because the bubble will safely bounce and absorb the shock of your landing. :wave:
That'll never happen. I believe one Wile E. Coyote owns the patent for that mode of transportation, and he works for Warner Brothers. :D

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