Yes! I do love the smells of WDW. I get this a lot. You know, funny thing, every time I cut a pineapple up and feed it to our kids I always "go back" to our vacations (pre-kids) in the Caribbean. Whether it is Cuba or Dominican, it automatically takes me back there. I don't know if it was just all of the fresh fruit around or the Pina coladas or if I just associate it with those vacations, but either way it takes me back.
WDW has that same thing with me. The water - yes water - at places like Pirates or Small World has a smell to it. What is it? I don't know and can't place it. But it's there. Splash Mountain too. Am I insane or does the water actually have a damp smell to it? Yeah, yeah I know, water being "damp" of all things, big surprise. But if it ever rains I never get that same smell as on those rides.
Main Street has a smell to it as well. I guess you can sort of get that same sort of smell at a ball game but it's different. At a ball game you have the smell of hot dogs blended in and Main Street is just a popcorn and cotton candy type of smell. Again, very hard to place but if I go to a local carnival or fair I sort of get it there.