Do crowds make your trip more exciting? Or...


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Original Poster
:wave: When you go on your trip to the world do you feel that having the crowds add to the fun and excitment of your trip? Or do you feel that the crowds make it worse? If you were the only one in the park with who ever you were with, would that be your dream day?

My personal opinion is that i feel that the crowds add to the excitment of Disney, and i would hate to have no crowds whatsoever.

I say this because: Have any of you been to Fantamic! when it is fully packed, it truley is amazing because you feel excitment and its also really cool to have everyone doing the wave, its just a great experience, well post your thoughts!


Premium Member
I agree that crowds make it more exciting. However, I just got back and I was suprised at how thin the crowds were. I have never seen World Showcase that empty in June, and I actually liked not having so many people around. Less people to get in my way!!! :lol:


New Member
as far as doing the things that we want to do as a crowd does not matter becausewe usually have a game plan on what what we want to do,but i feel that crowds add to the show

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
I sometimes like crowds but sometimes i dont. I like them when i get to know people while waiting in line. I then can get together and well find out that we have alot in common and we do alot of the same stuff together during the week. I dont like them when im waitingn in a 50 minute line to ride an 3 minute ride. i think sometimes its a waist of time. Thats why i go to MVMCP. there still is people there but it isnt alot, and u can walk right on some of your favorite rides. :D


New Member
I can do without the crowds. I like having the whole park to myself. I just got back and it was the most crowded I had seen in awhile! There was actually a 30 minute wait for Spaceship Earth! I definitely like it with fewer people.


New Member
No crowds for me! As a person who has been at WDW during very crowded months I prefer the less crowds. Our last trip in September was nice because it was the off season and you get get on lines remarkably family didn't have to wait in line on hardly anything at all! Here's hoping next time we go back we go around September. :)


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Original Poster
:D Another reason why i like the crowds is because when i go to the park and there are no crowds, it makes me feel like im missing out on something and something better is going, yet at the same time i sas "hey im at disney who cares!", anywayz thats just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Its fun when you have low crowds, like in the morning so you can get into the big rides without any trouble, but the other groups of people really make it fun for me. I dont know about anyone else, but I enjoy seeing other people enjoying themselves. Especially at Disney. I think Disney has just gotten so personal to me in terms of my past experiences and my future goals of working there that it just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy when I see a large audience laughing in Muppet Vision or a grand ovation after The American Adventure. Its not as fun when there aren't otehrs around. I mean, I've been to Disney plenty of times, so enjoing the attractions alone aren't as much of a priority to me anymore.


Well-Known Member
The Crowd Family

Being in an environment with other people does have a psychological effect on us. Someone that's afraid to ride the Tower of Terror may find some comfort in seeing other people, including children, in line for the attraction and enjoying the attraction. Crowds also create some level of "conformity" on the individual. Ever see someone make a wrong turn in a queue area and everyone behind him follow suit? Crowding also creates arousal, as was proven through numerous psychological experiments. And by arousal I do not mean sexual arousal, just physiological arousal, such as heart rate, alertness, etc. When we are in a state of arousal, we often attribute that arousal to something other than its actual source. So if a crowd arouses us, we might then attribute that to a show or ride. If we ride a roller coaster, which causes hightened arousal, we might (subconsciously) identify that as a positive feeling for the person that we are with. Try taking your own survey of couples coming off the Tower of Terror - ask them to (in private) rate their feelings for the person that they are romantically involved with. Scores will be higher than people just walking down Sunset Boulevard. Just a couple observations of how crowding effects us as individuals.

As for my own opinion on crowds, I've stated in other posts that any wait in line over 30 minutes for a 2 minute ride is just unreasonable and annoying. So in my mind, I would like to see a "maximum capacity" for a park so that no line will ever exceed 30 minutes at any given time. I know they have max capacity numbers in place, but when lines reach 90 minute waits, I'm left wondering exactly what that number is. I'm sure someone will find a flaw in this reasoning, but it's just my opinion as to what would be comfortable for me, without overthinking the issue.

So, in conclusiong, crowds - good, overcrowding - bad.



I love the crowds. It especially pleasing trying to look for that special someone. :animwink: 95% of the crowds are good, the other 5% can be a pain in the ha-ha.


Well-Known Member
I gotta go with low crowds, I don't like to fight my way on to anything and there is something special to feeling like you're the only ones there.


New Member
what's more exciting? going to a ballgame with 5,000 people in the seats or a packed house? both are enjoyable, but the excitement level surely rises in a crowd. a sold-out concert has a vibe the non-sold-out just doesn't.

that said, in WDW give me crowds, but NOT packed to the wall. there's a middle ground in there somewhere.




New Member
Let me see do I like to wait 2 hours in line?

Nope sorry don't like the crowds. I've lived in Florida too long to have to deal with that stuff. I like to go when there are the least people. The crowds to me are just stressful.


Well-Known Member
I am a people-watcher so I enjoy alot of people around me.

HOWEVER..I don't like Over-crowding.
Packed like sardines crowded can be very overwhelming to me.
I even feel a little claustrophobic sometimes during parades and I tend to just want to get away from the area entirely.

I've been to WDW in July and August when the parks were jam-packed with people.Between the heat, the vast numbers of park guests, and the body odors, I doubt if I'll ever go again in the Late summer.


I can sooooooooooo do without the crowds. I remember the parks after september 11 in November. It was empty. I still have dreams of being the only one in the park. My only thing that freaks me out is going into a public bathroom and being the only one in there! lol Weird phobia!


Active Member
I'd much prefer low crowd levels. I'm able to get so much more done and it's less hectic. I couldn't imagine right after 9/11. I saw a picture and it was empty. But I think it's better when the crowds aren't big.


New Member
Originally posted by stingrock23
I'd much prefer low crowd levels. I'm able to get so much more done and it's less hectic. I couldn't imagine right after 9/11. I saw a picture and it was empty. But I think it's better when the crowds aren't big.

we were there the second week of oct. 2001 and the place was empty....almost like it was closed...without the crowd the place has no life

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
We've been there twice now.. Once in August 2001... HOT AND CROWDED!!!! If it weren't for the Disney aura we would have been miserable..... Nothing worse than having to wait forever to get on a ride.... we just didn't do it... we only went on rides early or late and kept the humid afternoons to sightseeing mostly.

We went back in Feb of this year and it was SUPER!!! There were just enough people to make it fun (I have to agree that sitting in Muppetvision or Bugs Life with only a half full house isn't as fun as when it is packed...) BUT during our summer trip we were so drained from the wait in line, packed together with a million people below the tree of life in the wet heat that the only thing we were thinking when we got inside was oh thank god! its cool... show? what show?

It is nice to have some people around...just enough to fill the place up to 3/4 full but not so many as to have lines that last more than a hour.

Also in Feb the girls and my husband went on TOT and RNR 6 times each in one day because we got there early... great for them.. I got the pleasure of taking the little ones to the bugs playground and there were only 4 other kids there so mine got the run of the place... super for them.... how terrible if they had to wait in line for a slide..or worse for me if I kept losing them in a sea of short people.

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