@GiveMeTheMusic already summed it all up, and I hate to pile on, but I just have to get this off my chest.
The MSEP is dead, and that's okay. The MSEP was born when Richard Nixon was President, and it lasted way too long when it finally closed in November, 1996. It only got drug up from the dead in July of '01 because TDA was panicking after DCA opened in February of '01 and the park fell flat on its face.
It's almost 2015. It's time to do something different than early 1970's technology of Christmas lights strung over chicken wire, and something where the most recent movie represented in a parade is Pete's Dragon from 1978.
Pete's Dragon?!?
Paint The Night, or whatever the Anaheim version is called, can roll right over the grave of MSEP and create a new legacy for the late 2010's and 2020's.