It may be spin. I have no proof that it's not spin.
But I don't think it's spin; not from the people who told me or the venue that they told me that information in. There was no need to spin it there or with the audience involved.
As for the Grand, they have to open it because of DVC contracts. So they might as well open a wing for hotel guests anyway. That helps the DVC operation pencil out a bit more.
The whole thing is a mess. A giant mess. Businesses and families in the Anaheim Resort District have been destroyed.
It's very fashionable to think these are all big, evil corporations involved. Evil Capitalists! Who hate you and only like your money! But that's not the case. There are families and people behind every closed business. And they've been destroyed.
I chuckle at the thought that some folks here keep wanting to think this is all part of some master plan, some long-term strategy, some elaborate conspiracy. It's not. It's a disaster no one predicted and no one planned for. Burbank didn't plan for this. Washington DC didn't plan for this (of any administration, D or R), corporate America didn't plan for this, Sacramento didn't plan for this (Governor's Brown or Newsom or anyone before them). Hell, Mr. and Mrs. Stovall didn't even plan for this! 
But it happened. And it was a disaster. And now the surviving businesses are left to pick up the pieces and move forward into 2022.
But there was never a plan for this. And much of this is not "spin", it's just the survivors trying to recover as best they can.