I have been getting ads here at WDW Magic for the Disneyland VIP Tours.
Key point
A maximum of 10 Guests, including infants, can be accommodated by each VIP Tour Guide. Parties with more than 10 Guests will require more than one Tour Guide.<<
If you factor in a tip, we are at about $50 per person, per hour ($350) for the maximum of 10 people.
But how many folks will pay that if it avoids a 6 hour wait in line?
Disneyland Resort VIP Tours
Add even more magic to your visit with this unique experience at Disneyland.
Key point
>Starting at $2,975, you and up to 9 other Guests can enjoy a customizable VIP Tour, with a minimum of 7 hours.
A maximum of 10 Guests, including infants, can be accommodated by each VIP Tour Guide. Parties with more than 10 Guests will require more than one Tour Guide.<<
If you factor in a tip, we are at about $50 per person, per hour ($350) for the maximum of 10 people.
But how many folks will pay that if it avoids a 6 hour wait in line?