Disneyland Paris

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I know this isn't the right site to ask this but I don't know anywhere else...............

Since I live far away from Disney World and although I'm going there this year I want to go to Disney again....

So I'm thinking of going to Disneyland Paris on April 2004 and I was wondering if anyone can say if it's worth it and how is it like there...

I know the World is by far better but this is my only option to experience the magic...........
Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(and I am proud to say the trip I'm going on this september is because I worked all year for this (I'm 14 years old).....
Had to get that out!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:


BY ALL MEANS go to Disneyland Paris. It is not at all on the same size scope as WDW, but the Disneyland park there is hands down the most beautiful of all the Magic Kingdoms. You will love your time there. Most of the ride expriences have been updated or completely changed from their original incarnations in WDW or Disneyland California. Space Mountain and Phantom Manor (Haunted Mansion) are completely redone experiences and are fantastic. Space in particular is magnificent with a stunning onboard audio soundtrack that puts RnR and Space Mountains from the US to shame. Big Thunder, Pirates, Storybookland, Small World, they're all there in newer, fresher forms too. The park is very large in scope and is extremely ornate. There's a couple of exclusive to DLP stuff too, like shows, Indy roller coaster, Visionarium, the 20K walkthrough, castle dungeon with dragon, Old Mill ferris wheel...enough to definitely make you smile.

The Studios next door are what you will likely be most disappointed with. They're very poorly done and while some of the attractions themselves are quite nice (Armageddon, RnR Coaster, Cinemagique), and one is superb (Moteurs Action!), the overall look of the park and the remainder of the VERY few remaining attractions is not good at all. It's definitely worth seeing, but you'll be glad the gates to Disneyland Paris are only a few feet away in the long run.

Let us know how you liked it when you go, I miss it SO much there. Used to live in Paris and was an AP holder that went almost weekly!! :)


New Member
I would definetly suggest you go. Personally, I don't think it's the most amazing of all the "magic Kingdom" parks, but it is a disney park. Don't be dissapointed when you find out they don't have Splash Mountain. Their Big Thunder Mountain Railroad is awsome, it goes underwater :) (in a tunnel). Space Moutain is much more thrilling, although it can cause head aches. Indiana Jones, it is okay, the loop is incredible, but the rest of the rides is okay. It too can cause head aches. They also have Star tours there. The walk through of Jules Verne's submarine is a must (it's amazing). I haven't been to the studios (they were under construction when we were there).


Premium Member
Originally posted by DisneyFan 2000
How long is it worth to stay?

If I'll be there it will finally be in the magic!!!!!!!!!

I agree with everything that BoyXE said above :)

I like to have at least 3 days for Disneyland Park, and probably 1 day for the Studios. :)

Sweet Laker

New Member
Hi guys, my first post on this forum :)

If you are going to stay at DLP, i suggest you go for at least three days. Last 13 to 16th july i was in DLP and i was there for four days. I really needed those days. The park was open from 9 AM till 23 PM and i still did not see everything in the park. There are so many things to see, you will need your time very much.

Make sure you will get fast passes. They are very easy to get. Put your entrance ticket in the machine. It will give you the fast pas ticket and your entrance pas back again. There are two rides during my stay, i really needed the fast passen and those where Peter Pan and Big Thunder Mountain, wich both had queu lines, 45 minutes and more. The other attractions are also worth to get a fastpas, but the longest waiting time i had for those where 15 minutes.

Also, if you are going, make sure to get a GREEN HOPPERticket. This way you are allowed to enter and exit both parcs whenever you like. But make sure to get a stamp when you exit. EVERYTIME just in case. The stamps are waterproof, so if you are leaving for a swim, you dont have to worry the stamp will wash of, cause it wont.

I loved the Studios. The theming is less as in the Magic Kingdom, but i managed to stay there for one and a halve day, without getting bored. I did Rock'n Rollercoaster 30 times. Its a beautifull coaster, with theming i have never seen in my live before. Its awesome. (Make sure you visit Rock 'n Rollercoaster while Moteurs Action is giving his show. The Studios will be very quiet and the waiting time, NEVER got up 5 minutes, during my stay. The moment Moteurs Action was over, the waiting time increased to 20 minutes. But after halve an hour it will decrease to about 5 to ten minutes again.

Moteurs Action is a very beautifull and long show (i think it lasted for more as an hour.) Only the seats are very pathatic. It is just some steel safetytrack, you find next to highways. And after the show, you have to get your feeling back in your bottem before being able to walk normally again :) But the show is worth it.

Art of Disney Animation. Well, it sucks. There are two shows in there, but they are not showing a lot of what i expected.

I really liked Armageddon. If you enter the attraction, you will be an actor playing a new scene for the movie Armageddon. They payed a lot attention to the theming and its a MUST to do.

I really disliked Walt Disney Television Studios. It is really for little kids, but there was nothing for me, that i liked.

Cinemaque is a wonderfull show. Defenitly worth seeing it twice or more.

Studio Tram Tours is a very nice ride. First they show old scenery(is it called scenery?) they used in movies as Pearl Harbor and Armageddon. Then the tram (with a truck in front, without rails to ride on :D) enters a movieset and you will be an actor (again) , then you will see how they made the clothes for the actors. Then going into a moviescene again and that was the ride.
There are many different languages during the Tram Tours in the different cars. So you can choose your own language. For example, i was able to choose a car wich had a Dutch female (on videotape) explaning the ride in Dutch.

The rest of the rides i didn't do. It really could not attract me.

So, to get back to your question. Three days are the least i would do. Four or more are recommended. They also organise trips to Paris (They have a lighttour, in Paris at Night, wich is beautifull). So if you would like to see Paris to, make sure to stay more days.


New Member
i am going to DLP about 2 times a year since it opened. I love it. In my opinion the best magic kingdom of all.
Of course not the size of MK, FL but very detailed in decoration, sound and lightning. Those attractions you find in all MK Parcs are better than in others (of course because they are newer and they had other technical opportunities). Don#T miss Pirates, i like Pirates in MK, Fl too, but it's nothing compared to the Paris version.
Thunder Mountain is slower then in FL, but a bigger and more detailed setting. Very nice start and Ending in the Tunnel.
Phantom Manor is great although i like the cemetry scene in MK,Fl more then in Paris. But the station is much better.
Don't miss the dragon in Cinerellas Castle.
Peter Pan is nearly the same. The puppets are a bit smaller then in Fl. Small World is more like the California VErsion, especially the outside facade.
Indiana Jones coaster is not bad. It's great to to the loop backwards but they are planning to change it again in a forward coaster. Te backward ride is to rough. Same Problem in Space Mountain. In the first years it was great. A smooth ride such as RnRc. But now they have problems and it's a rough ride. Also the OnBoard Sound isn't working always as good as it should (and can) be.
To see the e rides two days is enough (when there are no lines). Check holiday times of Europe. Avoid the weekends.
To see and enjoy the complete park (with the incredible adventure island) stay there for about 4 days.
Do not spent too much time in the Walt Disney Studios. It's more then poor and i really don't know what they had in mind when building this park (especially for about 40 $ entrance). There is just the RnR coaster. The rest isn't worth. Be sure to get the hopper ticket so you can leave that park soon and go back to the MK.
When you stay at a Disney Resort Hotel and you have money enough, try the Disneyland Hotel, it's themed like the Floridian BEach. But Hotel New York is also a perfect place to stay.
A bit cheaper but also good is Newport BAy and Sequoia lodge.
When you travel with children go to Hotel Chayenne. It's great for kids to stay in a real Western Town Setting, but it's not as comfortable as the others and it as no swimming pool).
If possible, don't stay in Hotel Santa Fe, the only one i really don't like.
Don't miss the Buffalo Bills Wild West Diner Show in Disney Village performed two times a day 7pm and 9pm. It#s about 55 $, but it's worth the money.

Hope you have a great time in DLP
BEst wishes from germany


New Member
Good review!

Good review Sweet Laker!
I agree with your review of the Studios... Even if it's very poor, especially compared to the maginficient MK we have next door, I still like it.
Keep in mind that the WDS is still "under construction"... When we get Tower of Terror plus other kids rides, I think the Studios will be a must... We definitely miss a BIG E-ride ticket there (in addition to the RNR).

Concerning your review, I would add some details:

° I too love Armageddon, however criticized it may have been
° I love Art of Disney Animation... Don't know why, because I admit the show is really poor (compared to the one in California Adventure for example), but I cry every time I do it
° DO the Television Tour; the Tour itself is a shame, but that's the only way you can ride CyberSpace Mountain; there, you'll create your very own ride (with loops, corkscrews and so on..) and then ride it in a 360 degrees simulator! Definitely a MUST DO!!!

Welcome to the Disneyland Resort Paris!!!



New Member
Yes, go!!!

:wave: Yes you must go! You have to remember that WDW is as good as it is because it has had 32 years to 'mature' like that! Paris has only had the 11 years.

With regards to the studio; take a look at what WDW's MGM studios actually opened with - you might be suprised!

I do know that Paris has had some problems with regards the upkeep of the park, and budgets, but that is a different matter.

Have a great trip!



DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
People help me!

Once again I'm not sure where to go to: DLP or Florida??? I gave it some thought, and I realised that if DLP was to close down I would regret not going (last time I was there I was young and I can't remember anything!)...

Now, if you were me what would you decide? (please don't say stuff like: "Going to DLP will also give you a chance to explore Europe!" because to me Europe is nothing special, because it's close to me and I lived in London for 5 years)

I would like to hear your opinions!

DisneyFan 2000!


New Member
I personally cannot see Disneyland Resort Paris closing myself, even if the banks called the debt in, I really do think someone would bail them out. That place brings millions of people into the country each and every year, it also employs about 12,000 people. Anyway, Surely you can do a trip to Disneyland Paris much cheaper than Florida, do DLP and then save up a lil while and go to WDW aswell :)



Active Member
I don't know what to answer... OK, WDW is better but you've been there many times, right? DLRP, you don't remember anything... you should give it a try, it will cost you less and give you a new Disney experience. It is smaller than WDW but easier to go and look around. Stay in a Disney Hotel and get a 3 days Hopper pass. Don't listen to what you hear, the Studios are not that bad, the first time, it can even be great, lot of new stuff to see (animagique, moteurs action, armageddon, cinemagique, disney channel, new RRC, new Tram Tour...)

So I would suggest: go now to DLRP (or during the spring it will be warmer) and wait 1 more year to go to WDW, when they'll have Soarin, Stitch Great Escape open, and mayber (if you wait a little more) Expedition Everest! :xmas:

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