Disneyland Paris In March or May 2004?


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My husband and I are wanting to travel to Disneyland Paris on either March or May 2004 with my 4 year old daughter and twins that will be 4 months old in March.

We have read the brochures and they mention fantaillusion is on in March, but not May. They don't mention night time parade or fireworks. Having been to the Florida Parks, Disneyland Paris does not have the same or similar variety of night time entertainment. Obviously building a Park in Europe they should at least make the Park have similar night time entertainment for the ridiculous prices that they charge. Considering the price you pay for 3 nights you can book a weeks holiday to Florida.

Can anyone tell me what the weather is like in March or May? Crowds are like? Also the entertainment?

As we are taking young twins I am concerned they maybe to cold to go in March. Too young to fly to Florida!

Any advice welcome.


marco v/d heijd

New Member
i live in the netherlands
usally you have nice weather but sometimes it can rain and then it is very cold
this year it was extremely nice weahter about 23 celcius


New Member
The weather in Europe can be quiet unpredictable, so you might be lucky with March or you might be not.

If you choose to go in March however, you'd able to catch the "Fantillusion" night time parade (running every night 'till March 21st, I believe). Which covers the night time entertainment, doesn't it?

I'd also like to know how you reach the conclusion that 3 days in Paris cost the same as a week in Florida. Just curious. I've calculated it through a couple of times (believe me: I'd love to go to Florida...) and a trip to Paris always turned out to be a lot cheaper....

Besides, the prices in March are, in my oppinion, quiet reasonable...


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I feel that Florida is cheaper or same price to stay is because I have had many quotes for both.

Having twins at 4 months is the reason why I can not go to Florida. I have been there several times and eating out there is cheap. Euro Disney is the same price, but you only stay for 4 nights in a Country who dispises the English, has no Epcot Centre, parks are not open as long and they do not hold as many events through out the day and evening as Florida.

I have managed to get a quotation for 379.00 an adult staying in a 3 star hotel with Free Kids for 1 week on Int Drive.

Euro Disney was between 700-800.

If you waited for a late deal to Florida, you can get so many deals.

The main expense of the holiday is the car and the tickets. Staying only for a week, there is not point in hiring a car. All hotels on Int Drive have a courtesy bus. All in all it prob will cost 300 more for spending money as the tickets are more. I think 300 is worth every single penny.

Thats just my views and findings. I am just missing the Florida Buzz!!! Kids are more important hence why we are going to Euro Disney for our daugter, as she keeps seeing Florida advertised.

Thanks for your help.



New Member
1. It's nonsense, that the French despise the English. Especially at a place like Disneyland Resort Paris, where 25 % of all guests are British. (actually, it's the other way around: it's mostly English guests that give cast members at DLRP the hardest times... :( )

2. Disneyland Park in Paris operates 10 hours each day during off season - that's the same as WDW's Magic Kingdom during off season.

3. Disneyland Resort Paris is offering a number of special rates:
- if you're travelling during the week of March 14th to 18th and you're booking the "classic" package with at least 2 nights at one of the Disney hotels, you get one night for free.
- "Kids Free" is once again running from January 4th to April 1st. (which doesn't bother you, because your twins are too young - so their stee is for free anyway...)
- if you book before December 1st and chose to stay either at Sequoia Lodge, Newport Bay Club or Hotel New York, you only pay what they are charging for the next "lower" hotel. e.g: you stay at Newport Bay and pay Sequoia Lodge prices.

Now, let's say you'd like to stay for 4 nights. In this week (with an arrival date on Sunday 15th or Monday, 16th), you'd only pay for 3 (granted, it doesn't include theme park admission on the fourth day). And you would choose to stay at Sequoia Lodge (standard room). According to the brochure that I've got in front of me right now... this would mean you'd have to pay... 628 Euro. (which doesn't even come close to 700 to 800 pound...)

Hope I helped you a bit :)


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First of all I would like to ask what Brochure is that from? Are you from England?

Looking at WDW Florida the Parks closing time is the earliest is 7pm and 10.00pm at weekends. Euro Disney close at 8 on a weekend at off peak times. There are more parks at Florida looking at Studio Park at Euro there is not enough rides, shows etc.... to even fill a non busy day. You need 2 at Florida. The price difference is worth it.

I have been on many british sites and have found the prices to DLPR to be 700-800 pounds. I do not book from International Sites. What is the mode of transport was the price you quoted travelling on?

The reason I feel that the French dispises the English as my uncle is engaged to a French lady and she even mentioned that the French generally hate the English as they believe we are up ourselves just like the American's. Her dad does not really approve, as my uncle is british. Then thinking about all the political issues on top. Does not vote my confidence in thinking they may like us. I can only apologise for the behaviour of the minority of English guests which give the Cast Members a hard time. Also, I have heard that the French barge there way through at Parade's, rides, shops, resturants just muttering something in French. This was the site I found that information on.

If you are happy thinking that Euro is cheaper and still value for money then thats your opinion. Personally the minor price difference means that Paris does not even compare with Florida. Thats just my humble opinion.


Premium Member
DLP in my experience is a great value trip. Travelling (and booking from England), I generally pay around £400 for 2 people for 4 nights, including travel, breakfast, Disney Resort accomodation, and park entry. You would have no chance of Florida for that cost.

Are you trying to book through a travel agent in England? This may be where you are getting high prices from. I would suggest booking directly with Disneyland Paris.

If you havnt been to DLP before, you are in for a treat. The Magic Kingdom at DLP is stunning. Regarded by many as the finest Magic Kingdom in the world. In my opionion it is superior to WDW's MK.

Have a great trip wherever you decide to go!


New Member
why do you want to go anyway?
every answer they give you you're bringing up a new complain,

if you feel that florida is cheaper. french hate british, no entertaiment at night...
Go to WDW



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The reason we are going is only because my daughter was promised to see Mickey Mouse next year. Having twins who will be 4 months is out of order. Florida's heat and sun is very strong and very different to England. Babies under 6 months can not regulate there own heat, so your risking thier lives for a holiday!

I am not complaining I am stating my point. Originally I was asking when to go to Paris. Then it changed as someone commented on my original posting. Obviously I had to some what express my feelings and I am not going to lie. These are my feelings. If we made a promise to my daughter then I am not going to back out. I find it hard to justify the prices in the brochure that I have in front in me.

I mentioned in my other postings I have been to Florida, I have experienced this and would love to go back. Once you have been to Florida I think it is hard to appreciate any other park as you would of done if you have'nt been to Florida. I am not the only one who thinks this.

You never know I may love it when I get there and think this is value for money. I wont know till I get there, until then this will be my feelings.

It was nice for the other person who said you can get it cheaper, but it was a late deal. I have tried everywhere and asked different Travel Agents for quotes. As my husband is an Accountant we can only go certain times of the year. Unfortunately this limits us on what deals are on offer.



New Member
1º: the weather: it will be the same as in the uk, in dlp cold weather is no problem they are well prepared, much better than in Orlando!
Rain same as WDW.(ask the ones who went this summer)

2º intertainment: I've never been bored, there is enough to do
2 parques and the village at night. Take a look a the official Dlp page.

The best thing: everthing is at a walking distance. With 2 litlle babies and a 4 year old this is a great thing, no waiting for bus,
(there is a bus service, but it depends on which hotel you stay you don't need one, it's a short walk).

3º price: you didn't mentioned if you're staying on side in Dlp,
you're comparing prices with offside hotels in Orlando.
All Dlp hotels have breakfast in the package (I believe that is the same in the UK). Compare the price with an onside WDW hotel and breakfast.

4º Language:
This is a personal experience. I didn't have any problem because I speak 5 lenguages, but my family only speaks Spanish and Catalan (only a few words of french with a very bad accent)
In the restaurants and hotels there was always a CM that attend us in SPANISH, we didn't even asked for it.(French hate Spanish even more than inglish lol)
There are CM from all over Europ working there.

one last thing,
read some trip reports at the disboards
here's a link: http://disboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=348754
they are very helpful and tell me if they give you some more illusion to go


New Member

of course, if you count attractions, there's no way any other resort ever beats WDW. But just as with WDW, you can get good deals in Paris. Maybe you could also take a look at some off-site hotels. e.g. the MyTravel Hotel at Val de France (very close to the resort, shuttle bus service) or take a look at hotels located at Bussy St. Georges. This little town is on the RER-line (commuter train), that connects Paris with Disney. It usually only takes about 10 minutes to get right to the fronts of the theme parks...

And believe me: I wouldn't try to be that persuasive if I didn't think a trip to Disneyland Resort Paris is worth the money. :)

(And by the way: besides those British tourists that really give you a hard time, there are also many, many, many lovely guests from the island out there :) )


New Member
I guess we in the US are just out of step with what is going on at DLP - maybe I should have spent the money on an international phone call. All I've done is to check the official web site and last time I checked, there was no information on anything past November 2003. How did you find out about the March 14-18 special? (That is when we will be there.) I've requested a brochure on line three times since last June ...still nothing. We are staying offsite in a flat in Paris, which will give us more flexibilty as to when to visit DLP if the weather is bad, but I may have booked on-site for a few nights had I known about the specials. They sure don't make it easy!


New Member
Originally posted by missypie
I guess we in the US are just out of step with what is going on at DLP - maybe I should have spent the money on an international phone call. All I've done is to check the official web site and last time I checked, there was no information on anything past November 2003. How did you find out about the March 14-18 special? (That is when we will be there.) I've requested a brochure on line three times since last June ...still nothing. We are staying offsite in a flat in Paris, which will give us more flexibilty as to when to visit DLP if the weather is bad, but I may have booked on-site for a few nights had I known about the specials. They sure don't make it easy!

Check again in October,they will put in the new season

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