Originally posted by Walt148
Alright I am going to start with my history pavillion. I call it disney theme parks a history. This will be much like universe of energy.
When you enter you enter a preshow room like UoE. The show starts. The stars of the show are regis phillbin and kelly rippa and the theme park guy. When it starts it shows regis and kelly wrapping up another episode of Live. They walk backstage and Kelly says "I'm going home and take a nap". Then Regis says "You are not going to watch my special edition of Millionare its a special on Disney Theme Parks". "That's ok Regis", Kelly says. "Suit Yourself" says Regis. The next scene shows Kelly getting on her couch and going to sleep. Then her dream starts she is in the hot seat on Millionare, the special regis was talking about. He asks the 100 dollar question. Kelly has no clue what the answer is. "hold it, I will be right back I have to go to the bathroom" says Kelly. She is walking to the Bathroom when some one stops her. "Looks like you need some help out there" "Yeah I do, who are you". "I'm theme park guy, and I'm here to help you learn about disney theme parks and their history. we need to get started" Alright I'll catch up with you in a minute. Oh and inmy dream their will be no eating, drinking, smoking, or flash photography. That means you over their in the corner."
The doors open and you load your vehicile. You are then taken on a journey led by Themepark Guy and Kelly learning about the history of disney theme parks. At the end Kelly goes back and finishes the game and wins a million. Then she wakes up and says "Now thats a dream"
On my next post I will discuss my sports themed pavillion.