Disneyland 60th Anniversary (open brainstorming)


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You have to wait a while but about 5:16 into the video you can catch a glimpse of the "fabled" sword fight scene.


Where would that fit in the bombardment scene, a small little side boat?

No, maybe on top of the fort, right where the shadows are.

And I know where in Paris' version it's located, too, because I've not only read about it (in that book on both ride and movie by Jason Surrell), but I've also actually been on that version of the ride, when I managed to squeeze in a few hours at Disneyland Paris while in France as part of a trip to Europe to celebrate the end of high school. That was back in 2003.

Oh, and one last thing that should happen to POTC: alter the fire effects so that it looks realistic and not just flapping curtains. This effect will be implemented into all versions of the ride.

And don't think I've forgotten about the rest of the Disney resorts the world over. Eventually, (I don't know when, but eventually) I will put up a thread that ties into this thread, but features only the non-California Disney resorts.

Oh, and for the commercials, please let's try not to blur the boundaries between CA and FL, please? Disney park commercials have a tendency to do so nowadays.


Well-Known Member
More Stuff

I don't think they'd really fit on top of that little fort area with the dueling shadows. Mainly because they'd be pretty far away. Perhaps an entire balcony thingy can be made right before you enter the town or something like that so they're closer to the path of the boats (Bateaux or whatever you prefer to call them).


Watching that video I posted a link to above I noticed that there is a rather long gap between the Treasure Room and Davy Jones. You can hear Jones' dialogue in the distance but I thought it would be cool if we installed the awesome sound system we are going to install in the Stretching Room of the Haunted Mansion. The kind that makes it seem as if the voice is following you as you move and hopping from shoulder to shoulder. This new effect will be installed in the dead space between the Treasure Room and Jones of course. However since the waterfall isn't that far away the sound will "follow" you and eventually return to the source of the sound; Jones' face. The voice will follow you out and slowly fade away as you enter the bombarding the fort scene. And again I want to get rid of Jones' voice in the "up the waterfall" scene, it's just annoying. I think the rats are good enough along with "Dead Men Tell No Tales..."

No Walt Disney World will not be in the commercials for the 60th. Meaning you'll see Sleeping Beauty Castle rather than Cinderella Castle. Also all of the rides and footage will be from the Disneyland Resort. However the footage from the Country Bear Jamboree may be from Florida as the California version may not be done yet. But it might be so you never know.

Here are my ideas for all the different commercials for the 60th.

General Commercial- The general commercial for the celebration will begin with all of the Muppets loading into the Electric Mayhem's tour bus. Kermit is taking attendance as all the riders board, eventually finishing at Sweetums. Kermit hops in the car and they take off only to leave a very-prepared Miss Piggy in the dust. The rest of the commercial would have an announcer guy talking about all of the 60th offerings showing all of the Muppets enjoying them as he speaks. At the end of the commercial the Muppets would be watching the fireworks above Sleeping Beauty Castle as Kermit says "What a great vacation." Suddenly a very distorted and tired Miss Piggy appears from nowhere, smacking Kermit over the back side of his head with her suitcase, shrieking "Hi-ya!" Piggy laughs in her fake laugh as a trembling Kermit pulls himself up from the ground with a humble "geesh." "Disneyland, celebrating 60 years of magic."

I already went over the Christmas commercial earlier with Fozzie and the Snowman.

Haunted Mansion Commercial- The commercial would start with a shot of the Haunted Mansion at night, its open gates creaking as thunder and lightning crash. The stretching room dings (Like an elevator) and opens up as a bunch of Muppet monsters file in. Lightning flashes and the hanging corpse is revealed causing the Muppets to scream. The commercial then shows them riding through and passing by all of the notable new things added during the attraction's refurbishment. At the end they all run out of the exit crypt cheering as the announcer guy (Or girl) tells us about the 60th and the mansion's reopening. Towards the end of the commercial we see the exterior of it's a small world as lightning flashes behind it and thunder roars. From inside the attraction you can hear the horrified screams of the poor monsters.

That's all I got for now, but trust me I have more!


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Original Poster

Watching that video I posted a link to above I noticed that there is a rather long gap between the Treasure Room and Davy Jones. You can hear Jones' dialogue in the distance but I thought it would be cool if we installed the awesome sound system we are going to install in the Stretching Room of the Haunted Mansion. The kind that makes it seem as if the voice is following you as you move and hopping from shoulder to shoulder. This new effect will be installed in the dead space between the Treasure Room and Jones of course. However since the waterfall isn't that far away the sound will "follow" you and eventually return to the source of the sound; Jones' face. The voice will follow you out and slowly fade away as you enter the bombarding the fort scene. And again I want to get rid of Jones' voice in the "up the waterfall" scene, it's just annoying. I think the rats are good enough along with "Dead Men Tell No Tales..."

I do agree about removing Davy Jones' speaking as you ascend the waterfall, but I'm a bit confused on the voice in the dead space between the Treasure Room and Jones' face. Also, that link you put up was for the Pirates ride in France, not California.

No Walt Disney World will not be in the commercials for the 60th. Meaning you'll see Sleeping Beauty Castle rather than Cinderella Castle. Also all of the rides and footage will be from the Disneyland Resort. However the footage from the Country Bear Jamboree may be from Florida as the California version may not be done yet. But it might be so you never know.

Here are my ideas for all the different commercials for the 60th.

General Commercial- The general commercial for the celebration will begin with all of the Muppets loading into the Electric Mayhem's tour bus. Kermit is taking attendance as all the riders board, eventually finishing at Sweetums. Kermit hops in the car and they take off only to leave a very-prepared Miss Piggy in the dust. The rest of the commercial would have an announcer guy talking about all of the 60th offerings showing all of the Muppets enjoying them as he speaks. At the end of the commercial the Muppets would be watching the fireworks above Sleeping Beauty Castle as Kermit says "What a great vacation." Suddenly a very distorted and tired Miss Piggy appears from nowhere, smacking Kermit over the back side of his head with her suitcase, shrieking "Hi-ya!" Piggy laughs in her fake laugh as a trembling Kermit pulls himself up from the ground with a humble "geesh." "Disneyland, celebrating 60 years of magic."

I already went over the Christmas commercial earlier with Fozzie and the Snowman.

Haunted Mansion Commercial- The commercial would start with a shot of the Haunted Mansion at night, its open gates creaking as thunder and lightning crash. The stretching room dings (Like an elevator) and opens up as a bunch of Muppet monsters file in. Lightning flashes and the hanging corpse is revealed causing the Muppets to scream. The commercial then shows them riding through and passing by all of the notable new things added during the attraction's refurbishment. At the end they all run out of the exit crypt cheering as the announcer guy (Or girl) tells us about the 60th and the mansion's reopening. Towards the end of the commercial we see the exterior of it's a small world as lightning flashes behind it and thunder roars. From inside the attraction you can hear the horrified screams of the poor monsters.

That's all I got for now, but trust me I have more!

Well, I'm kind of starting to have second thoughts on the Muppets being more prominent than Mickey and the gang. I actually liked that one with Goofy on Disneyland (but not WDW) from the 50th. I don't know, I'm just thinking out loud.

And also, there will be commercials for the 60th at WDW, it's just that they actually will tell you which is which and not leave you suspense until near the end. Today's park commercials are confusing in terms of which resort is which, so I want to alleviate that by telling you right at the start which resort is being advertised.


Well-Known Member

Well what if we had numerous commercials for the 60th? How about we replace the Muppet monsters with Disney villains (Or just ghosts from the Haunted Mansion) in the Haunted Mansion reopening commercial, add two or three other general commercials, and then keep the commercial with the Muppets on their way to the resort leaving Miss Piggy behind. Then we could have other commercials with Mickey and all of the others. :p

Sorry about the link I made a mistake in my copy/paste techniques. Here is the link to the video I wanted to post a link to:


Actually the dead space isn't in this video all that much but I'm pretty sure you can imagine what I'm talking about. Basically it's the rocky tunnel that leads you out into the colony.

Actually it can be seen better in this video. It can be heard in the blank parts where Paul Frees says "No fear have ye of evil curses says you..."



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Sorry about the link I made a mistake in my copy/paste techniques. Here is the link to the video I wanted to post a link to:


Actually the dead space isn't in this video all that much but I'm pretty sure you can imagine what I'm talking about. Basically it's the rocky tunnel that leads you out into the colony.

Actually it can be seen better in this video. It can be heard in the blank parts where Paul Frees says "No fear have ye of evil curses says you..."


I know what dead space you're talking about. What I'm trying to figure out is how we can have the "evil curses" voice and Jones be able to be in there. This is why I was proposing having the "evil curses" voice be in the actual grotto scenes themselves (similar to how it was presented in the ride as seen on the anthology series). And I do like how it "follows" down to the blank tunnel where Jones appears.

Now, over in Fantasyland, two dark rides will be renovated. They are the rides for Snow White and Peter Pan.

Snow White will be altered so as to bring the mural closer to the load area, which would in turn remove some of the Dwarfs' cottage exterior. The mural area left vacant would now become the area for the abandoned happy ending scene, found in Florida and in France.

Peter Pan will receive a brand-new fleet of ships, capable of holding four passengers at a time instead of just two. Also, in the ride itself, the characters' actions will also be more smooth and fluid. On the Neverland fly-over scene, you will hear the sound of seagulls squawking. At the scene with the crocodile, you will the sound of the ticking as heard in all other versions of the ride, which has the sound of a ticking, but is curiously absent in California. Meanwhile, Hook's hook is currently on his right arm for some reason, instead of his left, and it will be switched. Finally, instead of just a small part of Hook's ship lighting when Peter and the Darling kids flying it home to London, all of the ship will light up, similar to the effect in the ride in France.

Wow, this is turning into quite a long list of things to do on Disneyland's 60th, isn't it?


Well-Known Member
More Stuffz

No I meant for the dead space we have only Davy Jones' voice follow you up until you see him, kind of like how the Ghost Host does in the Walt Disney World Haunted Mansion. Basically the second you leave the Treasure Room his voice begins to hover over your head and whisk along the sides of your boat, even hopping from shoulder to shoulder. At the end of it all the voice returns to the waterfall before following you out into the bombarding the fort scene and fading away. I agreed with having "No fear have ye of evil curses says you" earlier on in the grotto. It would be cool to have that follow you around a bit too, but just in the room it is located in of course. They have it in Dead Man's Cove at Tokyo Disneyland so maybe we could have it there instead. It would be kind of crammed to hear it the room right before a room with a similar sound effect and dialogue.

The dark ride changes sound nice to me.

Ok so I've been doing some serious thinking for the Adventureland expansion plan. I kind of went over this earlier but my general plan for the land is to set up a remote jungle colony prospering off the fortune of the Jungle Navigation Co. (The Jungle Cruise) and the recent discoveries found within the fabled Temple of the Forbidden Eye. The story won't be forced on you like the whole Thunder Mesa thing is at Disneyland Paris, it will just kind of be there for fun and detail. :)

At the moment I'm thinking of an all new restaurant to replace Aladdin's Oasis, all new shops for the land (Some will stay behind, including the Adventureland Bazaar), and a replacement for Tarzan's Treehouse.

When I have some free time on my hands soon (I'm the lead in a musical at school so I'm very busy) I think I'll post a general in depth thing of what we have so far for both the parks and the resort in general. Basically like a "walkthrough" kind of thing if you will.

And yes indeed this is a big list of changes! :D


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Tomorrowland is in a bit of a mess right now (What else is new?). The PeopleMover, under the name of the Tomorrowland Transit Authoriy, will be returned. The ride's queue and load area will be in what is currently the Innoventions building. The queue leading up to the upper deck load area will feature a history of Tomorrowland attractions, past and present alike. In a nod to history, the TTA cars will be called Viewliners.

Elsewhere, the Autopia, too, will be updated, albeit less significantly, but no less importantly. In this case, all the current gas-driven cars will all be scrapped and replaced by a brand-new fleet of cars that will run not on gasoline, but on either electricity or solar power (I don't know which). The new cars will now feature the sound of the cars that come from lawn mowers, I'm told, but this time, the sounds of the cars play over speakers in them. Replacing gasoline with either electricity or solar power is a perfect example for Tomorrowland, especially in these times, don't you think?

Also, in keeping with the upgrade in energy, we may have to find a new sponsor for the ride to replace its current sponsor, Chevron. What do you think should happen?


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I've just thought of some more things for the 60th. Mickey and the gang will be decked out blues and whites, as well as be studded in diamonds since this is Disneyland's diamond jubilee after all. Here's some of what I was thinking:

  • Mickey Mouse's outfit would look something like this: http://www.jtcent.com/disneyland/shows/pardop/images/parddm008.jpg. He has a dark blue jacket, a lighter blue vest, an apple-green bowtie, white pants with a blue stripe down both sides, and white shoes. The only thing different here would be that all buttons, including those on his pants, would be diamond-like in appearance and the rest of his outfit would also sparkle.
  • Minnie Mouse's outfit would be similar in color to Mickey. In her case, she would have on a light blue bow, a light blue bodice and a white skirt. The polka-dots all over her dress would now look like round diamonds. Her dress, too, would sparkle.
  • Donald Duck's outfit is again similar. His sailor attire would be sparkling blue and his bowtie, like Mickey's, would be apple-green. The two buttons on his shirt would again be diamond-themed.
  • Daisy Duck's outfit would be similar to this picture: http://www.disneypix.com/Character/Daisy/CH0207-024.htm. Except in this case, it would be, you guessed it, diamond-studded.
  • Goofy's outfit would be thus: his outfit would again be different shades of blue. His hat would be a light shade of blue, as would his sweater. His small vest would be a darker blue. His pants would be all white, and his patch an apple-green. And all of it would be diamond-studded, too.
  • Pluto would have on a blue collar, covered in little diamonds, and sparkling.

And I also got an idea for a commercial: all the Disney characters would gather (crowd, maybe?) into Disneyland and all sing in unison. It would be similar in style to three things: the closing scene of "This Is Your Life, Donald Duck" (where the gang all gather around Donald to sing "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow"), this one commercial for Eastern Airlines showing off Disney World (go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdTi-rsjLE0), and the closing scene of "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" (where the Toons all sing "Smile, Darn Ya, Smile"). Anyway, all the characters in the Disneyland 60th Anniversary commercial would be in the CGI style and be gathered in a big crowd to sing "We Are the World". I actually got this idea when they showed this song being played by a huge ensemble on the opening ceremonies of the Olympics on Friday.

What do you think?


Well-Known Member
The List

I have a list for big 60th Anniversary ideas.

Disneyland Park

1. The official color for the 50th Anniversary was gold. So, I was thinking we could do something like that, but with the 60th Anniversay's color. I don't really know what that anniversary's official color is, but you can tell me if you know. Sleeping Beauty Castle can be decorated with the streamers and figurines that are colored the mystery color.
2. On the Santa Fe & Disneyland Railroad, a stop for Critter Country will be built.
3. A Walt Disney Parks & Resorts Timline Exhibit could go into the Walt Disney Story area.
4. A new parade called Celebrate Magical Moments could debut, as well as the Main Street Electrical Parade reviving.
5. Characters from the Lion King, Jungle Book, The Wild, and Up could make cameos on the Jungle Cruise.
6. Fantasmic! could be updated.
7. Splash Mountain could have the tree at the top change in time with the seasons, just like this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e1/Splash_mountain_seasons.JPG
8. The Mickey Mouse Revue could go into the Fantasyland Theatre.
9. Maelstrom could go here.
10. Mickey's Tonntown could have something along the lines of the House of Mouse.
11. The WEDWay PeopleMover could come back.
12. Astro Orbitor could go back above the PM platform, and get the new name Cosmo Jets. The ride can be refurbished to look like this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/81/Cosmo_jets.JPG
13. We all know Captain EO is coming back.
14. A revived Fashions & Fabrics Throughout the Ages (1965-1966) could take over Innoventions.
15. Autopia becomes a NASCAR themed attraction called "Grande Circiut Speedway."

Disney's California Adventure

1. Sunshine Plaza could become Sunlight Court.
2. Soarin' Over California could become Soarin' Over the World to show how California has affected the world.
3. TriceraTop Spin could be added to Paradise Pier.
4. I think a bug's land is being replaced by Carsland.
5. Walt Disney: One Man's Dream could be cloned into Hollywoodland.
6. Figment's Journey Into the Movies could go into the Millionaire building.
7. DCA could get a monorail station.

What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I have a list for big 60th Anniversary ideas.

Disneyland Park

1. The official color for the 50th Anniversary was gold. So, I was thinking we could do something like that, but with the 60th Anniversay's color. I don't really know what that anniversary's official color is, but you can tell me if you know. Sleeping Beauty Castle can be decorated with the streamers and figurines that are colored the mystery color.
2. On the Santa Fe & Disneyland Railroad, a stop for Critter Country will be built.
3. A Walt Disney Parks & Resorts Timline Exhibit could go into the Walt Disney Story area.
4. A new parade called Celebrate Magical Moments could debut, as well as the Main Street Electrical Parade reviving.
5. Characters from the Lion King, Jungle Book, The Wild, and Up could make cameos on the Jungle Cruise.
6. Fantasmic! could be updated.
7. Splash Mountain could have the tree at the top change in time with the seasons, just like this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e1/Splash_mountain_seasons.JPG
8. The Mickey Mouse Revue could go into the Fantasyland Theatre.
9. Maelstrom could go here.
10. Mickey's Tonntown could have something along the lines of the House of Mouse.
11. The WEDWay PeopleMover could come back.
12. Astro Orbitor could go back above the PM platform, and get the new name Cosmo Jets. The ride can be refurbished to look like this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/81/Cosmo_jets.JPG
13. We all know Captain EO is coming back.
14. A revived Fashions & Fabrics Throughout the Ages (1965-1966) could take over Innoventions.
15. Autopia becomes a NASCAR themed attraction called "Grande Circiut Speedway."

Disney's California Adventure

1. Sunshine Plaza could become Sunlight Court.
2. Soarin' Over California could become Soarin' Over the World to show how California has affected the world.
3. TriceraTop Spin could be added to Paradise Pier.
4. I think a bug's land is being replaced by Carsland.
5. Walt Disney: One Man's Dream could be cloned into Hollywoodland.
6. Figment's Journey Into the Movies could go into the Millionaire building.
7. DCA could get a monorail station.

What do you think?

In terms of DCA, the only things I could see happening are One Man's Dream and maybe the monorail station. At least, that's what I'd like to see. But everything else, I don't know. DCA is getting a massive overhaul already and Carsland is happening already.

As for Disneyland, well...

1. The 60 symbol isn't really a color so much as a valuable material. It's diamond. It will be called a diamond jubilee. And yes, I could see Sleeping Beauty Castle and all other 1955 standbys adorned in this precious jewel.
2. The DLRR stop at Critter Country I don't see happening, because the train just departed New Orleans Square just a few seconds ago.
3. The Disney parks exhibit I think would be excellent for the preshow area for Mr. Lincoln.
4. The two parades sound good enough, except make the Magical Moments parade like Tokyo's Jubilation parade, but with the addition of the train station float from the Parade of Dreams.
5. No characters in the Jungle Cruise!!!
6. Fantasmic could use some updates. One thing I'd like to see is Mickey actually "speaking", using the technology from the Dream Along With Mickey show at WDW's MK.
7. The Splash Mountain tree stump is just that, a stump. It was like that in the movie, so it should be like that all year round.
8. Instead of the Mickey Mouse Revue, let's have it be Mickey's PhilharMagic, but with additional scenes from additional movies.
9. I don't see Maelstrom fitting in at Disneyland. At Epcot, it fit in because it was with an appropriately-themed pavilion.
10. Toontown is getting some much-needed TLC, but I don't think a House of Mouse restaurant would fit. Physically, at least. It would certainly fit thematically, but there's only so much room in there.
11. DEFINITELY bring back the PeopleMover. That's what I suggested earlier. Its new entrance and queue would now go in what's currently Innoventions. The queue would feature artifacts from Tomorrowland's past.
12. Definitely return the rockets to the top of the platform. I also like the name Cosmo Jets, but the old 1960s/'70s-themed rocket tower? Not so much.
13. In the meantime, I'm thinking of a new 3D movie to eventually replace EO. It will feature Figment and Dreamfinder and be a sort of homage to the old Magic Journeys movie.
14. Why revive something like Fabrics and Fashions? I already decided for Innoventions to be the new queue for the new PeopleMover.
15. I like the theme of the Autopia right now. The only thing changed is how the cars are run. No longer will it be gasoline; now it's something more like either electricity or solar power. I can't decide which. The sound of the puttering of cars will still be heard, played over speakers in the cars.

Those are all my opinions of your ideas.


Well-Known Member
Jungle Cruise

No Disney characters in the Jungle Cruise please...there are only two pop culture figures in the attraction now and they are quite enough for anybody's taste. First there's the reference to Indiana Jones (Sometimes) when the boats pass the Temple of the Forbidden Eye, and second there's a picture of Simba from the Broadway musical version of the Lion King (Just the logo picture with the lion's head, or it may be Mufasa actually) on a shield in the farthest point of the headhunter village. Those are quite enough for me and probably guests as well. Only Small World can really get away with adding characters to it.

Besides I think I was planning on an extreme makeover for the Jungle Cruise (After all the Jungle Cruise is as old as the park and will turn sixty as well) earlier on in this thread, if not all of Adventureland. I think some of the changes I had for the Jungle Cruise were replacements or restorations to all of the animatronic figures, an improved version of headhunter country and African Veldt, and some new dialogue for the skipper scripts. I think more foliage was also part of the plan, especially in headhunter country and the hippo pool. If one looks hard enough or simply glances in a certain direction they can see the backs of the buildings on Main Street.


New Member

My husband snoring was a nightmare to me=( So i digged the web and found lots of information about it. I arranged it and so here are a few tips that can help you stop snoring the natural way without using any drugs:
* Try to stay at a healthy weight.
* Establish a routine. Make an effort to go to bed at the some time every night.
* Avoid sleeping on your back.
* Put some bricks under the legs of your bed to raise its head by 4-5 inches. This can help you stop your tongue from falling towards the back of your throat, which can result in a blocked airway.
* Quit smoking to reduce the inflammation of the airway.
* Stay away from sedatives and antihistamines.
* Get regular exercise.
* In case the air in your home is too dry, you should use a humidifier.
* If you have a stuffy nose, use decongestants to correct the problem.
* Don't use overly soft or large pillows.
Unfortunatelly forum format doesn't allow to publish all tips and info about it, so you can read more on my page


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Original Poster
I also have a few ideas for Big Thunder. First, that tragic accident from 2003 is still as fresh as ever in my head. So what they could do is replace the track and such. Meanwhile, the trains, too, would be scrapped and replaced by more safety-conscious ones. I've seen some concept art showing the trains of DL (but not WDW) have a red and black engine and red cars. It However, they would still be given those punny names that they always had, although maybe I will shuffle them around between train numbers and names.

Next, the safety spiel will be slightly altered so that it will now be a mix of the old and the current. The miner will still say, "Howdy, partners! For your safety, remain seated with your hands, arms, feet and legs inside the train and be sure to watch your kids!", but then he will say the old-style spiel after that: "And now then, hang onto them hats and glasses, 'cause this here's the wildest ride in the wilderness!" The Spanish-language spiel will be edited accordingly, too. You can view the two separate spiels here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8gyfaAGYdE (the current one), http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkVEBMB4oHg (the original one).

Finally, the new trains will have a new soundtrack, similar to Space Mountain. But in this case, it will be a very western-style soundtrack, something along the lines of the theme for "The Magnificent Seven". Maybe part of it could be the music used for the Frontierland section of "Remember Dreams Come True" (but without the trains chugging, gunshots and ricochets). It would be like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPh-lbC4BOY (wait until around 0:48...).


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Remember when I said that the Fab Six will get new costumes for the 60th? Well, here is the concept for Mickey's costume:

It's not the same as my original idea, though. I got some other ideas suggested to me to make it more like the 50th costume, but with all the gold replaced by diamonds. The concept is rough, but it should give you an indication of what it should look like. All the gray/silver spots on his suit represent diamonds, as does the blue vest he has on. The same goes with the gray dots on his otherwise white pants, which are meant to represent sparkles (and the buttons are also big diamonds). I had to make do with Adobe PhotoDeluxe, so it's a bit crude. But it should give you an idea of what to expect. I will add more costumes at a later time. As I get my ducks in a row (well, two ducks, anyway), I will line them up next to the Mickey costume.

I also thought of another DVD idea, one that might be considered a good fit for serious Disneyland fans, who enjoy reading its history and such. It would be called "Disneyland Goes To Disneyland". The first part of the title references Disneyland the TV show and the second part Disneyland the park. It would feature all of the episodes of Walt's weekly anthology series that took place at or in any way, shape or form was associated with Disneyland the park. The cover would show the old-style Disneyland logo on an old-fashioned TV, looking something like this link here: http://images.tvrage.com/shows/4/3324.jpg. And the second part of the title would show the current Disneyland logo.

Anyway, I'm sure you're wondering what the contents will be. Well, strewn about this at-least-two-disc set would be all the Disneyland-centric episodes. They are:

  • The Disneyland Story (10-27-54)
  • A Progress Report/Nature's Half Acre (2-9-55)
  • A Pre-Opening Report From Disneyland (7-13-55)
  • A Trip Through Adventureland/Water Birds (2-29-56)
  • Disneyland the Park/Pecos Bill (4-3-57)
  • An Adventure In the Magic Kingdom (4-9-58)
  • Disneyland '61/Olympic Elk (5-28-61)
  • Disneyland After Dark (4-15-62)
  • The Golden Horseshoe Revue (9-23-62)
  • Holiday Time At Disneyland (12-23-62)
  • Disneyland Goes To the World's Fair (5-17-64)
  • Disneyland's 10th Anniversary (1-3-65)
  • Disneyland Around the Seasons (12-18-66)
  • Disneyland - From the Pirates of the Caribbean To the World of Tomorrow (1-21-68)
  • Disneyland Showtime (3-22-70)

As you can see, many of the episodes would be reissued on DVD a second time, except in the "10th Anniversary" episode, in which case it would be released a third time.

However, all of the episode content would be intact. The "After Dark" episode is shown with the torch-dancing Polynesians from the show at the Tahitian Terrace, and the "10th Anniversary" show has the entire Tiki Room sequence intact. And all of the shows will now be shown in pristine quality.


Well-Known Member
Remember when I said that the Fab Six will get new costumes for the 60th? Well, here is the concept for Mickey's costume:

It's not the same as my original idea, though. I got some other ideas suggested to me to make it more like the 50th costume, but with all the gold replaced by diamonds. The concept is rough, but it should give you an indication of what it should look like. All the gray/silver spots on his suit represent diamonds, as does the blue vest he has on. The same goes with the gray dots on his otherwise white pants, which are meant to represent sparkles (and the buttons are also big diamonds). I had to make do with Adobe PhotoDeluxe, so it's a bit crude. But it should give you an idea of what to expect. I will add more costumes at a later time. As I get my ducks in a row (well, two ducks, anyway), I will line them up next to the Mickey costume.

I also thought of another DVD idea, one that might be considered a good fit for serious Disneyland fans, who enjoy reading its history and such. It would be called "Disneyland Goes To Disneyland". The first part of the title references Disneyland the TV show and the second part Disneyland the park. It would feature all of the episodes of Walt's weekly anthology series that took place at or in any way, shape or form was associated with Disneyland the park. The cover would show the old-style Disneyland logo on an old-fashioned TV, looking something like this link here: http://images.tvrage.com/shows/4/3324.jpg. And the second part of the title would show the current Disneyland logo.

Anyway, I'm sure you're wondering what the contents will be. Well, strewn about this at-least-two-disc set would be all the Disneyland-centric episodes. They are:

  • The Disneyland Story (10-27-54)
  • A Progress Report/Nature's Half Acre (2-9-55)
  • A Pre-Opening Report From Disneyland (7-13-55)
  • A Trip Through Adventureland/Water Birds (2-29-56)
  • Disneyland the Park/Pecos Bill (4-3-57)
  • An Adventure In the Magic Kingdom (4-9-58)
  • Disneyland '61/Olympic Elk (5-28-61)
  • Disneyland After Dark (4-15-62)
  • The Golden Horseshoe Revue (9-23-62)
  • Holiday Time At Disneyland (12-23-62)
  • Disneyland Goes To the World's Fair (5-17-64)
  • Disneyland's 10th Anniversary (1-3-65)
  • Disneyland Around the Seasons (12-18-66)
  • Disneyland - From the Pirates of the Caribbean To the World of Tomorrow (1-21-68)
  • Disneyland Showtime (3-22-70)
As you can see, many of the episodes would be reissued on DVD a second time, except in the "10th Anniversary" episode, in which case it would be released a third time.

However, all of the episode content would be intact. The "After Dark" episode is shown with the torch-dancing Polynesians from the show at the Tahitian Terrace, and the "10th Anniversary" show has the entire Tiki Room sequence intact. And all of the shows will now be shown in pristine quality.

At the end, you could use the EPCOT Film as a translation between these DVDs and DVDs for WDW's 40th anniversary.

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