Certainly. But why would Zip a Dee River Run be a better name than Splash Mountain? The 'Mountain' theme across Disneyland's E Ticket thrill experiences helps unify the park and give a more adult feel to the attractions. Zip a Dee sounds like a C ticket Fantasyland dark ride, like "Brer Rabbit's wild log run" that has limited appeal to adults.
What's your point?
Eisner was certainly no saint- the man is dishonest, petty, and arrogant. I'm not here to defend his character or work ethic. But Disney is in far better shape because of his leadership than it would be had he never come on board. And at least Eisner tried to offer creative input where possible and dialogue with the Imagineers.
Obviously, with Eisner it's essential to judge the first decade ('84-95) against his second decade. After Katzenberg left, Wells died, and he had heart surgery many problems arose for The Walt Disney Company and a slew of poor executive decisions were made that were near horrific for the company- and it's from this period that much of the fandom's distate for Eisner arose.
For me personally, I love what he did for Disneyland in that first good decade (Eo, Star Tours, Splash Mountain, Fantasmic!, Indiana Jones) enough that I think it outweighs the damage done in the second half of the decade (excluding of course the lives lost, which were horrific events that are completely inexcusable).
I seriously doubt Splash Mountain would have been green lit with Iger and Chapek in charge. So we have to at least give Eisner credit there.
Of course, Iger has been inflicting damage on Disneyland in other ways that aren't related to lack of budget. The increase in investment in Disneyland we've seen over the last 5 years has altered the fabric of the park significantly, and we won't know how both the creative, and economic decisions made in regards to Disneyland have actually impacted the park for another few years.