Disney yuck


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We get sick either on or after, every trip. Every single one. It's always a sinus thing.

We have come to the conclusion that since we travel when it's cooler to cold at home and come to Disney when it's warm out, it's the hotel AC that triggers a sinus irritation. Every time we turn AC at home, we get some kind of irritation in throat or nose. That's our best guess anyways.

Getting sick is just part of our routine now. 😄
That's wild. You get a full blown infection from that??

I'll say it's definitely a problem for us. We are from the northeast so it's very different to transition from humidity to AC. We rarely use AC even in the summer. We all seem to have versions of whatever this is. Our son being the worst affected. I don't think it's caused by the AC but it's not helping. My husband swears taking walks outside make it better.

I shouldn't be surprised by getting sick but it's so depressing. This one knocked our son out. We've generally gotten short lived sickness from Disney.

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
It could be covid too
How do you not know?

If you suspect, you take a test.

If it is, you could have gotten the meds on day one and possibly been better by now.

Please let them know to deep clean the room so the next family doesn’t go through this.

As far as prevention, extra vitamin D and C the week before and during. Extra water. Regular hand-washing in the parks. Don’t hold onto railings, dividers, etc. If you do, wash your hands/use sanitizer.

While sick, adults should be drinking at least a gallon of water per day.


Well-Known Member
Never mind the attraction lines!
Oh, absolutely - it's just a matter of degrees.

At least in most attraction lines there are high ceilings and more airflow in general, and WDW doesn't use as many back to back switchbacks as other parks or even Disneyland has, so you are definitely sharing air with the people around you as you move through, but even if the line is long, it's overall less people in your immediate "bug catching" area.

But those busses...they make me think about how people say that when you, ahem...make love with someone, in a way - you are making love to everyone they have ever...made love to. When you spend even 10-15 minutes in an enclosed WDW bus with the same 70 or so people - you basically have shared air with every single person on that vehicle by the time you get off.

That's why my threshold is there with the busses (aside from the fact that I just like having my own vehicle at WDW, where I can enjoy the quiet, or play whatever music I want, depending - and I've timed it before, even park hopping - when you count bus waits and such, it really is about the same or even less time traveling).

One thing COVID taught me is that I enjoy not being sick, LOL. I have asthma and allergies that are quite manageable most of the time, but when I get even a regular cold it makes them 10x worse and just what would be "the sniffles" for most people is miserable for me. And pre-COVID, I'm just amazed that I would catch something like every other month. I don't feel the need to mask in general, but you are darn tootin' I have a good one in my pocket for when I am in very close quarters, especially when you hear someone around you sniffing or coughing. I've only gotten sick once since 2020 - still never got COVID - and the cold I got was from a concert where I said to heck with it and didn't bring the mask. Lesson learned. ;)


Well-Known Member
I'll say it's definitely a problem for us. We are from the northeast so it's very different to transition from humidity to AC. We rarely use AC even in the summer. We all seem to have versions of whatever this is. Our son being the worst affected. I don't think it's caused by the AC but it's not helping. My husband swears taking walks outside make it better.
In the Northeast as well, and my conclusion with AC has been to make super-sure that any water in it is fully drained, and it the whole thing is completely free of any moisture in and out before you store it (in the fall, I even have taken mine outside to put under the sun on it's side to make sure it's totally dried out).

I think because we don't run them year-round, they are more susceptible to internal mold build-up, especially if we stick them in a closet or something as soon as we take them down. That's why when you sometimes plug it in for the first time of the season, you get that slightly musty smell coming out of it that usually goes away.

We use the standing, "portable" ones (that have an exhaust out the window), and a few years ago when I brought it out of storage that slight musty smell didn't go away in the first few hours like it usually does, even though I had totally washed the filter. When I stuck a flashlight into the grate and looked inside, I was horrified. The thing was shut off and immediately taken outside to be disposed of. There was mold all through the insides that you would never see normally.

Absolutely learned my lesson on that one!


Well-Known Member
Sorry you're all sick. A good number of times we've been sick on vacation, including WDW, it involved stomach problems.

One way we've reduced how often we get sick is through probiotic foods, like skyr yogurt. We've also come to absolutely love kimchi and sauerkraut. (Sadly, Casey's no longer offers it. :() High quality cheese is another option. The other is to drink LOTS of water at WDW!

The other thing we have learned it that it can be hard to find 'recovery diet' foods at WDW like plain rice, plain chicken. Food courts have bananas, and kids' meals maybe have applesauce. One place to get plain rice is the China QS in Epcot. The food court in the Land also has plain rice. One place you can get a fairly plain meal is Yak and Yeti in AK. (Terriyaki chicken with plain rice). Universal is better about having plain rice, IMO. You can get plain noodles and rice in a few places, like the Panda Express in Citywalk. Near WDW there are also some offsite options like Panda Express via possible delivery. IMO, WDW should have plain rice available at every food court.

Hope you feel better soon!

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