MOXOMUMD Well-Known Member Oct 17, 2014 #741 tcool said: Oops sorry I read it wrong Indiana Jones BATB should get a ride at MK Click to expand... WYR @tcool finish his turn or not?
tcool said: Oops sorry I read it wrong Indiana Jones BATB should get a ride at MK Click to expand... WYR @tcool finish his turn or not?
tcool Well-Known Member Oct 17, 2014 #742 finish his turn -- he tends to forget these things WYR eat an apple from The Queen or The Witch?
MOXOMUMD Well-Known Member Oct 19, 2014 #743 The Queen, The Queen in Brave that is. No bad apples for me. WYR have Hermione's handbag or Yen Sid's wand?
The Queen, The Queen in Brave that is. No bad apples for me. WYR have Hermione's handbag or Yen Sid's wand?
tcool Well-Known Member Oct 19, 2014 #744 Wand because the I can enchant my own handbag. WYR play croquet with The Queen of Hearts or The Red Queen
Wand because the I can enchant my own handbag. WYR play croquet with The Queen of Hearts or The Red Queen
MOXOMUMD Well-Known Member Oct 19, 2014 #745 Helena Bonham Carter as The Queen of Hearts as long as she brings her hubby, (Tim Burton), I'd love to meet both of them. WYR co-star with Johnny Depp or Harrison Ford?
Helena Bonham Carter as The Queen of Hearts as long as she brings her hubby, (Tim Burton), I'd love to meet both of them. WYR co-star with Johnny Depp or Harrison Ford?
tcool Well-Known Member Oct 19, 2014 #746 Harrison Ford in Star Wars WYR direct Episode 10 of SW or Indiana Jones Reboot
MOXOMUMD Well-Known Member Oct 19, 2014 #747 Indiana Jones reboot, I know where to pick up the storyline WYR there be a Nightmare Before Halloween or a Nightmare Before New Years?
Indiana Jones reboot, I know where to pick up the storyline WYR there be a Nightmare Before Halloween or a Nightmare Before New Years?
MOXOMUMD Well-Known Member Oct 20, 2014 #749 DHS, my favorite rides/show is there. WYR share a resort room with Donald or Goofy?
tcool Well-Known Member Oct 20, 2014 #750 Goofy -- he owns a candy company so I can have some....and an airplane but I don't trust him on that one. TNP wants to live with Maleficent or Evil Queen
Goofy -- he owns a candy company so I can have some....and an airplane but I don't trust him on that one. TNP wants to live with Maleficent or Evil Queen
MOXOMUMD Well-Known Member Oct 20, 2014 #751 I guess I would choose the Evil Queen and save Snow White. WYR win $500 worth of Frozen or Big Hero 6 merchandise?
I guess I would choose the Evil Queen and save Snow White. WYR win $500 worth of Frozen or Big Hero 6 merchandise?
tcool Well-Known Member Oct 20, 2014 #752 Frozen and sell for an "unbeatable" price WYR sing or dance
MOXOMUMD Well-Known Member Oct 24, 2014 #753 I wanna dance! (Probably because I can't very well.) WYR have apple or pumpkin pie?
StarWarsGirl Well-Known Member In the Parks No Oct 25, 2014 #754 Apple pie WYR have WDW's prices go up with an increase in quality or down with a decrease in quality?
Apple pie WYR have WDW's prices go up with an increase in quality or down with a decrease in quality?
MOXOMUMD Well-Known Member Oct 25, 2014 #755 Down to match the current quality. WYR have a free Winter Summerland or Fantasia Gardens pass for life?
Down to match the current quality. WYR have a free Winter Summerland or Fantasia Gardens pass for life?
StarWarsGirl Well-Known Member In the Parks No Oct 25, 2014 #756 I prefer Fantasia Gardens. With my AP discount, it's not that expensive to go now ($8 a person) but still. WYR bring back Off Kilter or World Showcase Players?
I prefer Fantasia Gardens. With my AP discount, it's not that expensive to go now ($8 a person) but still. WYR bring back Off Kilter or World Showcase Players?
MOXOMUMD Well-Known Member Oct 25, 2014 #757 Off Kilter most definitely. They play RUSH. WYR have Red fish or Blue fish?
RMichael21 Well-Known Member Oct 28, 2014 #758 Blue Fish! WYR hold dynamite while it goes off or get smushed by 20 tons of snow?
MOXOMUMD Well-Known Member Oct 28, 2014 #759 Hmm, as much as I hate snow.... WYR MNSSHP had an adult only HHN-type section or stay as is?
tcool Well-Known Member Oct 28, 2014 #760 Stay as is HHN made me cry and I have no plans for doing HHN again anytime soon.... WYR ride Cinderella's Carousel clockwise or counter clockwise
Stay as is HHN made me cry and I have no plans for doing HHN again anytime soon.... WYR ride Cinderella's Carousel clockwise or counter clockwise