disney world spending money


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Hi im going to walt disney world in a few weeks a was waundering if 550$ us is enough spending money for nine days? oh and I have the disney dining plan so its just for the extrasthanks


Well-Known Member
walt said:
Hi im going to walt disney world in a few weeks a was waundering if 550$ us is enough spending money for nine days? oh and I have the disney dining plan so its just for the extrasthanks
How many are there, or is it just you.
I don't know about anyone else but whenever I got with family we always budget $100 per person per day including food.

Even then given that we are an extravigant bunch (Bought an extra large Eeyore, a Procelain Figment and a Tinkerbell plate last time, among numerous other things) we usually end up hitting the credit card a bit as well (last time it was an extra $800)

End of the day though I think the amount you need is as individual as you are.

When I go, I tend to go into "big spender" mode, with money being no object and worrying about the cost when we get home, but then there are other's that only need enough to cover their food.

So, really you need to ask yourself two things:

How many people are going?
How wild do you want to go with shopping/spending?


New Member
Hard to Say

This is really hard to recommend to anyone, it's so individual. We too spend a lot of money when at WDW....it's our big spluge of the year. Even if it's just you and you vacation like we do I would say that's not nearly enough, but we tend to spend more than the average.

It might be okay since you won't be spending much on food....but still it's hard to say.


New Member
If it is just you and you are just going to enjoy the parks and the hotel is already paid for and you are talking about money for food and extras then yes you can do it for that much. I was there in Sept for nine days and spent approx $500 for food,parking,gas and extras. Now keep in mind that i did not but stuff at any of the shops to take home. Just went to have fun. If it is just you, you can have fun and eat and snack for $300-550 depending where you like to eat. Now I did not do a sit down resturant at any of the parks but it is possiable to get buy on that amount for ONE person.

Keep in mind this is with your hotel/rental car air fare all taken care off ahead of time.

In any case Have fun..


Ahhh..Iwish you all the luck...

My wife and I where there for 7 days in September with the dining plan....I had originally planned on $600. I left with a $1000 and came home less than a dollar in change....(I had to search my goodies for enough to get a bottle of water at the air port) ;-) and an additional $500 on the credit card.......sweeet. I do it all over again too

But I am a "heck with it I am on vacay" kind of person.....it was very hot when we where there...think we average 6 bottles water per day x$2 x2 people x7 days =$168. This does not include snacks at the resort pool ext...adds up quick. Was 22 dollars to do laundry on the resort.


New Member
There have been times when I spent $5k in a week and times when I spent $300 in a week.It really depends where you are staying and what kind of spending tastes you have. I remember going to Disney at 20 being broke and having a $20 last me all day. If that's your budget-that's your budget. If your lodging and food is prepayed I'd think $550 for 9 days will buy you alot of entertainment provided you don't drink heavy.I know I can't go to PI with less than $100,but I do tend to get a little saucy.


Well-Known Member
I just read that you have the dining plan.. you should be fine as long as you dont drink a lot of alchohol or buy alot of souvineers!!!

Just stick to the parks.. have fun.. and eat big fun dinners with your dining plan :)


Well-Known Member
I budget myself 100 a person per day, but I usually never hit that. We only have either breakfast or lunch and then dinner. We have a snack or 2 and a few drinks.


Well-Known Member
If you already have the dining plan and you don't plan to go crazy on souveniers and "extras" (like Cirque du Soliel) you will be fine.


New Member
I'm a spending freak when I go to WDW. That won't be enough for me. Well if you are going for 9 days then divided 9 by $550 you get $61 dollars a day.

Now are you comfortable with $61 dollars a day for spending money & food & what every else you want. That is how I break it down. I think how much i want perday for what every I need. Then I just take that much.


Active Member
When we went in August with the dining plan, my brother's family only spent a few hundred dollars for 8 days (2 adults, 2 kids). First, I recommend buying the refillable mug and if you eat breakfast at the foodcourt in the morning, you are entitled to a drink with your meal, therefore, you can pick up a bottle of water or soda each to take with you to the parks. Also, if you are going to have any days by the pool the mugs will save you money overall.


You can never have too much cash when going to WDW! Just make sure when all is said and done that you had a great time and you still hold the deed to your house!


Premium Member
I added up all my receipts after I got home from my recent trip. We were in Disney for 10 nights and 11 days and spent about $550 on souvenirs, so an average of $50 per day. That's for 2 adults and 2 toddlers.


New Member
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">I reccommend $1000 dollers if you plan to buy survioners.</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">


Well-Known Member
When my mom and I head down we usually take $1000 US each. We usually spend about $300 on food (we don't do the dining plan as it isn't really beneficial to us) and then we have $700 to spend on souvenirs and stuff and we're usually there for 6 full days and 1 half day.:wave:

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