Disney World Radio!!

Pecos Bill1201

New Member
Original Poster
I Hope I'm Not Breaking Any Rules Here...There is an amazing website called live365.com, maybe you have heard of it. Basically a radio station website, well type in the word Disney and see what comes up. I found two stations that I have been listening to non-stop. The first is called LaughinPlace Radio, nothing but Disney songs all kinds not just the ones on the classics. The secound station is my favorite and will be for many more, the station is called Park Hopper radio and it plays stuff I could only dream of..right now Alien Encounter is playing..the whole ride 12:19sec..If this is old hat for anybody I am sorry..I had to say something. When you hear the resort tv jingles on a website it just makes you smile. Well got to go their playing Frontierland - Shootin' Arcade. Feel Like I'm There!!


Account Suspended
Disney Radio

There are some (pay options) available on Live365, but they are inexpensive. And there are great stations to listen to. i used to listen to RadioBuena Vista, before it became one of their "vip" stations. I know listen to Sorcerer Radio, which also plays park music. (ride quese, parade music, Disney Resort TV, etc. ). They are a lot of fun to listen to. I'm listening to it as I type this post.

Everyone who hasn't please check out LIVE365, or Disney Rob Radio.


Well-Known Member
Many of the live365 stations are free. Specifically, there are a handful of Disney stations you can listen to without paying- very cool- lots of actual recorded audio- close your eyes and you could imagine being in the parks!

I'm bummed though- the one place I'd like to listen the most: at work- I'm unable to. It's not prohibited but our network will not allow the live365 player to be installed on the computer and the other option is RealPlayer which is also not installed on our work computers.
I guess for now I'll just ahve to keep bringing CD's (although I sure wish that actual park audio was coming over the speakers at work in anticipation of my next visit to WDW!)


Well-Known Member
I love live365! I am always listening to Park Hopper radio(formerly Disney Park Hopper Radio) I love the sound clips especially since many have the noise from the crowd in them and you can really feel like your there almost.

Dopey Dave

New Member
A word of caution about listening to streaming audio at work. This takes up network bandwidth. We had one office that was complaining that their computers were running slow. Turned out everyone was listening to music. Management was not happy.


New Member
Originally posted by Dopey Dave
A word of caution about listening to streaming audio at work. This takes up network bandwidth. We had one office that was complaining that their computers were running slow. Turned out everyone was listening to music. Management was not happy.

Yeah - this is absolutely true, especially if you have a slower connection like an ISDN line. Bigger companies will have dedicated ciruits, and will use firewalls to throttle non-essential bandwith (or block it completely). But if you work in a small office, be careful, a bunch of streaming audio sessions can cripple a network pretty easily.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
I been listening to various Live365.com feeds for over a year. Where I work now frowned on it (actually, only my team lead did, and her reasons were incredibly thin and contrived), but I've been in places where only abusers of bandwidth have it blocked. In larger networks, you could get it working, if they allow any outbound traffic thru (which is how it should be ;) ), but some stations can take up quite a bit of bandwidth. Best to do some social engineering and see if it's ok, rather than just blatantly ask the networking guys. :hammer:


New Member
Originally posted by HauntedPirate
In larger networks, you could get it working, if they allow any outbound traffic thru (which is how it should be ;) ), but some stations can take up quite a bit of bandwidth.

Oh no no no.... I could write up about 30 pages here of why all outbound traffic should default to blocked - but that's waaaay off topic!! :D :lol:


New Member
just signed on........... its pretty coll a bit confusing though.....are they actually radio stations? for instance i clicked on park hopper and heard like a crowd of people... what exactly is that? is this live? or recored stuff from parks? also can you pick what you want to listen to?:veryconfu


New Member
Wow, this is sweet! The first two things i heard when i opened "Florida Project Radio" were a clip from Horizons followed by the If You Had Wings boarding announcements. Now its a clip from the World of Motion.

Definately recommend checking this out, thanks for the tip!


New Member
Project Florida Radio is my favorite station. :sohappy:

On the other topic here, while we have four load-balanced T1s at work, streaming media is blocked at the firewall unless you have requested to have it allowed and have proven that your need is work-related.


Well-Known Member
Hi there all. A while ago someone had told me about Florida Project Radio on live365.com. I was able to get in to go on my new puter and have been hooked ever since. Recently it became an Premier station meaning you have to pay for it, but not much like $20. I just went to go look again and it doesnt appear to be a premier station anymore....What is going on??? Anyhow it is a cool station, although my IT Director did look at it for me, as I told him I would have liked to be able to burn some CDs of this type of music, to play on my work computer as I cant download the player onto my PC at work. I am not very knowledgable on the CD burning thing. He said as the kilobit rate wasnt that high it wouldnt come out to well and would probably cut out here and there, which I know it does!! Belle


New Member
I have no clue on burning CDs from streaming media, but on the first question, I don't think that Project Florida went Premium. I think that it probably had a surge of interest from the last time that we mentioned it here on WDWMagic and the channel got full so that only VIP subscribers could get to it. The volume probably dropped off, and so now we can get to it again. Of course, I could be wrong, which would lead to the scenario that they went Premium, listenership dropped off, and they decided to go back to Basic. My money's on the first one, though.


New Member
Originally posted by Bagheera
I have no clue on burning CDs from streaming media

It's not something that is going to be real easy to do for the average computer user. Aside from all of the potential copyright issues, it would be a pain in the butt to do technically. In fact, you may end up having to go from digital to analog and back to digital again. I'm sure that someone out there probably has a solution, but I don't know of any 'easy' way to accomplish this feat.


Well-Known Member
Hey Strobe, That is exactly what I found out once I started digging around. At first I felt like a real techno loser, but as I am an honorary member of the IT Department at work ( as per my IT Director!) I asked him to take a look at it for me, and that was how he came up with the explanation I got. I think your is a tad more expansive though!! I dont feel like such an idiot anymore, and I have heard a friend or two might have some of the music that I want and would be willing to let me borrow it!!!
Hey Bagheera, I am all kinds of confused as far as the Florida Project Radio, as the one morning that I couldnt get into the station I did go to live365 and looked it up and the color of the play icon was gold as opposed to yellow indicating a premium station? Or maybe it does that when it is full? In any case for 23 bucks or thereabouts I have no ads either, so that is fine and I may decide to extend my membership, as I really do enjoy the station!! Belle

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