Disney World Hauntings


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Do y'all know of any good books about hauntings at Disney World hauntings? I know a while back there was a lot of talk about rumors of ghosts. Are there any books out with stories about it?


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
i've seen stuff happen on the second story of alien encounter, ie backstage.. namely mists where there isn't any reason for there to be one, and the sense of someone watching over you


New Member
Perhaps the most well known "haunting" is at Pirates of the Carribean. My manager was giving me a behind the scenes tour of the attraction and I asked him about George. George is the name of a construction worker who was apparently killed by a falling beam or some structure. Whenever the opening cast member starts the attraction they have to say "good morning, George" or else they will run into problems throughout the day. At night they say "good night George." How true the story is is beyond me, but I bet if you ask a cast member operating it they will admit saying "good morning george." One of my friends in the CP who worked in Adventureland admitted to saying it.


Well-Known Member
O i always hated goign backstage by alien it scared me. Heard about the pirates one. but alien still scares me. too bad HM dont have any ghost LOL..


New Member
I haven't exactly felt or seen ghosts at Disney, but I can say that the island in the middle of the Carribean Beach Resort at night, by yourself, is definately VERY creepy! Maybe it's just the thick trees and bamboo....I don't k now! definately creepy!
Has anyone else felt anything creepy at WDW?:confused:


New Member
Yup, I can confirm the Pirates story. I worked in merchandise at Pirates, and had friends who worked the attraction who told me all about that.

Another one is at Splash Mountain, often around drop 3 (the really little one going into the laughing place). I had a friend who worked there and swears by it. The story goes that someone was having a heart attack, and when their log stopped at the top of that little drop, they tried to climb out and when the log started moving again, they fell and were crushed. Now, they sensors there give high-water level warnings when there is not a problem. Also, one of the CMs was doing a ride-through, and when he got to hte Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah scene, he said there was this dark shadow movinig around the room, but absolutely nothing casting the shadow.

There's one at the Haunted Mansion, oddly enough, the "Old Man With the Cane." He is seen sometimes by CMs at load/unload, just sitting in a DoomBuggy, unresponsive.

I have heard of the one in AE, and also the Alien scene in GMR has apaprently had its share of haunts, but I don't know the details on that one.

Over here on the West Coast, Disneyland's Haunted Mansion is just rife with real ghost stories. Sooo many sightings, and Cast Members that have had things so scary happen to them that they literally ran out of the building screaming, and refused to work in there again. Sounds a bit out there... but I know someone who worked there about 14 years ago, and he insists that stuff like that DOES happen and has happened to him.



New Member
POTC Ghost Stories....

I am a Cast Member who works at Pirates of the Caribbean. George is in Walt Disney World, NOT DisneyLand.
And we do talk about George. However it is NOT true about saying Good Morning to him when we power up the ride in the morning. We only say good night to George... I know that several times people forgot to do so and the next day we would exprience some diffuculties. Its really fun to work in an attraction that is known to be "haunted."

Some CM's have said they have seen George in the cameras. Sometimes we find doors open that we know we have closed behind us. Some CM's have felt tapping or tugging on their costumes as if someone was behind them getting their attn, but there is never anyone there....

No Walt Disney is not burried in POTC. I have heard that a few times when there. No I have never seen George. But I have witnessed some creepy things happen in that building.


New Member
I'm such a sucker for ghost stories! I LOVE them! Anymore anyone? I think it would be interesting to work in "haunted" place!


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by imagineer boy
Can anyone tell me more about the Alien Encounter Ghost?

i've heard that it was a maintenance worker who had passed on...


I love stories about hauntings. I like ones like these (someone said they knew someone who...). I don't like the ones like the campfire stories.

I have read dozens of books about "true" hauntings, but never about any at WDW or DL. This is so cool. Please anyone else who has had any experiences please share.:D


Well-Known Member
This may creep some of you out, buuuuuuuuuuttttttttt........

I kinda have an ability like in the 6th sense. Now I can't see them, but i do feel their presence when they are around.

Anyway. Last time I was at WDW, I felt more of a presence there than anywhere else I have been. Cinderella's Castle has what seems to be some 25 spirits. POTC has at least 5 spirits (George included), and the Ex-Mission to Mars/Alien Encounter building has way more than I can tell.

Haunted Mansion... has 14. And yes there is the man with a cane. Not to mention the couple who is in the ballroom.

Now I don't really like talking about this but if you want to ask me anything, go right ahead.


Originally posted by Static-X
This may creep some of you out, buuuuuuuuuuttttttttt........

I kinda have an ability like in the 6th sense. Now I can't see them, but i do feel their presence when they are around.

Now I don't really like talking about this but if you want to ask me anything, go right ahead.

Can you like separate the entities or can you just tell they are there. Also can you tell if they are guests workers or like pre existing spirits from before the park opened(like came with the land).

On a personal note right after my Grandpa past away my mom, grandma and myself had gone on a trip to WDW. We were walking along that path that goes from the bridge going into Tomorrow Land to Main Street by the ice cream shop; it was late and there wasn't another person on the path other than the three of us. We were in the middle of the path and I walked through this 3 feet of the smell of cigar smoke just like my grandpa used to smoke. It was just in this little area and there wasn't anyone there to have produced it. It gave me chills.:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Here's a question, is it just limited to the MK? What about Epcot? Also, any news on wether or not those spirits are from those who died there, or just retured there?


New Member
Oh this is fun to hear Disney ghost stories...but I'm going to go back to the original question...is there any books on this subject for disney world? But keep the stories coming


New Member
How about ghost on the People Mover? Ive heard a few idiot teenagers have died on it from jumping to car to car.

Or how about the little girl at body wars?

I kind of have a 6th sence... I have this chill or awkardness when I feel there is a ghost around. I think are more ghost at the resorts though. I always felt uncomfortable at the Port Orleans resort, especially the french quarter.

I do have a picture from Epcot in 2001, there is a orb floating over me and my brother and siter.

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