It's simple really, expecting hot, crowded and expensive is a given, pretty much everyone expects that. But a lot of people have literally no idea the levels that Disney takes those things too. Too a lot of people their definition and understanding of crowded is the mall on a Saturday. Expensive is a movie and a trip to Olive Garden. It's all relative and they're are very, very few things in the world that can prepare someone for Disney World in July and all the issues that come with a trip like that.
Think about it. You're going to Disney for the first time. What else have you done in your life that has prepared you for making reservations for every meal 6 months out? What other places have you gone that require you to plan every minute of your day 3 months out? Where on earth can just buying a ticket to get in be as complex? Where else can you be packed sardine style in blistering heat while waiting in line to wait in line?
Nowhere. Nowhere at all. First timers have nothing to prepare them for the levels that Disney takes things too. Then imagine trying to research a trip and every website you go to is full of gibberish like "Doing EMH at MK with the new MB and hoping 7DMT is open, if not it's BTMRR while MSEP is running, unless DW changes her mind and we head over to DHS for TGMR, ST2 and then to EPCOT for ROE, TTv2, LwtL and a nightcap in WS before heading back to WDPOFQR." I can totally see where it would be overwhelming for someone trying to plan a trip today.