Did it close again? I tracked it as having re-opened 6/29.
The half and 10k had both sold out for 4 months, both re-opened on 6/29. If they closed/re-opened again since then I missed it. I haven't' seen the 5k reopen since that closed the first time.
I think some of the charities and travel agents are indeed returning bibs. But there would need to be alot of returns for a) events to re-open as often as they have and b) for them to remain re-opened as long as they have. In other instances (W&D being one of them) I think they are pulling some slow selling challenge bibs and splitting them into their respective events. Both the 1/2 and 10k re-opened for registration on the same day in this case, so it would seem to be what they did. They have done it publicly before, so there is precedence for them to do it.
I think registrations have dropped almost across the board, with the exception being the Princess. Just glancing at my tracker, in 2017 so far
- Marathon Weekend reg closed with 1/2, Full and both challenges available and the full NEVER sold out
- Light Side reg closed with 1/2 and 10k open, 1/2 NEVER sold out
- Princess all sold
- Dark Side offered "late registration" for 1/2, 1/2 NEVER sold out
- Tinkerbell offered "late registration" for challenge, 1/2 and 10k, 1/2 and challenge NEVER sold out
It's not just runDisney though, running events across the board seem to be down. Many of the obstacle course events have folded, and others don't have nearly the demand they once did. A few years back there was a new gimmick race every month, from Zombie runs to Glow runs and the like, and I don't hear about them at all now.